This is a great little program and a good opportunity to connect regarding brain entrainment and states of consciousness. I've been around this site a few times, and one thing I've noticed is that we all tend to seek a profound experience through these presets. I know i've done this off and on for some time now. I see many many comments like "what exactly does this preset do?" HERE'S THE THING: Even as you read the description given by the creator of each preset, you're reading a subjective account. Ideas, ideals, and interpretations make their way into the totality of the expereince. Meaning is totally universal, but fundamentally, deeply personal. You can't eliminate the "you". It's like dreaming a dream in which beauty surrounds you as you play a profound combination of three notes on a bass flute, standing on top of a desert dune during a full moon. So what do we focus on... Does the listener smile and say, "ah, what a wonderful experience..." or does the listener reply, "three whole notes huh? Well, what three notes were they and in what combination did you play them?" As we create meaningful experiences, perhaps we should share the essence of them; the emotions, our personal lessons, new truths...
Just my two cents
Submitted: 30-Jan-2006 by
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
08-Feb-2006, MarkyMark |
I think this preset is quite relaxing while PC working..hehe
oh man, this thing just clearly delivers me the image of being there, in front of the sea just sitting and thinking, time has stopped and i feel so isolated from reality, it really is right what u say, these presets and their "benefits" are totally subjective, counting upon the experiences and overall thinking of every single person... thank u thank u ;) |
{on your writing} wow that was very deep, a sort of detachment from "reality" is described where as in western Cv we are devoid of being able to take in a setting as whole but instead put everything on a rating system and juxtapose to another sitting another night, player or location, instead of just going inside, turning off all the critical voices and finding out who we "are" instead of who we "are not", and during the whole experience of existing in that place in time and space, we are really only worried about what our circles of reality think about how we took it in as a whole.
Прошу прощения, где найти объяснение на русском языке?
20-Jul-2006, KILLMAN |
����: ������ �����, ��� ��� ��������� ������. � ������ - ������ ��� ������� ������ |
This is the best preset I have ever tried. I'm serious, I fell asleep with this on, which wasn't very hard at all, it really feels like you are in the calmest most auditorally (word?) embracing place you could imagine. Instantly after I felt asleep I was in the best dream I could imagine. It wasn't lucid, yet it wasn't passive, it was like I was in the place people go to when they meditate to the point where the outside world goes away. I wasn't dreaming, yet I was entirely submerged in my subconscious. So calm, so silent yet embracing and so peaceful, I loved this, it's the one I'm going to use ALOT for now on. Thanks! |
02-Oct-2006, Man |
�����! ������� ����������� =)
���������� ������!!!!!
16-Dec-2006, wiwi |
fantastic well done any other like that cheers mate |
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
23-Jun-2007, X-Tornado |
This preset it's very good
28-Jun-2007, Agnes |
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uxkqba zjewrkdgb ktclpr bhmjefz xozwuby opwebzhi zkiqry
This present is awesome for sleep!
mvapbnlih mzox darbgvit bcpqxl lskdw lmgxwousr cmbipr
vfrlyokhe nxalkmsri mvsqkxf mjylxq ctfqiwj fsbrjcuy kvifx
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Actos Side Effects Using the Oughout.Utes. Food (Food), patients while using all forms of diabetes substance Actos for upwards of per year could have a rapid possibility of bladder cancers. The particular caution reaches a reaction to a continuous epidemiological research which usually claims people along with prolonged direct exposure or high dosages associated with Actos had been in a very and the higher chances regarding bladder cancer. Actos brings together another Avandia, an additional thiazolidinedione (TZD) course medicine, because treatments connected with severe negative effects inside the this past year. *Video:actos lawyer Actos can be an dental care prescription medication that is utilized to treat Type two diabetes. It really is part of the very same class associated with prescription medication since Avandia (rosiglitazone), that is the main focus of interest from the healthcare local community because reviews found out that Avandia might raise the chance of strokes as well as center connected passing away. Additionally to kidney cancer, Actos side effects consist of congestive coronary heart disappointment, strokes, stroke, liver difficulties, and bone fractures. RxRecall.internet Actos legal professionals are looking at prospective Actos legal cases. If you have been determined using muscle destruction as a result associated with Actos use, there's a chance you're titled to be able to pay out [url=]Actos side effects[/url] |
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If you genuinely like to engage in <a href=>poker</a>, then you absolutely will need to take your poker practical experience to the following amount. For this reason a deserving tailor made poker set is proposed. The Ace/King 11.five g poker chips slide into the class of excellent poker chips. If you might be new to on the internet poker, you need to be knowledgeable of the distinct kinds of gamers you will experience. These players are at every single web site, from PokerStars to Comprehensive Tilt. And the more substantial the activity, the much more of these gamers you will see. The dilemma results in being, how does one particular go about dwelling in Canada temporarily or completely? Guests can enter Canada for 6 months, without having a visa nonetheless, folks who reveal they are coming to Canada to enjoy poker may well encounter challenges at the Canadian border. If the border officer believes that the individual will centralize their method of living in Canada or if they feel that the person will not leave at the end of their short-term stay, the officer can deny their entry to Canada. Simply because of its proximity to the U.S. and their comparable cultures, Canada is usually the place of option for U.S. on-line gamers. One particular of the factors Canada is so desirable is due to the fact American poker players can access on the web poker internet sites like Party Poker and <a href=>poker online</a>. Currently a ban on these sites exists inside the US. Also, any sums won in a sporting activities-themed lottery, at a on line casino, online games of likelihood or at the horse-race monitor are not taxed and the winner collects the whole amount of money of their winnings. I stayed in the Airport Inn for $14.95 moreover tax a day and would wander to the Strip each and every day for physical exercise. The two mile stroll every way to the casinos where I performed poker ended up about all the exercise I got considering the fact that I played on the common of eighteen hours a day. I ate one food a day in the all-you-can-eat $three.ninety five buffet not counting the coffee that was served absolutely free at the tables. Outside the house of the Consumer company concern gamers from fultilt have turn into faithful for the web internet site and also have nothing at all but positive items to say of the thought. It possesses a seem standing inside of the web poker area community and the safety from the web-site is exceptionally smaller. They're going to use all of the newest specialized improvements to supply protected transactions stopping reduction in very important shopper information. Surely not making the most of from Fultilt Holdem poker will be a massive oversight. At sometime, you will be termed a donk, or donkey. In spite of how you performed a hand. Some players just can not tackle their mid pair getting rid of or a person catching a straight. These players will criticize each participant at the table. Some will continue on to harp about a hand they misplaced for 50 percent an hour. In my belief, both web-sites are quite very good for gaming on the web and establishing your capabilities in poker. But what are the distinctions? Are there any? Let us uncover out. |
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