The Dream Experience 1.8.2Total Duration: 7 hours (You may change the number of times the Dream Loop (Loop C) repeats to change the total length of the experience.)
Instructions: 1. Begin Listening to this preset 5 to 10 minutes before you intend to sleep (i.e. begin while reading, browsing the net, etc.) 2. Try not to focus on the underwater sound. 3. Relax and let the sound take you. 4. Try to keep the headphones on unless you really have a hard time sleeping... It is a good idea to use a comfortable pair of headphones. 5. Report your experiences/results to the preset page for this preset on The information you provide will help me improve this preset. 6. If you are interested in testing my latest versions, email me. 7. Enjoy :)
The Dream Experience 1.8.x is comprised of five parts. Each part is described below.
Part 1: Mental Preparation (5 minutes) -------------------------------------- The purpose of this segment is included to help prepare the listener for the rest of the preset.
Part 2: Journey to Sleep (90 minutes) -------------------------------------- This segment is intended to bring the listener to sleep.
Part 3: Deep Sleep Loop (90minutes x # repetitions) -------------------------------------- The idea here is to bring the user to a deep sleep and increase sleep efficiency (less sleep needed?)
Part 4: W.I.L.D. Lucid Dream (90 Minutes) -------------------------------------- A spike to higher frequencies to slightly wake the listener to increase consciousness. Then, lucid frequencies for a (hopefully) lucid segment of sleep.
Part 5: Wake up Transition (15 minutes) -------------------------------------- Frequencies are increased to smoothly wake the listener. Submitted: 16-May-2004 by
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10-Jan-2005, snow |
Ok first of all before I tryed this I was very sceptical about all of this brainwave 'mumbojumob' but after I used this one night... wow... I usually sleep 13 hours with this i woke up in about 6 1/2 hours and felt really good. and on top of that I had 3 lucid dreams. no joke! This did exactly what it said it would. I am very very impressed! Nice work! I am a beleaver now :D
21-Jan-2005, Rhys |
This is the first preset I tried and I feel all tingly, I couldn't feel my body, when I closed my eyes instead of having a black wall real close it felt like it was infinite and I could stretch it as far as I wanted and finally I lifted out of my body and went around my house until my sister came in wanting some photos. Before I had realised it an hour had gone by. Yet to try some more. |
25-Feb-2005, sir |
I have seen that taking multiple deep, slow breaths while falling asleep gives me these weird, dreamlike "semi-OOBEs" during the first hour of sleep. Without BWGEN that is. I had a point, but I forgot it. |
Hello people. So I didn't fall to sleep with this preset. I've been listening it for about 4 hours and i can't sleep with it, but I keeped it on my ears and listen longer. After 5 hour of listening.. i think it was between 4 and 5 I felt something weird. Like I'm falling to sleep and my body is flying from me and then in a moment back.. This was only one experience I had with this preset so I think it will work when I listen to it again. |
Is this right? ID Length Repeat A 5 1 B 90 1 C 60 1 D 75 3 E 40 1 I have never looked at the info of a preset before but this dosn't look like what is described for this preset. I am going to try it tonight but I would hate to use a preset that isn't set in the right order and not get any sleep. |
Well the first try was a incredible experience.. no lucid dream... i just wake up in the middle of session and got something like a lucid reality, i mean that i wake up and see a lot of onirical visions for a short time, this state shock me and make my adrenalin up keep me awake for a long time... well i will try again this night.. thanks guys good work!
Well, i tried this preset last night and i must say i had better results than others ive tried. although i didnt have any lucid dreams, my dreams were a bit more vivid. but i think the part thats really not helping is my headphones. ive got these big bulky cans where each side is about an inch thick. and ive been having a REALLY hard time getting confortable with them on. so ive got myself a new set of headphones coming which simply slip over the ear, so hopefully that will help alot. good preset nonetheless. will fill you in on more details once i try it with the new headphones. |
I am having difficulty downloading the background wav. files. I cannot get it into bwgen. It will download fine to my Windows Medial Player. Any suggestions?
Mike, it sounds like you're opening the files instead of downloading them. Try right clicking and choosing save link, or save location, whatever phrasing your browser uses. Then put the file in the BWGen folder.
06-Sep-2005, Ritcho |
I am very interested in using this file as it has such great acclaim, however when i come to convert it to a .WMV file the file wont work with some programs and is only of length 14:12 mins. If i convert it to mp3 still it is only 14:12 mins. I have tryed removing backgrounds and unchecking the continue playing box Please any help would be appreciated |
regarding my first post for this preset, ive now realised what I was experiencing was an OOBE. Really intense stuff. Tried it on a friend and he had the same results.
