Astral ProducerSubmitted: 20-Jan-2003 by
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22-Jan-2003, (unknown) |
Hi there! I used your astral producer and it acually opened my third eye chakra! It was wonderful! Thanks! |
28-Jan-2003, Merle |
Hello! Could you tell me how loud it should be listened. |
I know, it diffenetly opens the third eye!! you should listen to a comfortable volume! when the third eye opens, you'll see a big circular white light in your forhead! Cool! |
20-Feb-2003, yellow |
Hi! This preset does something, I couldn't see any light (how am I supposed to see this light, in the mirror or where?), but I felt strange "pain" where the 3rd eye is supposed to be and perception of my body really changed. I was little to afraid to go on with the experiment, but it sure does work! |
okay, lets start off with the fact that i am a skeptic and athiest (they go hand-in-hand) i am NOT quick to believe anything i read/see. out of possibly morbid curiosity i put on this preset - lying down in my bed, facing my window. my focus was on the odd sound, breathing, and whatever else my mind wandered to. after a bit i definitely felt the strange "pain" where a third eye would be (middle of forehead). not questioning it, i carried on, and soon after that i felt slight numbness spread through my body. im not sure how much time passed after that, but im guessing it was prolonged by outside interference (my sisters talking and the phone ringing, although both were brief). eventually, the vibrations came. it started with a wierd sensation - as if suddenly my view expanded as if i was looking through a wide-angle lens. at the same time, everything grew a dull white (my eyes were closed, by the way). i felt the twitching start in my face and probably other parts of my body, but the face was the most prominent. then, i felt my heart pounding inside my chest - it started to go extremely fast, and thats what spooked me into waking up. when i arose, i was shivering (i still am, as im writing this). i cant explain it yet, but many thanks for this preset - it was an enlightening experience. |
Hey i tried this out and like after 2 min. I went blank and I cant remember anything that happened until I "Came back" from whatever 15 min. later and i still didnt really have a good grip on myself. I Listened for 21 min. My 3rd eye didnt open though i did see flashes of white right before I "went out". I dont know what happened and im interested in hearing your coments thanx.
28-Feb-2003, yellow |
hi! something's wrong. this preset doesn't work on me any more. only the first time i used it worked, now i can listen to it an listen and nthng happens. why is it like that? |
This was my first try at bwgen and MAN WAS IT SWEET! I couldn't belive it when the vibes started. Unfortunately thats all i got to. I simply could not get any further for some reason. I thought this was all bull until i tried it. I have gotten to the vibe stage unwillingly before and i thought i was dying or something and it was MUCH more intense than when i use bwgen. Anyways thanks :)
Why did the author seemingly take frequencies said to be related to astral projection and put them all together? At you'll see that whenever there's a description with the word astral projection that frequency is inside this preset.
Ok guys I had an idea.... Instead of starting all presets together. why not create one voice which slowly goes down quite low to about 1HZ or thereabouts. and then increase the frequency. Now... If you want to have an OBE you would create a second voice to start at (for example) 4.0 Hz(OBE inducer) at the same point that the first voice crosses that frequency on the upswing. Once this has been accopmlished the first voice continues up to either the Schumann resonance freq. or up to 7.0, and flattens. So what you achieve is a fully relaxed and unaware person going into a state of relaxation and awareness. As opposed to a slightly relaxed person going into a state of less awareness. |
Listened to the preset for over thirty minutes, great trance but no third eye or vibrations
Had Vibrations........ worked good i guess... Nice job on the preset :) |
17-Apr-2003, anny |
Cannot say I had any beginnings of projection, however vibration occured, and it strangely had a very sexual effect on me that produced arousal almost to the point of orgasm. It might be interested to study this effect... did anyone else experience something similar?
28-Apr-2003, Chriz |
To get obe's you at first need to be able to be relaxed and aware at the same time. One way to achieve that is to perform meditation. It seems to me that bwgen can produce obe's whit less control. Don't know if it's good or bad. But I think that to get the most out of altering mind states and obe's you need to be fully aware of what you are doing. |
Okay...I think im finally starting to make sense out of this vibration stuff. That tingly, vibrating, whatever sensation you people call "vibrations" is actually your body falling asleep. Normally you are unconsious when this happens, but with proper mental training (through meditation or with the help of bwgen), you can achieve this state while conscious. It tingles/vibrates because your nerves basically start shutting down in preparation for sleep. You get a similar reaction when taking local anesthesia, except anesthesia usually knocks you unconscious before you can notice half of it. As for the third eye...I'm at a loss. It always seems to "open up", as you say, when I focus on doing something while meditating, like focusing energy or the like. Maybe it has something to do with upper mental processes we don't understand yet? Also, an interesting thing I noticed that I don't know where else to state - our body seems to have some sort of mental energy supply. For simplicity's sake I will call it mana. Now, whenever I try (really hard) to manipulate energy, for example telekinesis, if I make prolonged attempts I will get light-headed, tired, or dizzy. Now, if I take a stab at relaxative meditation, or sleep, these symptoms go away. My guess is that manipulating energy like that consumes mana. Relaxing or sleep seems to restore this mana. I'd like to know what other people think about this, as I find it very interesting. Oh, and I'm going to attempt this preset again soon, this time with a strong conviction not to pull out - no matter what happens.
