I tried to select frequencies that were staggered enough that the brain should be able to resonate on them seperatly. The following frequencies ranges were used:
0.9 - 1.1 hz - feeling of euphoria
7 hz down to 4 hz - to engage the brain into the theta region, which will enhance the effect of sleep necessary for OOBE.
7.81 hz - This has been reported by researcher Jack Houck as the mental access window (MAW) and was reported by him that out of the 45 people he tested, this frequency resulted in almost 50% of the subjects experiencing OOBE.
63 hz - Is reported as another frequency that resonates as astral projection. I use it as a test, there is no information I could dig up on why this frequency is any good, although I have seen it used in several other presets.
Please report back if there is any type of effect with this preset. I hope to get some feedback on how it works from others. Submitted: 16-Sep-2003 by
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sounds good, haven't used it yet though
I'm going to try this again tonight after a bit more preparation (too tired last night) BUT, of all the astral bwgen presets I've tried, this one got me closer than ever. -Relaxed/Trance after a few mins (which surprised me - I normally take ages to get to this point) -Extreme lightness in arms and legs soon after and then of course cobweb feeling on face/body etc (the lightness was amazing - more than ever b4) -Energy surges & vibration followed (up through various charkas) but couldn't stay with it and feel asleep. Very very close I'm sure. Cant wait to try again. |
Shane, I am fairly new to all this, but when I was younger I had SEVERAL waking episodes of sleep paralysis and believe I have had at least two OOBE (all of this was unvoluntary, it just happened). My question to you is this: Do you feel it is really the preset, or just your repeated practice at OOBE? I am glad to hear you had a level of success with this preset. I personally never actually felt much more than relaxation and a slight lightness to my body. I am going to continue trying it now, it appears you have given me some hope. I will do a little more research and perhaps release a newer version of it, do you have any ideas? If you did get close, it is probaby the 7.81 Hz frequency that is doing it, I think I may center more on this frequency on my next release of the preset. I did a little simple math and perhaps the 63hz frequency is simply a close harmonic of 7.81, it is 8 times the value. I will look into this also. Thanks, Tek |
hello.. I like you're preset very much, but do I need to listen to i with earphone's when sleeping or before I sleep?? keep up the good work! ojn |
sounds very good, if someone tested it, plz report
13-Oct-2003, Serge |
how do u "leave" ur body to have an oobe or astral project. Nice sound to the preset thoe.
18-Oct-2003, TekNerd |
Andreas, I am quite surprised to hear you had so much success with this preset. You are the 2nd person on this board to say that it got you closer than anyone else. I think there may be something to the 7.81Hz frequency thing. I have been trying various other presets for awhile and I may re-explore this one. I admit to never having an actual OOBE when I use this but I am sure that I have had other types of vibrations and such. Thanks for the comments, I will try out some other things with it. |
i just stumbled onto this sight. i have been using binaural beat stuff for 4 years or so, looking at the frequencies in this discussion 7.81 and 63, 781 is a fibonacci number and 618 is very close to 63, does anyone intentionally use fib numbers for frequenies? |
Hey how are you all? I'm going to tell you my experience with this preset. First I'll give a little backround info. Probably about less than a year ago, I had my first OBE. I didn't plan on it. What had happened was I went to bed for about 6 hours, stayed up for more than one hour, then I went back to sleep. There's a name for that way of sleeping but I forgot. So I fell asleep but I woke up with only my mind awake. Then virbrations started coming on but it felt really nice. I enjoyed it. Next thing I came right out of my body and was hovering over it, where my astral back was facing my regular body's front. I was staring at a poster that was on my wall but it was different the way it was. Then after about 3 seconds, I fell back in. i probably fell in because i did not go anywhere. I was also extremely excited and so happy. Also it didn't seem that clear after I woke up. Other times I've slept like this I never got an OBE. so its kind of spontaneous. Here's where this preset comes in. Last night, I went to bed and I think I got about 6 hours of sleep before my alarm went off. I wanted to stay up but I felt a little tired and just felt like going back to bed. So I went to the bathroom, did some stretches, and then went back to bed but with the preset on. I almost did have an OBE. But it was not vivid like the other experience. It was like I was just in that regular dream state. But anyway, there may have been vibrations but not too sure. I think there was. my body kept atempting to come out but never made it. My legs would come out, my uper body would, it was just my center area like my hips, butt, etc. that would not come out. I tried to get it out but it just wouldn't. It was like stuck. Then it all stopped or something. I remember I wanted to put the preset back on but couldn't. My attempts at that failed because I was trying to do it while in a dream state. It wasn't reality. When I woke up, I didn't put the preset back on. I think i woke up when i was supposed to get up for the day and not anytime before. What Im going to have to do is sleep for 6 hours, stay up more than an hour, and go back to bed with the preset on. Also maybe during the day before the OBE attempt, I should exercise my chakras with one of these presets. I read about chakras containing the energy you need to astral project. BYE :) |
