Freedom Flight

Be relaxed, sedated, let the tensions go away. ease your mind, comforting, sleep inducer. Can be used for meditation, calm peaceful states of mind, get a good restful sleep, pain reduction.

1 hour journey. (should not be on repeat, as it fades away in the end)


Submitted: 01-Mar-2005 by Ogoz
Download preset: FreedomFlight.bwg


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User comments

14-Mar-2005, JonhP
Nice, I used this to help against insomnia and it made me fall into sleep much easier than normal
this preset is excellent!
when i "play into a wave file" this preset, what should the value of the feild "Minuites to play:" be?
05-Jul-2005, bryan
"1 hour journey"


(1 Hour) = (60 Minutes)

Should "continue playing after end of all segments" be selected ?
Great preset!! Very good job!
Very good preset!
Im new to BWG, not trained in meditation at all, but this one worked for me from the start. Actually it was the first one I stood for more than 10 min. :) I like low sounds and pulses. I felt allmost weightless and calm. Thank You
Excellent preset! Definitely one of the best! Thanks!
i've been experimenting with this preset for somewhat half an year from now. Each time i listen to it even hours before going to bed, i always have such a weird, intense and outrageous dreams!!! Fantastical dreams, and i wake up like WOoooowwww!!!! I would like to know if anyone as had the same kind of experiences? thank you.
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Yes Balcky, I've only used it once ( I admit I'm not an often user of my BrainWave Generator =( ) . That one time I used it, I had a very intense dream that involved the old house I was leaving at, running from UFO's in my backyard and at the end of the dream, I slammed the front door of my house JUST before an elephant was stampeding at me. At that point I woke up, and snatched off the headphones. lol It was only like 35 minutes into the program and the dream seemed like hours on end.

Side note : I also experienced the beginning vibrations of an astral projection maybe, but at that point I was so friggin' tired , I kindly asked my guides ( or whoever is your astral plane guardian ) to let me sleep in. And it kindly stopped in return.
01-Apr-2006, matt
well i tried this last night - i've never come close to an obe but i think i did last night!!

i felt very strong vibrations (felt like pulses of about 8Hz going through my body) and i think i came close to obe - but didnt know what to do! how unfortunate!

Couldnt get to sleep listening to it though, perhaps this would have been better in the OBE section?

Hey - this is block picture...
dude all of this stuff is so friggin weird, i mean how do people come up with this stuff???
23-Jun-2006, vault24
Gosh! I recored the preset on CD, and I was about to fall asleep, when awful noise woke me up! I made out, that whole part "B" is somehow corrupted! Has onyone had similar problem? Is only mine file so crippled? You can change the order of parts, and listen do B imediatly. Can someone do it for me?
I used the 60 min sound on my mp3 player last night. After 20 minutes I was torn from the sleep! I was very disorder and in a anxiety state. My heartbeat was raised and very strong.
This was a very sucking experience for me, like a nightmare.
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