Lucid DreamingThank you Roger [email protected] Just a note: I run my voices high in my presets because of my sound card and use a lower volume set on my computer to listen to them. I seem to get a better tone quality on my system by doing that but your system may differ. I use a crystal 3D sound card with all the options turned off.
Submitted: 22-May-2000 by Roger Amburn
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It works awesome!!! Just pick what you want to dream about while you are in a drowsy state, and you seem to have that dream that night!
07-Mar-2003, rhino |
is it just me, or is your 1st, 2nd, and light freq. 0 Hz resulting in constant light.
It worked. I had the best dream I've had in forever.
I had some problems to begin sleeping ( sorry with my english i cant describe this better) but i have had very intense dreams , especialy i remembered them alot better than normally. The progress seems good for having some lucid dreams in some time.
12-May-2003, quixotiK |
what exactly is lucid dreaming? imean i have dreams all the time, sometimes there seem more real but i cant really tell if its the dream that has become more real or i have become more aware of the dream. how can i tell if ive ever had one? |
15-May-2003, sweet |
good shit man
Lucid dreaming is when you realise that you are dreaming and can control the dream.
26-Jun-2003, nerphedhead |
i used this, it took me a while to get to sleep, and i was feeling really weird down that deep in theta-delta. when i finally got to sleep, i was still semi-concsious and was waiting for a dream. i dont know what happened, i think while i was in my subconsious i unlcoekd some inner demons because i had horrible nightmares :[
26-Jun-2003, nerphedhead |
i tried this nightmares, but no dreams either
29-Jun-2003, Dreamer |
I like this preset, i wouldnt say i lucid dream on it, because its like i start dreaming before falling asleep.. a few times i've had a series of short dream like images.. the sound completely dissappears from my consciousness during these dream states, then comes back. its difficult to stay in the dream during lucidy...
07-Jul-2003, nerphedhead |
i noticed another thing this preset does to me. when im falling asleep, my eyes feel different and the blackness of my closed eyes is infinitely encompassing. i feel small and unimportant and feel like im seeing the whole universe in my eyes. what the hell is that?
To nerphedhead: It sounds like bit of an anxiety attack, I have felt that milllions of times, I just open my eyes and close them again. Sometimes it takes a few times, but it usually goes away. I haven't even used the BWGenerator yet. LOL |
I listened to your preset and woke up every hour for the first 3 hours of my sleep last night (and each time after waking up, I'd restart the preset.) Finally, I stopped since it was annoying waking up so often and I continued my intention of having a lucid dream as I went back to sleep. I woke up from one dream feeling vibrations throughout my body which gave me an OBE-like lucid dream of being in my bedroom (yet clarity was severely lacking and I couldn't do much about it.) This dream lasted about 10 minutes until I woke up from it. After sleeping a few more hours, I had yet another lucid dream of being in my bedroom. This time, I decided to walk down the stairs that looked almost like the ones in reality and out the door. I soon lost lucidity after this point. After playing your preset, this was the weirdest night of dreaming I've ever had. |
14-Aug-2003, Anonymous |
RogueNoir: - You did have an astral projection, the vibrations you felt were "exit-sensations" due to energy-movement throughout your etheric body. If you want to learn more about this, I suggest you join the forum at: |
30-Sep-2003, )_ |
RogueNoir: It was just a dream. No "exit-sensations"..
13-Oct-2003, Wolverine |
Yes, that was an FA - false awakening. You could have turned it into a lucid dream by doing a reality check.
Hey I tried it but I usually have lucid dream so I wanted to see what would happen. Really weird stuff. As I was listening to it maybe about 40 to 45 minutes later I felt like I wanted to just float out of my body I really have no idea why. My body was just resonating so strongly and I felt like it growing stronger and stronger. Finally I just stopped the Cd mostly because I was too scared because I had no idea what was happening maybe someone can help me out and tell me what was going on? By the way the lucid dreams weren't strong at all I had maybe only one. Can't remember too well.
