Perfect Meditation.

Most of the presets ive tried on here are all too complicated everyone trying so hard to jam as many voices as they can into one preset... so i got fed-up and decided to make a preset.

I figured iam not the only one to think this way, so here it is, perfect meditation~

Submitted: 03-Sep-2005 by
Download preset: Perfect-Meditation..bwg
Download background: heartbeatslowest!.wav


3 stars with 12 votes.
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User comments

28-Sep-2005, X51
I liked this preset, i have been using it for a couple of weeks and use it when i feel i need for some deep meditation.

It seems to work quickly too, i did 17 mins today and it calmed my mind very quickly. I thought i had been listening for longer like 40 mins.
06-Oct-2005, grabber
Great low sound rhytm with great heart beat.
Good job.

glad ya like it :)
I havn't tried this one yet, but plan to. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me about the meditation using the bwg. in general, Do you just put on the headphones and blast off, or are you supposed to give yourself a guided imagary. Do you just sit and let it just take over? I am just a bit confused how this is supposed to work. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Valerie
05-Nov-2005, Rage
Valerie, what would you normally do for meditation? Sit lotus position, lie down, recline in a chair... do the same with headphones on.

If you have no idea at all, then best is lie down comfortably when you're not sleepy/tired (unless it's a preset for sleep). Don't try to listen and analyze the sound, let it wash over you.
Relax all your muscles, and don't listen too loud or you will tense up head/ear muscles as reflex.

Anything else like imagery or focus depends on how or why you meditate.. if you don't know nobody does.
03-Jan-2006, Patrick
I also use the BWGEN along with a mind machine to meditate. The presets in BWGEN helps to keep the use of a mind machine more interesting.
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