Hi this is a bit unrelated to this preset ( i will try it soon though), but i sometimes wake up in a type of sleep paralysis state and i was wondering if this would lead to an obe if i would stay still and let it progress. When i do stay still it gets more intense and it becomes harder and harder to regain physical control, is this because im going more and more out of body? Thanks for any info you can add =)
31-Oct-2003, TekNerd |
This is to all and specifically a reply to Andreas I would like to tell you all that I have had limited success with this preset. I have had times where I have used the preset at night falling asleep and then the next morning I thought I was having an OOBE. It is basically like I am awake and I see things very vididly but I just kind of float there. Once I sunk down underneath my bed and another time I was looking behind the headboard and saw a swirling pattern similar to a Bohr model of an atom. Both of these experineces were wierd to say the least. There was one time I had to wake up and go to the bathroom. I got up quickly to go on my normal path to our bedroom bathroom and realized that I was not in my body. I looked back to see my body but didnt see it. I then woke up and realized that I was 'dreaming?'. It was hard to tell if it was a true OOBE but I distincly remember 'thinking' about where I wanted to go and it was like I just moved there by quickly floating. I have modified this preset from the original by replacing the cricket sounds with a more subtle thunderstorm wave and I have also removed the 63hz signal. Those are the only two things I have changed. I think I am going to put the 63hz signal back in because many of you have sworn it is like you are so close to leaving the body. I am wondering if the 7.8 and 63 hz signal in combination has something to do with it. I will say that using this and other presets appears to affect my dreaming where I remember them more clearly or I feel like I am having an OOBE. I have heard from more than just one source that getting up at a certain time and staying up for and hour and then falling back to sleep helps immensily in astral projection. I have done this technique as well and have noticed that is seems to create a very pronounced lucid dream state. I do believe I have had small OOBE's as well, but got scared and tried to stay in my body. That is my biggest hurdle at this point, the fear. Once I overcome that I think I will be good to go. Chackaras are an interesting point about Astral Projection. A lot of sites talk about the chakras. I have heard both arguments that is it absolutlely necessary and also that it is optional. One technique that someone claims will work without any effort is the rope technique. Simply relax your whole body as usual and think of climing a rope. Dont even visualize it or anything. He basically says it is this easy: Think of two mental hands climbing the rope. Thats it. He swears up and down it will lead to an OOBE. I have tried this as well with no success. I have gotten close but not completely there. I have other information I will post later, I cannot find the websites. If anyone has any good ones they should post it here. The fibonacci number theory is interesting, I will have to look into it more closely. If anyone has any idea why listening to a binaural beat and experience OOBE can somehow be linked, please put up the info. Most of the sites I visit dont even mention this technology, it is either a mental or visual exercise to achieve OOBE. It just seems odd that inducing a beat within your brain can also induce your spirit to leave the body. As of this moment, I will not say concretely that I have had one an OOBE at all, or that I had one due to this or any other preset. I know for a fact in my past I have 'sort of' left my body and have learned to recognize the feeling of leaving the body. Well long post, I will try to keep them shorter in the future :) |
Like some of the other people on here, I think this preset has crought me closer to an OOBE than ever before, but those were the times when I stayed awake while listening. After a few evenings of very deep relaxation, complete numbness of my body, and vibrations(as near as I can tell, since I haven't experienced vibrations before) using this preset, and feeling like I was on the verge of reaching some higher plateau on several ocasions, I put it on one night when I was a little bit too tired to be experimenting with meditation. I fell asleep and had one of the strangest dreams I've ever had. I don't remember much of it, and I can't figure out what the hell was going on. But for a person who very rarely remembers any dreams after a nights sleep, I was very impressed with the results. My memory of the dream may be due to the fact that something within the dream startled me back to consciousness, at which point I heard the sound in my ears and thought to myself" holy crap, that was an awesome dream! this preset is great!" So I recomend this one to everyone, both for meditation/oobe, or dream stimulation. great job man!
Aw Dam it (the river) so it doesn't flood the town, and also damn it (it=the river) because too many people frickin' blooday just ask if the preset worked before they fruckin' try it themself. Although I admit I did put that sort of a message before I tried it. (In fact I haven't tried it yet but I will when I FRICKING FIND TIME, because it keeps running away from me) Hmmm, and the message I'm referring to is the first message too (look at the top of the page) [Aw gee please keep this comment on the page] |
Okay I just realized that message sounds 20 times angrier than I meant it. (And I did mean it to be silly some)
That's a record breaker--3 messages in a rowheeee!!!!!! Whewhew.!
