W-Telekinesisby Weng Fung (a.k.a. Lightarian)
This should make telekinesis easier. It doesn't mean you can just get it by hearing it; you'll have to train by using your mind power, concentration, and pure belief to move some thing very little(like a little piece of paper) first and then move up to higher stuff while listening to this. Don't get mad if it doesn't come so soon... it might come to some of us way quicker, and some might take a long time to actually get it. If you never get it, then it is meant to be... or, my preset doesn't work. :(
NOTE: I am not reliable to any harm you do by telekinesis. Don't yell at me if you can't do it! Submitted: 14-Nov-2002 by
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So.....this preset is for developing telekinetic powers.... Well....I just don't think I have it in me :) I doubt a phenomenon like telekinesis even exists..... Oh well, Perhaps someone can prove me wrong.... I'm going to try out this preset, but not really expection anything to happen. allthough the thought of telekinesis does sound appealing :)) No more having to carry around heavy things... |
Come on people! You know none of these presets do any more than make you fall asleep. The more outrageous the claims for each one the funnier it gets!
15-Nov-2002, Nick Perez |
OK, I've had some fun with drug simulating presets so I know these work, but gimme a frickin break! Telekinetic powers?? Are you serious?? Some of you guys are pretty messed up in the head, you might need some help..
15-Nov-2002, Glen |
Perhaps people need to be more open-minded. I have never experienced telekinesis myself, but that does not mean that it does not exist. Those who state otherwise without proof are the equivalent of the 'flat-earth'ers of the past. They looked at what they could see, and they saw a flat piece of earth, so they assumed that the earth was flat. What they didn't realise was that just because you cannot SEE the curving of the earth from your perspective, doesn't mean that it doesn't curve. The same with telekinesis - just because you haven't seen it yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As for pascalsimons, you will not manage telekinesis if you do not believe in it. It is much like firewalking - if you believe that your feet are safe, nothing will happen to them, but if you believe that your feet will be burnt, your feet will burn psychosomatically. It is all in the belief. By the way, Nick Perez. Perhaps it is you who is messed up in the head for blatantly denying the existence of telekinesis - just a thought. |
Listening to it now, these would be the suggestions I'd give to improve it : 1)I'd begin at a conscious binaural beat level. (12 HZ) and gradually ramp down to 7 HZ over a period of time. It would probably help with the transition to that mental state better. 2) For the audible tones, I [personally] find that lower tones work better. You might also want to change the tone up, rather than leaving it at that constant frequency. It just gives the brain something to preoccupy it. If I remember correctly, doesn't the brain have a mechanism where it will ignore inputs that are constantly the same? Even then, I'm not sure if this will produce a telekinetic result. I'm willing to bet you'd get a lot of those weird experiences one gets on the verge of falling asleep, though. The half-awake brain is a very strange animal. |
I do believe in telekenisis. You can do anything you set your mind to. Have I done it? Once when I was pissed off. Emotions help things like that happening. We are powerful beings. Your mind can accomplish much. Look, I know it sounds like bullshit, but trust me. Open up to the world a little people. What do you have to lose? Not a damn thing.
15-Dec-2002, Js |
I agreee. Eventhough I am extremely skeptic to this in particular, I do believe that one should atleast look into the matter before you pass judgement.
