November 17th 2004: Authors of the newly released book, Mastering Astral Projection, Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer gave 25 top-quality presets used in their book to the BrainWave Generator users for free! The presets are available in the Preset Library.
November 4th 2004: The look and functionality of the Preset Library was greatly enhanced. New functionality include voting for ratings and sorting preset lists by any column.
January 14th 2004: BrainWave Generator update 3.1.11 was released. This is a bug-fix release that improves the processing speed of certain presets.
February 20th 2003: BrainWave Generator update 3.1.9 was released. This is a bug-fix release. The most visible change is fixed background colors on Windows XP systems.
November 17th 2002: The Preset library was reorganized so that all downloadable presets are now sorted by their category. This should make it is easier to find presets for different uses.
November 10th 2002: BrainWave Generator Affiliate Program was announced.
November 10th 2002: BrainWave Generator update 3.1.8 was released. This is a bug-fix release that improves the output sound quality in some presets.
April 18th 2002: BrainWave Generator update 3.1.7 was release. This is a minor bug-fix release.
January 11th 2002: BrainWave Generator is now available on a CD. To order the CD, please select the "Yes, I wish to add 1 CD-ROM" option on the BrainWave Generator registration page. The CD costs $12.95 plus $2.00 shipping ($2.00 includes shipping everywhere around the world). Users who have already registered can get the CD here.
January 7th 2002: BrainWave Generator update 3.1.6 was released. This is a minor bug-fix release.
November 5th 2001: BrainWave Generator version 3.1.5 was released. This is a minor release with some bug fixes, and the AudioStrobe signal waveform and AudioStrobe signal duty cycle settings.
May 7th 2001: BrainWave Generator version 3.1.4 was released. This is a minor release with several bug fixes, and other enhancements.
December 13th 2000: Commercial and/or clinical license information was released. See more information.
May 31st 2000: An import bug in BrainWave Generator 3.1 was fixed.
May 15th 2000: BrainWave Generator 3.1 was released to public. See the associated press release.
February 27th 2000: Beta testing of BrainWave Generator 3 started. More than 200 beta testers were sent copies of Bwgen 3.0 beta.
February 21st 2000: The mailing list archive was cleaned from the old cryptic all-text format to a nicer HTML format with headers, separator lines etc. Also, all attachments sent to the list will now be stored and shown as separate files. Please have a look at the new format. You'll find it pleasurable to read!
September 20th 1999: Version 2.0.9 with one bug-fix was released. The bug occurred when playing a long (longer than about 30 minutes) preset into a .wav file. In this case, the preset length was "truncated" to about 30 minutes.
August 11th 1999: Our secondary registration provider, Public Software Library, is no longer available for registering BrainWave Generator. Please use our main provider, RegSoft.COM. For more information, see the Registration page.
July 23rd 1999: Archives of the BrainWave Generator mailing list are now available.
May 13th 1999: Due to popular demand, a new version of BrainWave Generator (2.0.8) with the "Play into .wav file" function was released.
 | March 10th 1999: BrainWave Generator was updated to version 2.0.7. The only difference is a fixed bug which caused registered version to play a "Remember to register" sound occasionally.
February 6th 1999: BrainWave Generator was updated to version 2.0.6. The only difference is a bug fix which now allows using 16-bit wave backgrounds without extra noise.
January 11th 1999: Version 2.0 was released to public. See the associated press release.
November 2nd 1998: Version 2.0 was released for beta testing.
July 15th 1998: Version 1.1 was released to public on July 15th 1998.
June 22nd 1998: Version 1.0 was released for beta testing.