THis sort of worked again but not really. I went to bed for about 6 hours, got up for about 1 1/2 hours, then went back to bed. I couldn't fall asleep for a really long time. THen I took the headphones off. A while after that, I think I was experiencing parts of OBEs but I coudln't get myself out of my body. Like part of me could, but not all of me. I couldn't force myself out either. Also I noticed a couple of times that my thoughts would wonder or think of something, but the image would be coming really vivid, like a clear mental picture kind of like reality, but i would see right away its becoming vivid, and my thoughts about it would arise, and the dream image would be gone. Its like I have to just accept it coming but my mind or me doesn't allow it to because of it being weird, or scary. But I want to accept these images. My sleep patterns weren't normal however, like I had to use a preset to help me sleep early, and i had to keep setting my alarm so i can try to get 6 hours exact but I didn't, i probably got like 5 1/2 or something. I have to try this again getting 6 hours, waking myself up totally and not tired, then go back to bed. My only problem is I don't want to have to wait sooo long to fall back asleep but i think i have to. Not sure. Bye |
18-Nov-2003, (unknown) |
To all, MorsInnocentiae you have an interesting view but I find your stance a bit overly skeptical and not based in fact. Any physisist knows that things resonate on certain frequencies and that those frequencies have quite a narrow band. I believe very strongly that the brain is also more supseptible to certain frequencies and creating a discordant frequency will simply fool the brain into thinking it is perceiving something in nature. In order to achieve 'mystic' states if you will I think that although the single frequency is annoying, it is also the best way to center the brain entrainment. That is the reason I would say to cover up the sound with a background noise of some sort. It is also been reported by brain entrainment developers that single frequency sine waves have the best affect on the brain which is why I chose those particular settings. travw999 I have read your posts and took no offense :). I have also accepted your invitation to your yahoo group, many thanks and I will participate. Andreas, This fainting you experienced is interesting but are you sure it is directly related to the preset? It sounds like you may be experiencing some sleep deprivation? I dont know, but that is something else to take note of I suppose. I agree that the sounds can get creepy after listening repeatedly, that is something I noticed as well. Once again, I would like to point out to everyone that It might be a good idea to replace the cricket chirps with something more subtle like a thunderstorm sound or ocean. I found this is much more pleasant to work with. Enjoy all and thanks for the comments. |
20-Nov-2003, Andreas |
Like I said, I don't know if the fainting was due to too much stimulation with BwGen, and I listened to many different presets that can be found here, so I haven't said that it's related to this preset. Perhaps some frequencies can affect certain parts of the brain that will cause loss of balance? I have no idea. �� I do wonder, anyone got any suggestions on how to reduce and learn to handle the fear I seem to experience when I start to listen to these presets? |
Love this preset. I listen to it while I goto sleep every night. Causes very intense out of body feelings and visuals for me.
18-Jan-2004, C++ |
WOW!! i listened to this for 8 mins and 24 seconds and i felt vibrations dizzyness and when i used the rope technique i felt like i was being pulled out! then i got scared and snapped back...that sucked...but that was my fault...oh |
I made my own preset of just the 7.81 freq. for a constant 20min...and the vibration came to me very hard i almost felt like i was on a motorcylce or somthing. then all of the sudden i was out of my body looking around amazed that this is real and it works. everyone is different but i think y'all should try the 7.81 for constant 20min.
05-Feb-2005, Siamese Dream |
OKAY I used this one after "astral projeciotn without fail", I didn't have much effects with that one, so I didn't expect much of this one either... After 15 minutes those so called "vibrations came suddenly up, but I wasn't sure if this was my imagination or not... so still not convinced I was thinking of turning it off but suddenly...MAN I was like drifting on my bed to all sides... I read that this was the stage before you leave your body, so I became very excited I even got here! It felt like my bed was floating to all sides, amazing...but then the preset stopped (burned it to a discman) and the next preset I 'd burned on my cd began to play, a totally different preset that was (I think Too much coffe or someting haha) LOL... man I jumped out of my bed!!! So the whole experience was gone but I'll try this one again soon This one really works!!! |
I made this about 2 years ago on a lark and I periodically check back to see if there are any new comments. Frankly I am surprised at all the positive feedback Ive gotten on this one. Most of the other presets on this board do not have such strong language as to say "This DEFINENTLY works!" Thanks everyone, I am glad people are getting results from this. I made a seperate one awhile back using the ocean as a backdrop and removed the 63hz frequency, I dont think that is really doing anything. Anyway, I will continue to check back now and then. Teknerd, creator of Astral Reasearch preset |
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
I just stumbled on this website, and the very idea of using frequencies to active certain experiences but,i need to know- to have a successful OOBE(or at least come close) do i need to play the noises while im sleeping? before i go to sleep? or can i just do my usual meditation with the noise on my headset? any answers would be awesome |
Very nice site!
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