A Telekinetic Experiment. In the early 1970s an experiment based on imprinting and telekinetic powers was developed which had a distinct advantage over all that had come before or since. Rather than pre-conditioned humans, chicks were used as the subjects. When a chick hatches it latches onto the first thing it sees, using a process called imprinting. The reason behind this is that the first thing it will usually see is its mother, whom is vital for the chick�s survival. If the mother leaves the nest and the chick is too young to follow it will cry for her to return, if it can follow it will. During this experiment the first thing that the chicks witnessed when they hatched was a robot, programmed to more randomly around a �pen�. The chicks happily followed the robot as it moved around just as they would a natural mother. This demonstrated that imprinting had actually taken place. Next the robot was removed from the pen and placed into an adjacent pen, which was shielded from the chicks view by a screen. The robot, as programmed, randomly moved around the new pen by itself. The chicks, as expected, made a lot of noise crying for their �mother�. When the screen was removed the chicks saw the robot in the adjacent pen, they could not get to it, but they could see it. They all rushed to the side of the pen and cried at the robot to return. The robot, although programmed to move in a complete random fashion, moved to the side of its own pen, as close to the chicks as would have been possible. This process was repeated several times and the exact results were demonstrated. So what is going on? Well the chicks are demonstrating a collective ability to move an object through desire alone, the key here, in my opinion is the level of emotional involvement that was present. The chicks were in a high state of distress and the desire for the robot mother to come to them would have been far greater than any persons desire to move an object because it would be cool, as equally would be the emotional energy put into the tasks. Furthermore, we, as humans, are educated to believe that telekinesis is not possible; it simply goes against what we understand and accept as science. On a related subject, I know of a case of human teleportation that was successfully achieved. During this incident the emotion and desire was extremely high. The emotion was love, mixed with fear; the desire was for a father to save his daughters life. The two people in question are my father and my sister. The incident took place only a few months after she was born, she is the eldest, and so was my fathers first, and at the time only, child. An emotional tie that strong is hard to beat. Notice the similarities in these two incidents and you will have the key not only to telekinesis but also to teleportation. I only hope that you never have to suffer the emotional distress required to achieve them. These phenomena do exist, but they are very rare, if this were not the case, and we were all free to move things or teleport at will the world would be utter chaos. Rules are required to keep things in order, but every once in a while, when the need is great the rules will bend. Good luck with the preset. |
24-Jan-2003, Chris P. Bacon |
Well folks... Telekinesis is something that every more or less advanced shaman (sorcerer, man or knowledge or whatever you call it) can do. In fact it is a direct result of a knowledge. This and much more. The thing is, no one in a right mind will ever spend years trying to achieve telekinesis, because it is worthless. Telekinesis is a side effect of a KNOWLEDGE, it is not an aim in itself. Yes people can do this and lot more but - why should they? For fun? To amaze friends at the party? What a worthless junk. Bending spoons, moving matches. Gimme a break, better go learn lucid dreaming and you will do a lot more than that simple crap when you develop your "second body" enough. The thing is, when you do, cheap tricks like telekinesis won't be fun anymore...
Used with the proper exercises -- this would definitely aid the process of PK ability. It definitely exists, I promise. Unfortunately the majority of those who have tapped into it, do not know they have it. It takes a lot of emotinal agitation to create the "Carrie" like effects. As you saw in that film, and as is the case with real-life poltergeist phenomenon (I've definitely seen this -- I saw it the day before yesterday) -- the wielders have little to no control of their ability. Otherwise this is limited to "using Ouija" -- or making some physical contact with an object. Electronic dissension is usually the case. Once I threw out all of the electricty on the other side of my condo. On purpose, but I've been doing this for years, and the incident was not entirely (at all) a result of my PK. At any rate, I know this works because I immediately felt this sweaty dizzy head . . . feeling that I get when my "third eye" (ajna chakra) is stimulated. I was working it out yesterday and it is "sore," and this made it moreso. And since Ajna is the access point to PK ability (USUALLY), I would say this is a job well done. PS I did not run a spell check on this memo |
10-Jun-2003, scott |
this preset helps, but the best info i have found for actually learning to use your telekinetic ability is here: www.uyta.com Unleash Your Telekinetic Ability |
