Evelyne Juliet2.5 for relaxation & production of endogenous opiates (EQ) 4 to 6 for attitude changes ( MH)
Sources: AT Auriculotherapy device information from Bentek Corp. EQ Octaves And windows, Eqinox, April 1988 MH Mind Expansing Machines: Can your GP do for the Brain What Nautilus Does for the Body?, by Michael Hutchinson, New Age Journal July\August 87
Submitted: 11-Jan-2003 by brightwarrior
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Okay, I'll bite - what's the significance of the name of the preset?
This is an inspired preset.Very skillful in separating the frequencies , the inviting lows and the inspiring highs. The use of segmants demonstrates the great flexibility of bwgen and its ability to create "experiences" which change over time. A preset like this one doesn't get old fast.The ability to create complex modulations in both the carriers as well as in the noise is sooo cool. When the noise rhythm kicked in after the long period of a single carrier i thought " damn!" .This one is a trip.I'm so glad there are people out there who have such a mature understanding of this app. There is "art" to creating a preset.
12-Mar-2003, rhino |
nice breath:)
All music affects your brainwaves in one way or another. Have you ever noticed becoming happy, sad, energetic, relaxed, etc. while you listen to different kinds of music? Binaural beats are just a more simplistic way to manipulate brainwaves...
I hardly doubt this preset would work that good...with the (at) frequencies...at stands for alpha stim (was an electronic type ear device that emitted small shocks in the ear canal)...
24-Apr-2003, rhino |
ej fluxliner... you might want to get more into goa.. uses a lot of binaural beats.
No, only binaural beats manipulate brainwaves. Music makes people vomit, not vomit, or vomit a lot, depending on the person. Why can't you introduce sad to happy? That's why music isn't even a more complex way to manipulate brainwaves.
How quite true the fact is that binaural beats are the key to the brains manipulation. However, music sooths the ears from some of the agervating sounds. Your brain is going to prosses both the binaural beats and the music and so are your ears. remember....... a spoonfull of sugar helps the mesin go down. as my nephew would say. |
Anyone into Bianural beats should check out shpongle, Raja Ram and Simon Posford to see what they are doing sliding this into music. I went to the last concert where I could only here the subwoofer. The other 3,000 people at the "Silent Rave" seemed to be having a rather good time. Also the movie "The Cell" has almost two scripts there is so much. It's like half the world is in the Matrix. D'oh!
no-one seems to have mentioned that binaural beats are only effective if you listen to them with headphones. if you hear a binaural beat through external speakers, all you will hear is a phase seperation, which will not alter your state of consciousness because it will be processed differently by the brain. it's highly unlikely that anyone would have been hearing binaural beats at a simon posford concert unless they were jacked into the mixing desk and listening with headphones. |
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
This might be my favorite preset ever. Thank you. It's beautiful.
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