To Bj�rn, about your post in 13 may 2003 : please reply me if you are reading this. I think that i have found a way to avoid that situation WITHOUT quitting to do meditation forever as they recommend on that website (i think that they said that, i might be misunderstood) Tell me what you think of this that someone in a website of techniques to reach oobe said : "Another thing you have to watch out for involves what occultists call "kundalini". I do not want to go into a full scale definition of kundalini here. But for our purposes, we can define kundalini as a *latent* energy that each of us posesses. When this energy is "awakened" or brought out of its latent state, it causes us to have psychic abilites, among other thing. It is the kundalini energy that is in large part responsible for the ability to project/have an OOBE. The chills and shivers you may feel as you go deeper into trance are a result of awakening your kundalini. Kundalini is a very powerful energy and there is a possibility that it may affect your physical body. Like I said, as you go into trance you may feel chills or shivers. You may feel a pressure at the back of your neck. You may feel a pressure between your legs at your sex organs. Most of the time, such sensations are harmless. However, if you feel any kind of sensations while trying to leave your body that cause pain, then stop. Don't force yourself. Just stop trying to project and try again later. Such pain is a result of the kundalini energy doing things prematurely and, if you force this energy too soon, you WILL hurt yourself. I don't want to scare anybody saying these things. However, it is something you need to be aware of. Chances are you will NEVER experience any kundalini induced pain. This is rarely reported by people that project. However, I once felt a strange pain between my legs and I didn't force it. I just stopped trying to project for that session. And I was fine. Nothing bad happened to me, and I have never since experienced anything similar. Again though, I am pointing this possibility out to you just in the rare case that you do feel pain in your body when trying to project. To repeat: you will probably NOT have to worry about this." i readed this in "CompuServe Astral Projection Class by Don DeGracia, 1994" It's strange that no one posted reactions to your warning, but i care about your warning, but also i don't want to quit using bwgen and using meditation as they recommend on the website you indicated, as you see, if that person is right (Don DeGracia), that situation can be avoided, maybe you could have avoided what happened to you, in that way, i don't know, with you may have been worse, but it seems you are the only one that happened that situation by hearing this preset. But being ultra-resistant to hypnosis and to bwgen presets can have any influence of preventing that dangerous situation of kundalini energy ? Oh, by the way, you also getted psychosis as they say in that website ? And any other damages to your body? note : i hope other people still reply me, about my other post in 27 jun2003 |
to cesm the answer to many of your questions may be this: in order to open the third eye (as some call it), first you need to rid your normal way of thinking - by this I mean you need to prepare yourself for anything 100% and not have any doubts. You need to believe that its all possible. This can take a long time, and in many cases only happens when you go throw a serious trauma of some kind. You basically need to have a very open mind. Second you need to learn how to truely relax, this is harder that it sounds. using tapes and visual exercises can help. Third have some indepth knowledge in the subject you want to persue - OOBE/astral projection/remote viewing etc. Fourth - trial and error, you really need to learn the best way to acomplish the leap yourself. You can take knowledge from others and use tapes and bwgen to get you started, and with persis |
30-Jul-2003, ewidgo |
TO sc and cesm The key to really develope your self and dicover the true you is not to prepare yourself to feel vibrations or any other signs of "power" (or whatever word you would like to use to represent the phsycic being). Don't expect anything to happen. When one is expecting something to happen your mind and body are to tense to really allow much to happen really at all. Don't get me wrong, everyone is different in body and spirit, some people are able to achieve results in expectation. But for all it is better to not expect anything because it will keep ourselves from growing into something greater. Always leave room for your own eperience. Don't live others eperiences. No eperience is exactly the same. You will find what has always been there all along! :-) |
Heres an update on my usage of this preset: I kept listening to this preset hoping it would work even better. I followed some guidelines like not eating 2-4 hours before sleep which might have been the cause for my success. I had no idea it was going to work so well i expected a trance but not this....I was listening to it and when the preset changes BPM (sounds are faster) it really gives you a jump into another state of consciousness. Later on i could tell something weird was going on as the BPM changed and suddenly i felt diffrent, my nose especially felt diffrent, kinda like i was breathing air fully with no problems(my nose is usually a bit stuffed). I thought i was very close to a projection so i willed my eyes to open and i honestly don't know if it was my real eyes or whatever as i didn't see a bright light but felt some pressure on the forehead. I was thinking about what i read before and i thought maybe a jump might send me out. That didn't work however i just jolted in bed. I rewound the tape(Cd player is broken) and listened again. This time the tape seems to have ended much faster and after the Hemi sync part was done i just listened to the noise on the tape which somehow was enough to keep the trance going. Anyone ever kinda half wake up in the middle of the night with vibrations full blast and paralysis? Happened to me quite a number of times after reading what to do(i had no idea it was part of an obe) i tried to turn it into and obe but nothing happened.Anyways it was fun. Sorry for long post. |
03-Aug-2003, Anonnymous |
Anny, yes i found it produced arousal in the later stages of the trance. I found this extreemly annoying as it was distracting. I had absolutely no "thoughts" that would produce this kind of state.