This is really weird. This post of TeleBoy is unbelievable. If that is really true (and if he could do that because that he heared the preset) this is magnificient, but such results most probably demand a lot of work in training or meditating... Hey teleboy i want to make you some questions : how long and how many times you heared this preset before that happened ? Did you have opened the third eye in meditation in other times or using other presets? I think i have readed in somewhere that is necessary to open the third eye to having psychokinetic powers... i don't know if it's true. I think i need advice in how to try psychokinesis (that part of forming the image of the object, i am really NOT good at imaginating/visualizing things in my mind). There is also other posts here of people that managed to have psychokinetic powers, but it's still hard to believe, i can't quit thinking that still this is a thing too good to be truth(to exist)... moving objects with the mind... But now i am almost no skeptic anymore, now it's just doubts. But, curiosly most of the people that say that it work didn't indicated their email... i wonder why?! Only Sherry and Kasie carvalho did. And "Cody Hardman"'s email doesn't work. I apreciate that the people here that says that this works, would always indicate how much time they heared this preset and how many times, and also if they are using other presets, specially those of opening third eye... To sherry : how many weeks or months of training is needed to have this "power" ? Why some people get it almost imediatly and lifting cars, and others have to train several weeks or months just to lift a little ball of paper?! And can self-hypnosis help in this ? |
12-Jul-2003, Salem Burke |
Since I'm here I may as well answer some of the above as far as I know. Unless somebody has a very rare gift, the chances of this preset awakening PK by itself are about the same as somebody awakening it by laughing too hard, or "having good sex". But I do not discoount that it can act as an aid. Self-hypnosis works also, yes. Self hypnosis can do anything. So can sound (sound makes us all "stick together" -- literally). Use everything. Sex, hypnosis, meditation, void meditation, evocation, invocation, bi-location. Use kundalini yoga (caution on that one), hatha yoga (caution for all yoga unless a yogi or yogi like fella who is being trained by some fantastic "invisible college", but what are the odds of that?) I used this preset with great sucess to stimulate my "third eye," so it definitely does something. The third eye can assist in all of the exercises. And to "skeptics" -- there IS such a thing. We are all using some form of it now. If we are made up of identical particles of energy at an "atomic level" -- what makes us "form into humans or human looking creatures"? The answer is, normally, "all of us" and predominently the people with the most "will" or whatever you want to call it. If a person is easily persuaded by majority rules, this person will not be able to manifest an ability as such because the majority "force" will supress the fact from happening. In other words, you will be "over-ruled." Only intense training can change this. If you do it once, majority loses all power. The rule no longer applies. What can help me break this majority rules Mister Burke? Not what, who. And that is -- ultimately only you. That's a lotta nonsense Mister Burke! Well I don't have to take this! Good day to you then. I mean night -- good night. PS And good luck. |
Why does everyone think of moving big stuff like paper-clips and staplers with telekenesis. No one thinks to move the small stuff: Nerve Cells, amino acids, atoms ect... If you change the state of small things in an ordered system, you can cause sympathetic resonance effects that will induce macroscopic changes in that system. One potential application is to sustain a small energy field capable of harnessing Zero-Point energy to do whatever you wished. A seething field of background energy pervades our environment and the only thing preventing us from observing it dirctly is our particular orientation to that energy. Use telekenesis to make a slight shift in that environment to make the energy useable in your environment, and you could produce interesing paranormal effects visible to others. Just a thought.
07-Sep-2003, (unknown) |
cipher - interesting theory and, in effect, isn't that what Serge is claiming he's already doing? Not that his paranormal effects are visible as you suggested, but in the idea of creating sympathetic resonances within the minds of others and thus inducing changes in behavior. Just a different thought. |
I have been practicing Telekinesis, and dabbiling in pyrokinesis/aero-pk/cryokinesis for about a month and a half now... All though I have yet to have any definite success i truly believe for a change. This is one of the first things that I have had to actually put effort into. I am very scholastic by nature, most sports come easy to me, and as far as friends go im pretty well off. all in all im very balanced in life, but I can't get this without trying. After using this preset, I feel the gut feeling you get when your trying to recieve something in telepathy or CRV or the like... The feeling that it's gonna work. I never had it before. I feel this preset will work. |
05-Nov-2003, aiden |
when i first heard about telekenesis it intregued me, so 2 years later(long time) i tried it when i was at my club over the summer holidays. We all had to sit in silence for 10 minutes when i looked to my right there was a piece of fluff, all of a sudden i just thought to give it a go cos i had nothing else to do, so i focused on it and just thought in my head that the piece of fluff is just a piece of air i repeated this over and over and i swear that the piece of fluff moved about 5mm to the right. I know this dosnt seem like much but i was convinced |
10-Nov-2003, NaHeMiA |
God damn. Does anyone but me find it a little difficult to get anything out of these so called "Experiences"? I'm here trying to study the effects of sound frequencies on the brain and what they stimulate, and all I read about is 11 year old kids either telling us about elite uber-xmen powers, how they make things fall, making women "whornaey", or asking which button they click to fly. At what point did the study of astral projection, telekinesis, chi energy manipulation, radionics, etc get thrown to the dogs? "i red da wird 'sine wave` but i dont se ne wavs 2 sine my name at wtfwtfwtf!?!?!?!? will dis make me sykik??????????" Here's my advice for all of you who fit in this catagory. Go search for Grammar and spelling.bwg And after you learn to spell, rather than posting your "experiences", keep yourself entertained with SuperPsychicPokemonPower.bwg *sigh* enough of that rant. On to do some testing of my own with these. And my compliments to the people who are actually studying this and making the presets. |
