
This cut might be considered a help aid in practicing meditation "Witness" technique. Just let your thoughts flow away with ocean waves.

Submitted: 15-Sep-2003 by Samson Flava
Download preset: Witness.bwg


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User comments

What were your experiences with it. By the way I am not to much of a computer guy and I don't now how to change the sound card settings. My headphones leak but I don't know how to fix it. Please help.
What is witness? give more details plz

"life is like a box of chocolates, ppl take one and never pay u back"
24-Sep-2003, Samson Flava
"Witness" is popular meditation technique In two words: you dissociate with your thoughts and not participate in internal dialogue
Yes, I'd vote for and greatly appreciate access to your (big) background file. If you mp3 it, please do it with at least near-CD (128kbs) quality. A 50 meg file should reduce to something in the less than 5 meg range. I'll give you my big email address if you can crunch it to that size and are willing to send it!

In answer to another comment I saw here today, the background is greatly helpful to many meditators. The difference between bwgen programs with and without meaningful background is about the same as watching a movie with and without music in the soundtrack. Without the music, most movies become hollow and boring.

Thank you for a great setup!
hi everyone,

i like this preset it seems good,
but i am hoping to buy a light and sound goggles
would it be compatible with this preset or any other presets
can the brainwave generator work with these machine
I was thinking to get by a company called www.syneticsystems.com
the model is 'The Protheus'

do they work well with brainwve generator
They seem to work brilliantly with the Proteus so far:)
hello world!
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BrainWave Generator
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