BUILTIN: Sleep induction 2 (from wide awake)

Gently moves the brain frequency down to 3Hz from a high day-time beta. The output fades out at the end, and background noise is only heard in the last part of the preset.

Submitted: 15-May-2000 by
Download preset: builtin_27.bwg


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User comments

I've been using this preset heavily for ca. six months now, it works way better for me than all the other sleep induction presets. Especially the part when the constant noise transforms into "ocean" noise knocks me out almost every night. A nice side effect is that I remember more dreams, which (if I understand Anna Wise correctly) means that in the morning my Alpha level is (or at least has been) higher than without using the preset. Very nice indeed.
18-Dec-2003, (unknown)
Yeah, I agree. People who complain about not being able to sleep after using these presets probably don't actually need to sleep because they are not tired. I have experienced this and I just make use of the extra time by doing something constructive instead of worrying, but this is just my experience..
31-Jul-2004, david
I tried this last night and found some success. While I was using it, I practiced calm, meditative nose breathing and tried not to think about anything in particular. After a bit, I noticed my arms and legs feeling heavy, detached, sinking into the matress, and then slowly, I started to drift off... I didn't quite fall asleep completely after the sound was finished, but certainly didn't notice the fadeoff to silence at the end of the 20 minutes of the preset either. For the heck of it, I decided to take the output from my laptop and run it through a tube headphone amp - this gave me a convienient dial to adjust the volume to a comfortable level, primarily -
I tweaked this preset a bit to make it subsonic. This, plus a belly full of caffeine, gave me nightmares. I nodded off for a while but when I woke up, i was filled with what friends have described as cocaine-paranoia (never experienced it myself). Some rowdy people were coming home from the bar. I thought a crucifixion was occuring outside my window. Then i heard cop sirens, thinking they would do the same to me. With barely the courage to move, I grabbed a sharp screwdriver and "defended myself" with it for a while and then finally figured out to turn off the brainwave generator.
The first time i used it had made me a good sleep, but after i got more awake than before listening to it.
The first time i had vivid visions during the vibrations, it was very good, but today i am very depressed beacuse of the short sleep caused this preset. :(
03-Jul-2006, a sharp screwdriver
this made me CRAZY
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
hello, good site.
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BrainWave Generator
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