11-Nov-2003, Wolverine |
For the attention of NaHeMiA... Your point, to some extent, is valid. However your condescending attitude to the others posting here is not. I do not think it is fair for you to comment on the grammer and spelling of the others (or the subjects/content of their posts for that matter - this is a Telekinesis preset, and they are talking about...telekinesis, surprisingly). Nobody is forcing their opinions on you, or making you read these posts - it looks like you're more than a little jealous of others having access to these tools. As many have said before, the greatest tool in relation to this sort of thing is the human mind - do us all a favour and use yours. |
17-Nov-2003, NaHeMiA |
You're missing my point entirely. I never said I couldn't perform or didn't research telekinesis. Nor do I bash on people 14. I believe if any at that age truly have the desire to start research and attempt to develope such abilities, it is commendable and impressive. I'm simply remarking, based on a plethora of comments that I read here, that the credibility is somewhat questionable. Tell me honestly that you believe some of the stupid things on here. For instance, I recall reading one person claiming to be 12 and telling all about how his master, under whom he somehow managed to sneak out and be a disciple of, could fly and they would teleport around and fight bad guys. :/ Another "representative" of the telekinetic arts. This doesn't strike you as a shameful blow against the credibility of the practice? You both took this as an attack against people that it wasn't. No I'm not targetting 14 year olds, no I'm definitely not bashing or denying the existence of telekinesis. (As it happens, I do use my mind, thank you) I am however asking that the FEW kids that have nothing better to do than get on and reiterate their favorite superhero comic strip, replacing their hero with themselves should find somewhere else to do it! They have numerous fanfic sites, and people will love it there. This is not simply click-here-to-be-psychic software. It does take some actual research and knowledge to use it properly. And those who open their minds and do it, have my full respect. The younger the better! Just wish those who make a joke out of this would stop, you know? Just a thought for your misinterpreting, defensive brain. ;) |
ok to the haters wolfverine and serge shut up with your clever ass *anon* posts the comment that NaHeMiA sent in was just what i was thinking by the time i got to reading it OMG dude that post was the funnyest thing i ever read lol NaHeMiA Rock on dude[FLAM OFF}......big ya self up i am still laughing....anyway ive been intoxicated by the thought of Pk for along time and even took the time (5 months) to practice with not very many results...do i belive in it if you'd have asked me a year ago id have said yes no doubt, but now im not sure im thinking of getting back into the practices of PK its something to do keeps my mind clear. PS pokemon had its time and was pretty damn good and im 17 years old PPS in the words of the fantastic four [FLAM ON] |
for those of you that think that it is fake...wake up it is all around you. ever been really reallly mad and something just all of a sudden flies off a desk ect.? telekinesis, unconcious telekinesis. we all have it in us. all we really have to do is simply learn...learn how to control it. long before us people have been doing this.heres an example of some type of telekinesis you can try easily it is MOSTLY harmless unless you dont listen to these instructions. here we go: a> telekinesis is real if you dont belive then dont bother reading this. 1>ok now we start, place your hands close together as if holding a ball but not touching. 2> imagine green evergy surrounding your body inside your body,now focus. try to get that green surrounding energy around you in the middle of your hands. 3> imagine it getting denser and denser. soon your going to feel a slight pressure in the middle of your hands if you try to push inward it could have slight pressure as if a magnet were pushing against another. 4>IF YOU FEEL ANY DIZZYNESS OR IF YOU FEEL FAINT STOP! rest a while regain your energy. its not fun passing out from using too much of your chi(energy) it should take around an amature like you ppl around lets see...5-10 minutes to feel results. the more you practice the more you will be able to last and the stronger your energy ball will get, its not an instant thing you just dont learn it. give it some time. please before saying "oh he's crazy" or "oh its all bull" try it and if you dont feel anything well see what otehrs have to say. give it about a week. and Cyrus .....no you cant its a mutual thing you belive you recieve the power of telekinesis. this technique is just basic so if you want anything harder try looking for sites..Good Luck ^^ |
26-Nov-2003, TK |
Luigi: you can't pass out by using too much chi, because in the first place, you have to use it. When you're doing telekinesis, you aren't using chi, but psi, which is a whole different kind of energy. Even if you try to release ALL your chi, you still won't faint, cos it won't work. You can however get serious headaches that last for a long time if you overdo it. ==> Has anyone SEEN and CONFIRMED you levitating? Don't forget your mind can play tricks on you. Cheers, TK |
30-Nov-2003, Luigi |
ive been doing Ki for 3 years, you can do alot with Ki energy. I believe the basics of telekinesis is definetly Ki there is so much more though. if your begining telekinesis than i suggest start with a Ki ball. bending a spoon i believe is a bit difficult for a begginer and would get his or her hopes down.
