Hedgehog - Alpha10There are 8 carrier pairs. At every 2mins the carriers of the curent pair are switched. At every 4mins the carrier pair is replaced with the next one. In fact is not a real holosync preset but is very efective.
Warning: This is not a toy! Do not use more than two times on a day!
Hedgehog Submitted: 11-Jan-2004 by
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15-Jan-2004, dh |
say more...
hey hedgehog, this is nice. I think i know about the carrier pairs being part of (but not necessarily exclusive to) Holosync technology. But is this 'switching' also theirs or your idea? I think i'll observe this for maybe a week and see how this works. i've read about this before but haven't really tried on my own presets. |
Hedgehog, what this preset do? Why we can't use two times on a day? |
Hi everybody, hi james In fact the carrier switching was my ideea. I will explain more later. This kind of presets are more effective when are used without the visual stimuls. Syous! Here you are the 10Hz effects: 10 - enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes [MB]. Acts as ananalgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet lag. [EQ] Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal. [MB3] dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin [SS]; Good when trying to correlate information by the subconscious - Sort of a waiting frequency while the subconscious does the work at lower frequencies. [RA]; Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex) [RA]; Learning a foreign language [RA+PWM via DW]; Centering, Sleep Spindles, Arousal [DIV]; Associated with Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra (Color=Yellow) (Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E) [OML]; Increased alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine + serotonin & a decrease in melatonin), sense of well being & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins) [RED]; Adrenal Stimulant [RS]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) [RUS via DW]; Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity [LUB via DW]; Treatment for closed head injury [HOF via DW]; 'Berger Rhythm' [BER via DW]; (used on) headaches [RS] Just let the brain to have time to build the neuro-pathways. You don't want an overload. |
Thanks Hedgehog for the answer. I will try this preset now and I'll comment what happened later. |
Hello, all. After 5 minutes listening this, I'm was felling that my body is getting heavy, heavy and cold, and I got relaxed. Is that the objective? |
My intention was to induce a state of deep relaxation and also to be a chealange for the brain. The carrier switching act as an amplifyier.
Use this preset in the morning! Do not use visual stimuls.
19-Jan-2004, dh |
sweet dreams...almost...i'm....hmmm...nice work..
I'm testing now a new preset but is dificult to make a real holosync preset with curent version of BWGen. I have 15 carrier pair switching in 30mins. I want to raise the volume for about 3,4 secs then fall to 0 for a sec or more and again. Also I want to switch betwen the carrier of current pair more frequently. Our brains make connections for every preset we have listened. The carrier switching is more challanging so the number of connections between the hemysphere is bigger because are activated more neural areas. Sorry for my English! CU |
�Nice work!, I like this preset very much. I reached alpha state in a couple of minutes. Thank you. |
I like you hedgedog!!! you're sweet!!! nice work!!
Hello All! Here you are the smooth version of Alpha10. |
20-Aug-2006, Assia |
Most humans work at 10hz in their everyday life... Despite what many people claim, So what is the point of making such a preset? |
The world it is filled with rats. I wonder what's the point to be one of them?!
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
This one does nothing to me... a slight bit of relaxation... Maybe i'm already in alpha state ?
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