Hormonal Balance

Tri-thalmic entrainment -Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus. I inteneded this preset to be repeated 7 times.

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Submitted: 11-Jan-2003 by brightwarrior
Download preset: HormonalBalance.bwg


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User comments


I've just begun the journey into the science of brainwaves. I was just reading up on Pineal DMT. And since you mentioned the third eye, I was wondering if this preset would spur the release of dmt. I am still an unregistered user so I can't try presets. Thanks.
25-Jan-2003, SHP
mhm, some testosterone increasing preset would be very interesting... maybe someone knows the frequencies?
04-Feb-2003, Anonim
WoW.Imagine a preset who can release a HGH Human Grow Hormone.
Is there a frequency that stimulates testosterone production as well as Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus? Or maybe a frequency that makes your balls tingle. :D lol
You guys ever think that frequencies below 4 might not possibly work.. Thats why you would then in turn have to make an electromagnetic field (me and my buddy are doing that).. gonna use elf's on the base of the spine and a binaural preset to listen to....
Just curious as to if anyone has every experimented with frequencies that could be used as a sexual performance enhancer... Anything that that could possibly help with erectile dysfunction or increase blood flow to the genitals. I've been trying to incorporate some frequencies that might help with this but any feedback would help.
hey joe...this might possibly work... try using a highly visual theta preset.. for imagination/etc..etc.. may be able to "visualize" blood flowing to yer penis... trying to work on a preset..will post in here if it works for visualization...
And don't be afraid to pick up some "Pinnacle Horny Goat Weed" at your local drugstore.
01-Apr-2004, Jared DarkSyd
Does this preset cure acne?
15-Aug-2010, Alex
Jared DarkSyd, I'm going to try this preset for a week to test it out. I'll report back to you. I have a minor acne problem. I'm not sure if this will work or not, but I am also using a facial cleanser at the moment. Good Luck.
HI Alex,
the Jared comment was from 6 years ago.lol
we should open a new forum with all this site material and make it clean and fresh. what do you think?
Good point. I hadn't thuohgt about it quite that way. :)
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