I listened to it for about 30-45 minutes and fell asleep, nothing happend at all :(
Hi! I'm the creator of this Preset, and I was amazed of the success it made! Honestly, I didn't expect this kind of success, but WOW! By the way, try not to listen to this preset more than 15 minutes because it's heavy on the brain little bit! Thanks for everyone who participated! |
Reply to cesm : First, im sorry for not responding untill now. That is becouse I got really "anti-bwgen" after my experience with this preset. And felt I needed to stay away. When I listened to the preset I did not have anything in mind, like producing astral projection. I was just curious to see if anything would happen. I do not think I got psychosis of it. But I sure got some "damage" for a while, like in my mind or something. It lasted for like 2-3 days. I had mild burning senastions in my neck up to the top of my head, that wasn't pleasant at all. I also felt something which is hard to really put in words... but it was like I wasn't completely in my body...but at the same time I was more in my body than ever before becouse my body sensibility felt incredibly high. When I touched something, or walked barefooted, it was like I could feel every fiber in the floor. That was really creepy, it was way just too much to handle. I really do not want to try this preset again, or any other preset. See there are no shortcuts to spirituall awakening, enlightenment or whatever that does NOT harm you. Through my own personal experiences I really have come to realize this fact. I am not saying one should not meditate, becouse I think you should. But there are dangers on the path, and I want to help by pointing some of them out. It is better to not meditate at all, than to meditate wrong. My best wishes to you all / Bj�rn |
Bjorn, i think you started to develop some psychic energy. It may be Chi, Prana, Or even the Kundalini. However, people, BE CAREFUL! To develop spiritually or to gain some supernatural abilities such as astral projection may actually contain some negative effects. For example, being intuitive and psychic will make you so sensitive that you will be depressed most of the time! Everything in this world has positive and NEGATIVE effects and consequences. Another point, everyone is still defferent! Take Care! |
Don't be affraid of Kundalini Awakening. It's the most beautifull experience known on earth. Effects of awakening can be painfull, fearfull or full of panic.. this is only and ONLY due to the lack of pureness and love of the individual. When you're clean at heart, healed at whole your being, you have nothing, but nothing to fear. It's the most sacred experience, which enables whole your being. DNA activation, paranormal activation, extreme healing (can be painfull), inner sight, guidance and supreme Knowledge. Opening the Third eye is a good way to start your way into Kundalini awakening. When you feel the energy rush climbing or storming it's way up, it must be the Kundalini energy. Please read more about Kundalini then, but don't let the negative warnings or fears come into your mind, because THEY are the source of all pain and agony while awakening. May God bless us all, Alex. Be warned, be loved (and lovefull). Search for Guru, Kundalini on the internet or bookstore. |
BEST DAMN SLEEP EVER! thats pretty much all that it did to me. i slept for 5 hours instead of my regular 8.5 but didnt feel groggy or irritated for sleeping less hours today. Amazing stuff! btw, this is my first time experimenting. and oh yea, did start feeling the vibrations (mildly) and my eyes did start focusing on my forehead as well as my eyes (even though they were closed) felt like they were flickering. All in all, a good experience nonetheless. Recommended! |
when i tryed this preset i did it with positivity, which lead to a good and fun experience!! so words of advice,dont feel in a negetive state when you do this preset, because if you open it in a negetive state or what ever,you kinda get screwed over and have a bad expereince, so cleanse your chakras extra well befor doing this preset,and if you dont know what chakras are then you should research it before the kandalini awakening,and if you didnt open your third eye yet keep trying the preset over and over until you get stronger with it and finaly get it right,i hope this comment helped you in any way and have fun with it,this is important info.
