Morning lifter

A quite simple preset to be used with a cup of coffee in the morning or after any kind of nap etc. to bring your awareness into some higher level.

Should be barely audible - in that case it won't involve your attention and won't make you feel tired.

Feel free to modify, especially the volume for your own convenience.

The voice of 7,83 Hz in the second part is used to make you stay on the ground all the time - it lets you absorb some more energy and prevents euforic states after which comes some depressive one. You can make it quieter if you wish ;-)

Submitted: 22-Jul-2004 by
Download preset: Morning_lifter.bwg


2.5 stars with 9 votes.
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User comments

Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
23-Jun-2007, Agnieszka
I don't know why the site is still flooded with all of that obscene nonsense; the owner would do well to remove it and to protect the site.

That said, this preset is very good and works very well.
28-Aug-2007, Tomasz
Ale czy na pewno? :)
ulyCSF <a href="">crtynbsvgviy</a>, [url=]bwuoshehriif[/url], [link=]ijxxplmhvbpq[/link],
I feel so much happeir now I understand all this. Thanks!
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