It works! I remembered tons of dreams and had a whole series of sleep paralysis and partial OBEs.
08-Oct-2005, Lurg |
My first try using a preset. I remembered more dreams than usual. No Lucids though. Headphones came off a few times. Ill keep trying.
I have a really weird issue with it. When I almost fall asleep something ALWAYS shocks me, last time it was a dog biting my hand (yeah), and yesterday some wacko yelling. Very very weird. |
28-Dec-2005, Shadow |
Entry # 2 XX:XX A.M. December 09th 2005 A.D. P.S. I'm actually logging this entry on December 18th, 2005 2 days after my birthday which is December 16th I had crashed my computer the day before I had an Out Of Body Experience today it was so real I was using the brainwave generator soft ware before bed time I listened to it for like 5 hours straight The preset was The Dream Experience 1.8.2. Anyways I had a dream I was at my old college hanging out in between classes nothing wonderful or exotic and I thought to myself this has got to be the stupidest dream I�ve ever had !!!!. instantly everything vanished I was alert and all I could see was blackness deep unending blackness. I tried to sit up and couldn�t move it was as if my entire body had been either paralyzed or put into a full body cast. So I tried even harder to sit up thinking maybe I was at the OBE door way all of a sudden I started to sit up it was very difficult id never had that much trouble sitting up before. I opened my eyes and saw the oddest yet coolest thing I have ever seen in my life. My vision showed me everything in hues of blue black and grey I decided id walk to my moms room with is not far at all. Every step was a struggle to take yet surprisingly I found my self in my moms room before i realized it. even faster than if I had been walking I have to say her room was black and I could see her sitting up plain as day she looked at me and said I see you astral projected before i could reply i blacked out my mom says she has no recolelction of it happening. but it was an oobe |
i try it last night for the frist time and i remebered most of my dreams i felt refreshed it was good
Hello, I'm fairly new to the BWgen and I'm not really getting the results I'm expecting. I've used this preset three or four times now, but everytime it turns out something like this: I go to bed around 23.00 (with the preset turned on and my earphones plugged in) and most of the time I'm asleep within half an hour. Nothing really seems to happen then, untill I wake up around 02.00 and can't get to sleep anymore. The next day I'm really tired. I don't really know why it turns out like this. Maybe because I use earphones instead of headphones? Or maybe it's because a little bit of the sound of the one ear is leaking in the other? (only noticeable when configuring the sound) I'd really like to experience this preset so I hope someone has a few suggestions to help me out with! Thank you, Jules. |
15-May-2006, sleep |
for some reason i couldnt fall asleep, and ID Length Repeat A 5 1 B 90 1 C 60 1 D 75 3 E 40 1 is what i get, which does not match the description. |
Used this last night after not using any bw related items in a while (call it a resurging interest) Anyway some time in the middle of the night I seemed to "wake up" and had this urge to go outside. As I started to walk each step felt as if it were into a headwind and there was like a force pulling me backwards from the center of my back. I kept trying to go forward and in my , for lack of a better way to explain, "minds eye" I felt like I had gone out my front door, completely bypassing my living room and bedroom. It actually felt as if I were outside, my feet on my wooden porch steps, the ground etc although everything in my range of sight seemed fringed by wavy light, similer to the effect in the lord of the rings movies when frodo put on the ring of power and saw things from the oppiosite spectrum. The whole time this force at my back continued to get stronger and after another moment or two I began to seem to lose my concentration and I "felt" myself being dragged backwards along the path I came and woke up (for real) after "slamming" backwards into my bed. Not exactly sure what it was I just experienced, if it was mearly a vivid dream influenced by desires to atempt lucidity or obe. Not exactly a frightening experience but it felt almost more like fustrating. Any thoughts as to what it might have been or how I might duplicate / further the experience? |
16-Jul-2006, Max |
Possible it was you in an obe and you were accidentaly thrown into it and the tones of your headphones probably started to pull you back out of it.