21-Jan-2004, Matt |
This messed me up. I had been listening to it for about 45 minutes or so, just staring at my ceiling, and I became aware that my eyes were closed but I could still see my room, and there was like, electricity pulsing through it. I got really scared and my eyes started to hurt so I felt my eyelids, and my eyes were just vibrating and shaking like crazy and felt like they would explode. I took off the headphones and shook myself out of that state. I felt like I was half-way between being awake and asleep and scary as hell.
25-Jan-2004, Chachu please down me |
I tried the present last night, and it really worked! I had my doubts, since none of these presets have ever seemed to do anything with me. So I put it on at a reasonable volume, went to bed, and dreamed... nothing particularly memorable happened in the dream, but I told my girlfriend (who was in the dream), "HEY, I'M DREAMING! I CAN CONTROL THE DREAM! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!" It was a primative version of lucid dreaming, and it seemed obvious that I needed more practice. but i'll keep trying.
13-Feb-2004, Clark |
Makes me want to try this one... don't know if I ever tried it.
I had a dream that i could controle in January. it was about me all i had to do was scream out what i wanted and it happened. I was being attacked by these giant bat like creatures they were like aradactiles. i ran inside and went to my computer and roled up a peice of paper. and i ran out side and screamed rocket launcher and the peice of paper turned into a rocket launcher. But some of the things dident work. so i aimed and fired. i made the sound affectsand a firey rocket came out. i fired at a bat befor it attacked me. I got sick and tierd of this so out of nowhere this soothing music came on. And i said whit all my heart in a realaxed voice I want them all to be sucked up by the clouds and shot at the sun and got desroud. I droped the peice of paper and just felt the sunrayes hit me and lift me up and thats were it ended. If you have any ways of nowing how to lucid dream please send them...TELL ME WHAT THIS MEANS PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE..................................... |
Hey, how should you listen to this? With a headphone on in bed or something? Im listening now, hoping i have a dream tonight... because i never dream, and that's because i smoke 2 much weed every day. I'v stopped smoking weed several times and i start dreaming right away! But i have to say it's really really spacey when listening stoned... really 10x worse than normal! |
By the way, another way to try lucid dreaming is this: (It may sound crazy but it actually worked for me) Ok. Every day before you go to sleep, try to stick your finger trough the wall. Of course this is impossible in reality, but just try to stick your finger in the wall every day before you go to sleep. When you do this, try to believe that it could be possible, cause that's why your trying it, to find out if you can or can not stick your finger trough the wall. Ok, when you do this every day before sleeping, there's a big chance that you are gonna do the same thing in your dream! (I did) And in your dream, you can really stick your finger trough the wall, cause in your dream anything is possible. It's all about this moment. From this moment you REALISE that you are dreaming, because you try to stick your finger trough the wall, and you succeed, while you couldn't do this before (in reality). So this must be a dream. From this point you should be lucid dreaming, and YOU can decide what you are dreaming. I had this experiance one time, i was really impressed. I know this sounds like a crazy idea but i didn't make it up, and im not lying. Try it out and you may just experiance what lucid dreaming REALLY is. Later i didnt pay attention to it anymore, i dont know why. But now im gonna try it again! |
03-Mar-2004, John |
Dutchie's idea is one form of a "reality check". There are many others. I used the following: try to read something while you're awake, then turn away for one or two seconds, think something else, and turn back to read the text again. In real world the text stays the same, in dreams it has changed to something else. In my experience, this was sometimes total gibberish, sometimes strange-looking characters, sometimes the whole text gone, sometimes everything on that side had changed (from a city to a desert, for example), and sometimes it was just another passage of text. I did these reality checks several times a day. The idea was to get them as part of my daily routine, thus bringing them to my dreams as well. The nice thing with a reality check like this was that it could be done anywhere without nobody noticing. All you need is a small head movement. With a few weeks of training (10-20 reality checks every day), I was able to get about one lucid dream every night. The bigger problem, in my opinion, was to remember those dreams. :-) I haven't used BrainWave Generator to induce lucid dreams, so can't comment on that. |
Niiiiiice. I have had lucid dreams regularly back during the summer. Kinda quit the practices because highschool can get so hectic, but now I think I am gonna give this another shot. Thanks. |
09-Apr-2004, C11 |
I was listening to this for 1 hour while falling asleep. No lucid dreams that night, but really strange ones instead. Still, these dreams were quite cool and entertaining and the best I had in years. Don't know if this preset caused them, so I'll just use it again to find out. I still might have a lucid dream, after all. Good work! |
27-Aug-2004, shy4 |
I went to sleep with it an like always nothing....I think bwgen isn't efective on me:(.....