Look, it is real I do it a lotbut i dont tell to many people but i have friends that can do it too, you may not beleive it but what is true is true. If you want to learn how to do it e-mail me at [email protected] i also have other powers beside that like throwing fire from my hand. you can deny that i have these powers but i do and I will make a beleiver out of you just e-mail me, and i will reply.
04-Dec-2003, Luigi |
oh manu should, acually no i dont recomend it....but try Jing o.O Jing is energy made from anger and hate its pure phical energy u can make holes in walls with jing its crazy. but be warned....if you make jing inside of your body and do not get rid of it right away you will have HORRABLE pains and you can go throught what is called withdraw. withdraw is when your energy your body normally makes gets destroyed and you are not capable of useing tk. withdraw can last anywhere from 1 hour or in baad cases up to a month. its fun but risky x_x |
04-Dec-2003, Weng Fung |
Oh I see, you're using ki/jing energy to push things. The gifted TK'ists don't need to use ki, their PSI is automatic. That's psi, the psychic and mental energy... not the Universal, Earth, or life energies. But similarly, psi is around us. Yeah, I do know about Jing.. you supposed to build them by "compacting your bones." Withdrawal is something interesting, I thought it was called a "void." I now have enough to pursuade my goal, but then again I don't have enough "yi" energy (Willingness power). Oh well, laterz.
Do ya'll think it's scientifc or superstitious?
12-Dec-2003, Luigi |
Tk? its neither scientific nor superstitious. its just...natral. all the energy and any teqniques you can do with it is using natral energy we are all born with you just have to know how to use them thats all. |
Luigi's right. Every1 is born with tk. But this here preset makes it more "available" to be used. I have made a preset to do just that. Called Third Eye Awakening in the miscelaneus files. It works great when played after this preset.
May the Gods have mercy on your souls for believing such baloney. I know you don't like the reality you live in but don't try to talk about something that's just not possible, it's like believing 2+2=5. It's not the truth. Accept life for how it is and move on. No magic, just illusions, made by charlatans. Believe me when I say I would love for life to be more magical than this but it just isn't. It's just: study, work, get job, get married, get cancer, then die. And that's the way the cookie crumbles.
11-Jan-2004, Jeff |
@ Peter G : Maybe you cannot comprehend your own reality. Keep an open mind, there are things out there. Besides 2+2 does = 5 if you have larger values of 2. eg 2.5 which is still 2. Hope some time you can come to terms that we collectively as humans know nothing. The important thing is to know you know nothing.
