Chakra Balance

This preset was written for my wife as an experiment intended to add a hemisync dimension to her end-of-meditation, chakra-balancing routine. As she describes it:

"You lay your hands on Anahata (heart), then one down on your Manipura (plexus) and one up on your Visuddha (throat), and so on, until your hands are on Muledhara and Sahasrara, the root and the crown chakra, then you do it all backwards, and seal the aura again."

With this in mind the preset begins at 12hz, the frequency of the Heart chakra and remains there for about a minute.

The next segment flowers out into two additional voices, 16hz and 10hz, the frequencies of the Throat and Plexus chakra respectively.

The third layers on two more voices at 96hz and 6hz, the frequencies of the Ajna chakra (3rd. Eye) and the Sacral chakra.

The last segment adds yet two more voices at 960hz and 4hz for the crown and root chakra. At this point there seven beats playing, one for each chakra in the body.

At this point the entire sequence reverses, moving back down to the single 12hz beat.

Submitted: 31-Oct-2003 by fluxliner
Download preset: ChakraBalance.bwg


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User comments

30-Jan-2004, (unknown)
This "Chakra Balancing" was it made with the directions (guidelines) in Awaking Mind I by James Mann?
I was just now looking at the contents of the book posted on a website?
Rod P
[email protected]
Interesting stuff... I feel a lot better now having listening to a few cycles of this preset... thank you
hello world!
Sorry but these are not the right frequencies for the Chakras. Issualy chakras waves frequencies correspond to the C, D, E, F, G, A, B of a piano, first octave or second one. If interested, i will send you my present of the proper frequencies that I wrote latelly. I use it for chakra balance and clearing.

Take care
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