30-Aug-2004, Malan |
This is the fist time I used BWgen, I used this preset yesterday for 30 min in my bed, and I turned of my PC. During my dream, any action I did were carefully thought out ! But when I became realy lucid, I woke up at once (need training maybe). I'll try this several nights too to see if it's a coincidence or not. |
Or everyone can just visit to learn more about lucid dreaming there. Check out the forum to.
Ok Guys I need some in put...I am doing some research for a Friend of mine (yes it really is for a friend. LOL ) She has the "problem" in her eyes at least that she can not "dream" normally and never has been able to. She only has Lucid Dreams and can not have anyother type of dream. If found this quite unusual and am not having much luck in finding some help for her. Any Ideas on what / where we can find her some help to help her dream normally for a change. Personally I don't think this is a Problem...but then I am not in her shoes so she might see it differently. She would like to have at least one uncontroled dream. Any Ideas of help for her would be of help you can email them to me with subject title "Can't dream normally" at [email protected] Thanks! |
README!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAM STRAIGHT IT WORKS!! good job dude, tried it my 1st time like this 1st i listen for about 15 mins to the point where it got me drowzy.. 2nd it a since flex of my thumb i reseted the song soooo i could get the full time.. 3rd when i wa sat the very edge of falling asleep i reseted once more and in 5 mins or so i fell asleep * the great thing is that i think my mind was still awake and dreamin while my body was asleep (focus 10 or about there i dont no) neways i had 3 dreams(not of what i wanted them to be..but intresting one) they were more real than mornal dreams.. i dont no about lucid dreasm since i dont really no exactly what LUCID DREAMS really means(anyone who knows post it!!) **** i no its a lot to read so far but this is the most interestin part!!! !*!!* i either dreamt it or actually did it -ASTRAL PROJECTION!! i felt very weak vibrations but i felt my soul lift completly (this was like in the middle of one dream) i got soo excited that 3 secs later i was bak in my was great!!! i hope i wasn't a dreammm it felt too real idk tho...but this present definetly made me feel and dream different. Defenetly trying this one again!!!! |
10-Dec-2005, brock |
wow dude, i had some crazy dreams last night, im gonna use this everything, thank you so much, first one that acutally worked for me, holla
01-Jan-2006, bobi |
hey, i was wondering if it's allright to fall a sleep with this preset with the kind of headphonse which go directly in yor years?
Isn't it quite hard to sleep with earphones? I cannot imagine how to sleep about 5 Hours. Can I listen to it about half an hour, then swith it off and go to bed? Thank you, Chris |
18-Mar-2006, someguy |
"what exactly is lucid dreaming? imean i have dreams all the time, sometimes there seem more real but i cant really tell if its the dream that has become more real or i have become more aware of the dream. how can i tell if ive ever had one?" pretty simple answer to that question.. YOU WILL KNOW if you've had one. they're unlike any other dream you've ever had. it's like you're transported to another world where you can make anything you want happen instantly, and it feels different than a normal dream. i've had around 5 or so all around the same time in my life, but i've never been able to make myself have them. |
18-Mar-2006, someguy |
"Isn't it quite hard to sleep with earphones? I cannot imagine how to sleep about 5 Hours. Can I listen to it about half an hour, then swith it off and go to bed?" you don't have to use headphones.. i turn my computer speakers up higher and lay down in bed, it still works. |
10-Apr-2006, adam24367 |
do you just listen to this and go to sleep
22-Aug-2006, Ping |
Which time I must hear this sound, While sleeping or just before sleeping. If this are supposed to be heard while sleeping, how long ? all the time I sleep? |
this is bullshit bunch of shit none of it is real boo this is soo stupid freakin idiots
10-Nov-2006, bc |
congratulations bob, you have made yourself the biggest idiot on this forum. Lucid dreaming is scientifically proven, check wikipedia if you dont believe it. Quite obviously, you are the "freaking idiot" who has far too much time on their hands if all they can do is browse sites they consider "bogus" and write comments which contribute absolutely nothing to the topic. lay on the sidewalk and die, you useless sack of crap.
