| BrainWave Generator 3.1 press releasePRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New release of brain entrainment software BrainWave Generator 3.1 ============================================= Espoo, FINLAND -- May 15th 2000 -- A Windows software for sound stimulation of the brain was released today by a Finnish software company, Noromaa Solutions. BrainWave Generator uses sounds to help change the brain frequency. This way, it is possible to enhance relaxation, prepare for stressful situations and alleviate sleeping problems and headaches. How does BrainWave Generator work? ------------------------------------- Human brain generates vibrations in the range of 1 to 50Hz. These vibrations can be measured from the surface of the scalp by the EEG technology. The dominant frequency of the brain can tell much of a person's state of mind: typical day-time frequencies range from 15 to 30Hz, while frequencies from 1 to 4Hz occur during the deepest stages of sleep. Frequencies around 8 to 12Hz usually indicate a relaxed state of mind. The idea of BrainWave Generator is to change brain frequency towards the desired range. For this purpose, it generates binaural beats. When two tones of a different frequency are supplied into the ears - let's say 500Hz into the left ear and 510Hz into the right ear - the brain perceives the difference of 10Hz and tends to adjust its dominant frequency to match the difference. This is called brain wave entrainment. What are the effects of brain wave entrainment? -------------------------------- With different BrainWave Generator programs, you can - Relax and prepare for stressful situations - Induce sleep - Alleviate headaches and migraines - Focus attention - Improve learning results - Meditate and enhance awareness - Reach a self-hypnosis/subliminal programming state Features of BrainWave Generator ------------------------------- - Easy-to-use interface with context-sensitive help and configuration wizard - More than 20 preset brain entrainment programs ranging from relaxation and sleep induction to headache alleviation - Possibility to create your own brain entrainment programs - Visual stimulation by flashing window to enhance the brain wave entrainment effect. BrainWave Generator also supports the AudioStrobe signaling system that allows you to use external goggles. - Export and import of brain entrainment programs in file format allows you to exchange them with other users (in the registered version only) - A selection of 18 background sounds ranging from gently flowing river to roll of thunder. You can also use your own external .WAV files. - When creating your own programs, you can add up to 10 simultaneous tones. For each tone, you can modify parameters such as binaural beat frequency, volume, audible pitch, modulation and waveform. Availability and distribution ----------------------------- BrainWave Generator is available for free trial at our Web page (http://www.bwgen.com/download). BrainWave Generator is distributed under the "shareware" concept, meaning that users can try it out for one month. After the trial period, they can register for $40. Contact information ------------------- More information on BrainWave Generator is available at: http://www.bwgen.com Information on the AudioStrobe system and purchase information on external goggles is available at: http://www.audiostrobe.com You can also contact Mr. Mikko Noromaa at Noromaa Solutions: Telephone: +358 40 734 8034 Email: [email protected] Regular mail: Naavakalliontie 2 C, 02120 Espoo, FINLAND