It was my first evening, I tried any presets. Before that evening, I reached the state of vibration on my own, but I took at least one and a half hour. On that evening I listened to this preset and after 10 minutes or so, I didn't fell my body anymore (Focus 10?). After another 7 Minutes (I sampled this preset on a CD, lenght: 60 Minutes); I felt the waves coming over me. Unfortunately I made a big mistake: I forgot to take off my clothes, so my astral body was caught....tonight, I will pay attention on this! THE GREATEST PRESET EVER!!!!!!!! |
22-Nov-2005, Mike |
I enjoyed this preset. Tried it for the first time last night, and got a lucid dream out of it. Not full control (I wasn't flying), but I could control destination & movement. No OOBE as yet, but still a great experience. - So far, this, and Tommi's vibration starter with harmonic box have been the only two presets to have an effect.
30-Dec-2005, CG |
Wow. I used this before I went to sleep last night, and I think this preset is very interesting. After playing for a few minutes I felt a warmth in my forehead which spread throughout my body, which was followed by an acute awareness of my pet and some of the people in my house, like I was watching them without seeing them, if that makes sense. After this, I remember starting to snore, even though it didn't feel like I was forcing it: I felt as if I were asleep but still conscious. I heard a lot of voices at this stage, and though I don't remember what they said, it felt like they were trying to distract me. I resolved to keep listening, and a little later I percieved this blinding light in my forehead similar to what others have described. I felt very fatigued at this point and removed my headphones. It was a very strange experience, and I plan to try it again soon. |
I tried this one for one hour. it did nothing for me.
I've used this preset. it does work. i have some problems of my own. when i first used it. i had my computer running the preset with the PC speakers nest to me and my head phones playing it. the hole thing lasted about 3 hours but it felt like 30 minutes. the reason why i stoped was because the speakers screamed a highpitched noise. my computer, speakers and clock sshut off. like a power outage. but everything else in the house was fine. my alarm clock was flashing 12:00, the scream didn't last long, it wasn't a scream like it was someone screaming, more like a high pitch noise. but anyways. i was laying there trying the preset out, and all of the sudden i say a wave of light in my eyes. as if i saw it. and once it passed. my heart rate rose dramatically and i was feeling the so called Vibrations. and it started to calm down but i felt as if i was floating but i can still feel the bed and pillow on my back. it was interesting, but i havn't gotten there again. i came close but i cant get back. recently when i try without the aid of the preset, i can make it to the stage of the vibrations but it lasts for about 20 seconds, then i'll seee something random. like simeple thing as a cube to complex things like a birds eyes view of a city. then it just goes back to square one. i'd really like some help with this. this hole subject interests me, and i want to try it. im not afraid about any dangers that'll happen, i dont see how it can.
hey did that really happen to you and wat did it feel like. Did it hurt alot
it didn't hurt one bit. but i will admit it scared the living crap out of me but you have to feel the fear and act anyways. such as any situation in life. i dont believe in lying when it comes to personal experience, i believe if you haver the need to lye, why bother saying it in the first place. but yea, this process doesn't hurt. i see it as manipulating your body's energy to do things such as astral projection and even ESP. ghosts and the power of the mind (hypnotism, esp and oobe) has always captivated me. if anyone has information to send to me plz do.
18-May-2006, Chad |
I just tried this for 6 minutes My forhead felt as if i was growing a unicorns horn or something. apearently my third eye. the reason i stoped was ebcause my eyes began to twitch lightly, then uncontrolably. Its late, i will do the 15 minutes tomorow. This is amazing. I have a complete beliefe in this program now. |
my computer is old and decrepit and it doesnt support bgen. is there a way i can work around this and simply turn it into a wav file?
if anyone wants to know. Im a utilitarian. i think i've spelled it right lol. i believe in small sections of multiple religions. i believe most in Wicca and practise the small spiritual side of the religion. i've been taking teachings about this subject and i've learned about the experience i've poseted earlier. i did infact have an out of body experience, and it faild misserably lol. The vibrations is your presonal enegry field, everyone has it. it's called an Aura. as the experience went on that loud scream i herd wasn't from the speakers fritzing out, still vague to me but that was a frequency change in the brain. im continuing to learn more about theese techniques. just as an adition to who wants to learn as well, not to advertise or anything but theirs a book called the Dreamhealer. i've read this book and it has given me almost like a path to follow of how to channel energy into amazing things. i'd like to urge EVERYONE that this isn't a dangerous experience but dont expect to be a pro by just listening to theese presets. you have to learn how to function when your in that state. think of it as building you motor skills all over again. i believe with all my life that anyone can acheve anything with the correct ammount of work. BrainWave Generator can help guide your mind into that state but good luck with functioning. feel free to e-mail me if you want any more of my tips and thoughts.
What do I need to play the file?
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