sinus music 2

Another "Ear candy" preset based on a scale derived from the sinus decongestion frequencies of Rife. It was on my website as "Sinus Music Scale".

880 to 787 = 1.12 - wholetone

880 to 727 = 1.21 - sharp minor third

880 to 522 = 1.69 - [sh] major sixth

880 to 456 = 1.93 - diminished octave or augmented seventh

880 to 367 = 2.40 = just minor third [higher oct]

880 to 333 = 2.65 = perfect fourth [higher oct]

880 to 185 = 4.76 = minor third [higher oct]

880 to 160 = augmented fourth [high oct]

880 to 146 = 6.03 - [slightly sharp major fifth, higher octave]

880 to 120 = 7.33 - neutral seventh, several octaves up

880 to 72 = 12.22 - major fifth, several octaves up [slightly sharp]

880 to 20 = 44.0 - augmented fourth, several octaves up

787 to 727 = 1.08 - 3/4tone

787 to 522 = 1.51 - [a little sh] perfect fifth

787 to 456 = 1.73 - flattened Harmonic Seventh/Augmented Sixth

787 to 367 = 2.14 - minor ninth

787 to 333 = 2.36 - minor third [octave up]

787 to 185 = 4.25 - minor ninth [higher oct]

787 to 160 = 4.92 - neutral third [higher oct]

787 to 146 = 5.39 - sharp perfect fourth [higher octave]

787 to 120 = 6.56 - neutral sixth several octaves up

787 to 72 = 10.93 - semi augmented fourth several octaves up

787 to 20 = 39.35 - neutral third, several octaves up

727 to 522 = 1.39 - augmented fourth

727 to 456 = 1.59 - minor sixth [closer to a just minor sixth than the western music minor sixth]

727 to 367 = 1.98 = [fl] octave

727 to 333 = 2.18 - neutral ninth [more or less]

727 to 160 = 4.54 - [sh] major ninth

727 to 146 = 4.98 - major third [a little flat][higher oct]

727 to 120 = 6.06 - perfect fifth [a little sharp][higher oct]

727 to 72 = 10.10 - major third [a little sharp][several octaves up]

727 to 20 = 36.35 - major ninth, several octaves up or sharp whole tone several octaves up

522 to 456=1.14 - [sharp] wholetone

522 to 367=1.42 - [sharp] augmented fourth

522 to 333=1.57 - minor sixth

522 to 185=2.82 - augmented fourth [higher oct]

522 to 160=3.26 - "Phi" (13/8) Neutral Sixth [higher oct]

522 to 146=3.58 - [sh] Minor Seventh [higher oct]

522 to 120 = 4.35 - Neutral Ninth [higher oct]

522 to 72 = 7.25 - almost a neutral seventh [leaning towards minor seventh] [higher oct]

522 to 20 = 26.10 - "Phi" Neutral Sixth (13/8 ratio) [higher oct]

456 to 367=1.2425 - [flat] major third

456 to 333=1.37 = semi-augmented fourth

456 to 185 = 2.465 = neutral third [higher oct]

456 to 160 = 2.85 - [sh] augmented fourth [higher oct]

456 to 146 = 3.12 - diminished minor sixth [higher oct]

456 to 120 = 3.80 - [sh] m

367 to 333 = 1.10 - 3/4tone

367 to 185 = 1.98 - [fl] octave

367 to 160 = 2.29 - [sharp] major ninth

367 to 146 = 2.51 - [sharp] major third [higher oct]

367 to 120 = 3.06 - [sharp] perfect fifth [higher oct]

367 to 72 = 5.10 - [sharp] major third [higher oct]

367 to 20 = 18.35 - [sharp] major ninth [higher higher oct]

333 to 185 = 1.80 - minor seventh [a little sharper than the western min 7th]

333 to 160 = 2.08 - augmented octave

333 to 146 = 2.28 - [sharp] major ninth

333 to 120 = 2.78 - augmented fourth [higher oct]

333 to 72 = 4.63 - either a very augmented major ninth or a flatter minor third. [higher oct]

333 to 20 = 16.65 - augmented octave [higher oct]

185 to 160 = 1.16 - Augmented Wholetone/Diminished Third

185 to 146 = 1.27 - [sharp] Major Third

185 to 120 = 1.54 = Augmented Fifth

185 to 72 =2.57 = Augmented Third [heading towards a Perfect Fourth][higher oct]

185 to 20 = 9.25 = Augmented Wholetone/Diminished Third [higher oct]

160 to 146 = 1.10 = flat wholetone [use for transitions]

160 to 120 = 1.33 = perfect fourth

160 to 72 = 2.22 = neutral ninth

160 to 20 = higher octave

146 to 120=1.22=neutral third

146 to 72 = 2.03 = sharpened octave

146 to 20 = 7.30 = neutral seventh [high oct]

120 to 72=1.67= major sixth [closer to just major sixth than that of Western Music]

120 to 20 = Perfect fifth, several octaves up

72 to 20 = slightly sharp minor seventh

Submitted: 24-Feb-2003 by
Download preset: sinus2.bwg


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User comments

05-Mar-2003, Rhino
just simply wouw!! nice nice job!!
06-Mar-2003, rhino
please tell me the adres of your site
10-Mar-2003, stickman I think
Ouch, my nose actually bled after it got clear, but i got a cold so...thanks!
Wow holy crap, I just found this site today and bought the program and tried this... I woke up with a terrible runny nose and it continued the rest of the day, but i listened to your preset while searching the libraries and within the first few minutes it started to clear up and after 14 min I was totally able to smell again!!!!!!!Thanks for making this fascinating preset.

About 3 minutes into it, I felt kind of nauseated. I didn't vomit, but I turned it off in case it was caused by the sound. About one or two minutes later, I was no longer nauseated.
bnOCc3 <a href="">qtrfvtfrwalc</a>, [url=]aofovkvbmgio[/url], [link=]vfobkbtzupfo[/link],
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