03-Aug-2006, ClarkKent |
I just bought two good headphones. one of them's a thomson anc - active noise control, the others a tdk. I wonder if it makes a difference. Like the earlier poster, I think earphones aren't effective. |
15-Aug-2006, BaCK |
After about 38 mins i had to stop as i was feeling really awake and charged!? complete opposite effect lol! anyway will give another try :)
04-Sep-2006, Ray |
Hey - I converted this to .wav via BWGen anyway the file came out to be 4.3 GB's. I can't fit this on a CD :\ I was wondering if I were to decompress it and convert to .mp3 if it would make the quality less and ruin the results? |
04-Sep-2006, Ray |
Weird - When I convert this file to .wav using BWGen it gets a 4.3 GB File that is only 14 minutes long. How do I get the whole 7 and some what hours - and how do I decompress the size to make it small enough to fit on a CD w/o losing the quality? And will I lose the quality after all this conversion? |
@Ray: I guess the drive which you save the WAV file on is formatted with the FAT32 file system. FAT32 unfortunately doesn't support files larger than 4GB, but it should work fine on an NTFS drive.
FAT32 huh? well that doesn't help anyone does it? someone give us some clue as to how we're going to put this onto... say, an MP3 player? because I have a FAT32 system I guess, because even that 4.13 GB WAV file comes out as 14minutes and 12seconds of sound.
according to my system... I have NTFS... still have that problem.
ok... so what if I change it from 16 bits to 8 bits... will that ruin the effect? or even the rate down from 44100 to... well... I dunno, 20000? just to fit it, because it will ONLY freaking work if it's under 4GB and if it lets you, I had it at 8 bits and 10000 and it came out, all 420 minutes of it... but it sounded a little bad... but it came out, will it effect it?
same problem here.. will try run it normally and record with a wave writer (like TotalRecorder), then encode and put on my iRiver..
Had a problem to sleep with it on, but managed it after some time. Woked up after exactly 3 hours and couldnt sleep any more:S im not tired at all.
10-Mar-2007, DJ Jared |
this was weeeird. no lucid dreams, but i had one crazy dream bout a rave i was hosting.
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
25-May-2007, Looking4ward2oobe |
To those of you wondering how to record to a wav file (some have mentioned it appears as 14 minutes when "played into a .wav), as someone said previously, the problem stems from your hard drive format type. Thankfully, this is easily resolved. This is the track setup when you goto preset options (under 'segments'); ID Length Repeat A 5 1 B 90 1 C 60 1 D 75 3 E 40 1 Basically you split the file in half, and write both halves to .wav files seperately. Heres how to do it; All you do is delete parts D and E, click OK, then click WAVE > 'play into .wav file' (name it part1) Then select another preset from your dropdown box and DONT SAVE. Then load up the "dream experience' preset again, goto preset options, and delete parts A, B, and C, click OK, and play into a wav file again (name it part2) Now you have part1 and part2 of the full recording, put them in a playlist and they will play straight through like its not split. |
Hi, I'm a noob at this, so I have a question... I played this, but mostly all I here is a weird humming noise then a high pitched humming at the wakeup part (ID E, 40 minutes). I converted this to mp3 so I could listen to it on my mp3 player. Is it supposed to sound like this? |
07-Nov-2007, Keegan |
I can't fall asleep at all with this one :(
I have a really hard time falling asleep with headphones one :/? Any ideas? |
Hello, i'm from argentina so sorry for my poor english. I have problems with sleeping, i constantly move my legs and have a really bad sleep quality, i take hipnotics to help my sleep, i have been using this preset for 4 days and after solving the problem of removing the headphones while sleep,i finally make over a 8:30 hs preset play in mp3 format, and i have a extremly lucid vivid dream, it was awesome, i used to have lucid dreaming when i was 18 naturally, but now i�m 25 and have past a long time without lucid dreaming and bad sleep quality but this presets makes my nights specials :-). To make a 8 hours preset, you need to edit the preset, delete segments D AND E, now play it in a wave file, encode it to mp3, reopen the preset now delete parts A,B,C and E, leave only part D which is the part that repeat 3 times and is for lucid dreaming.... okay change it to only repeat 1 time, play it in a wave file enconde... make copys of part d mp3 file 3 times or more for a bigger preset, now reopen again the preset, delete everything except part E, play in wave file... enconde.... now download a software for joining multiple mp3 files in one... i used mp3 splitter and joiner pro, place the file in orders... file part A,B,C file part D and the copys of the file, is like repeat file E now join everything.... There you go, a 8:30 hs mp3 preset. |
14-Sep-2008, asge |
I had the worst nightmare i've ever had. But overall it's very good, headphones fall off at some point in the night, but sleep is always reduced and I feel very refreshed in the morning. Thanks. |
Whenever I try to export the whole thing, it exports the massive WAV file (4 gb), but then the file is only 14 mins apparently.
Can someone who has fixed the file upload a proper copy please? The fixes listed here are a little complicated. Thanks.
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