03-Feb-2007, Jevan |
Whats with all the spam? i had a lucid dream before i even knew what it was! i was very lucky indeed! that was about a week ago now! i was in a colourfull world and i realised straight away it was a dream it was brilliant! i have researched it now and wanna try for another! Cheers
How do I use this? I mean, I already have it set up and everything, but do I just play it for x minutes and my dreams are more vivid??
01-Sep-2007, c0ncept |
well, it seems to have increased the frequency of my dreams. But it also appears to have made the type of dream a lot darker, not quite nightmares but definitely not my 'normal' dreams... I'm going to keep experimenting with this preset, because it's definitely doing SOMETHING. I'm just not sure if that something is a good thing or not.
For a very very long time i havent had any dreams whatsoever (or "havent recalled" any.. w.e). I leave this preset running for at least a half hour.. maybe an hour if i find something to do meanwhile. I've used this the past 2 nights and in the past 2 nights i've had dreams. pleasant dreams, not exactly lucid yet but they are interpretable in some senses. I had a very intimate dream about my last (ex- over a year) girlfriend and enjoyed every second of it.. except when i woke up i couldn't remember most of the sweet details and tried my hardest to fall back asleep for more. I'm still experimenting but this is the first preset i've noticed to actually make a noticeable difference. Cool! thank you very much! xD |
this thing made my dick longer. in my dream, anyway. LOLZZZZZZ!!!!1111111
16-Mar-2008, Nikolaj |
i cant download this to my p.c it says it does not know where the file is coming from can anyone please help me>?
16-Mar-2008, ... |
didnt work for me....
what i did: modified the volumes so the active tones were 0to25% after 10 minutes and shot to 100% for the end this way if your brain is already in the deep zone, you dont get recycled back to active conciousness and wake up when the 30 minutes reset. i play classical music in the background at low volume as well. one idea i was tinkering with when i made my dream presets in the day was getting sleep charts that charted your brain waves, and how long it took you to normally pass through the layers of sleep, and align certain tones to them over the course of the 90 minute drift to lower hz sleep, then drop the volume of the bg noise, keep a low (%30 volume active tone) through the rem periods. when you hit rem your hz jumps all over so you dont wanna merely contain it to that period, just keep your brain baselining to there when its recycling. i had a complex preset that worked well, that i put to music. if you want it email me: epicfailwithaids NO SPAM @ delete the " NO SPAM " and spaces and email me if interested. ill post it on the new bwgen site once my validation pulls through. |
hello, good site.
29-Jan-2009, nothing |
Is this program demonic or something?
Very nice site!
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04-Jul-2009, Wesker |
I did listen to it while trying to fall asleep, after listening to it for like 15 mins, I just turn it off and I fall asleep shortly afterwards, to my amazement I had a dream and it was pretty cool, I remember it very clearly.
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I tried last night for 20 min, i had no lucid dream but it was werid, i was on a sort of subway with a lot of people, i couldn't move and the light was off, some guy started to scratch my back and i shut out to him to stop, but he laughted and he started again to scratch, i was so pressed by people so i couldn't turn or use my arms, it was anoying.
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