I think that what Weng Fung was saying was that this will not TRIGGER PK effects. What it will do is give you a state of mind that assists any current ability to move things. So wheather or not PK exists is not the question. But if it exists then this preset could help. GOD!! Everyone stop arguing and use your brains. I think half the people here need to try the intelligence boosters for a while. (speaking of low intelligence, sorry about any spelling mistakes). Just incase anyone is considering making another of these PK presets please consider this: Unlike many other paranormal abilities, PK seems to originate in the primitive parts of the brain (brainstem. Maybe the hypothalamus or medulla?). So try stimulating these areas. Don't focus on stimulating the frontal lobes even though these are the advanced parts of the brain. Research into Matthew Manning and the "Ramp Function". This may help. As for anyone trying simple PK tricks, the easiest for me is moving cigarette smoke (not from your own cigg. Smoking would decrease the ability). I discovered this when my girlfriend's smoke was in my face. It pissed me off and I couldn't be bothered moving away. No I didn't blow it away. The direction of it's flow changed at the base of the cigarette. I have been able to do it since in any state of mind. |
Regarding Xeno Morphine's message... Sorry about any coincidence about the names. I didn't realize there was another using morphine as a name. Anyway, the thing I said about cigarettes inhibbiting ability was just a passing thought. I also said it incase there was a raving anti-smoking-activist around. I didn't want to get flamed about smoking. Now that I think about it, Nicotine stimulates the N receptors in the cholinergic system. The effects it produces would only realy cause a problem if you're not a regular smoker and it made you light-headed. Like it does to me. But even so it hasn't stopped me recently. If you smoke don't get all worried about what I said. The other point is that my brain reacts weirdly to chemicals so maybe my experiences are different. |
Telekinesis is real. Obvious to some, harder to get people to understand that fact than others. I'm on PsiPog chat (www.psipog.net/chat.php) usually at times suited for Eastern Australia (Melbourne). Check the articles from the links on the left part (or www.psipog.net/articles.php). I'm quite an advanced all-rounded person. (P.S. Visit my website and give me advice at www.freewebs.com/tomjunlee) |
I see these apparently "supernatural" feats have stirred quite a bit of emotions. It is amazing how people can keep on reinforcing their limitations by believing themselves (or TV, or newspapers) to be all-knowing. I also find it amusing that no one expects someone to become a brain surgeon after one day of schooling and practice (it takes so many years of elementary school, high school, university, post-graduate studies), yet when it comes to developing other skills that also require quite a bit of time of practice to develop - it's so much easier to say that they are impossible, unnatural or supernatural. As for what would our world be like if everyone throughout history settled for "accepting the life as it is" - one may well imagine we would still live in caves. Any progress we have experienced in any form is due to some brave souls who had passion and drive to become more, to learn more, to explore. I'm not sure if you know that the best and closest friend of a man who invented TV wanted to put him in a mental hospital for treatment after this one announced that he had discovered a way to send sounds and images through the ether. And it's the similar story with many other inventions which are beneficial to us today. Yet, in some cultures, among some groups of people, people devoted more time to development and mastery of their mental abilities and manipulating the energy (life-force) in which we all live and move and out of which all of us are created, rather than to developing of external gadgets. It's amazing, too, that due to lovely technological advances, such as calculators, for some people even doing math with their minds seems to be a "supernatural" feat - never mind using higher mental abilities. Oh, and we do have a science "quantum physics" for those that are looking for "scientific" proofs and explanations why we can do amazing things with our minds - except that those in the west who claim to be down to earth and rational and don't want to believe in "such baloney" are unwilling to look into it. The fact is that our thoughts and emotions constantly affect our bodies and our environment. It's just that because most people are ignorant of the nature of their minds and the abilities they inherently possess, they can do nothing "extraordinary" with their minds. It's nice to know that we all find in the outer world "proofs" for whatever we choose to believe - because our outer experiences only mirror our beliefs. Again, any of these apparently "supernatural" abilities are merely skills that require development just as any other skills do - just the way learning how to walk, learning how to walk, learning how to do anything else with our minds and bodies required time to learn and master - so do these abilities. And the development of any of these abilities begins with knowing that they are possible (NOT hoping that they may be possible, but KNOWING), and the understanding comes from understanding the nature of our minds and the universe we live in, and conducting our own experiments - small at first. We didn't begin with running, we learned how to crawl first. Before we were able to use our bodies to lift heavy objects - we began with smaller objects. As our physical power developed, we were able to lift heavier objects. And in the same way, as our mental power grows, we are able to do more. And there is another important aspect that accelerates the process of accomplishing bigger things - and that is, connecting with that power within which is greater than our individual selves. I think a lot of people are too arrogant to admit that there is any power that is greater than them, yet at the same time they fear because they believe themselves to be separated from it. As for brainwave frequencies - they are merely tools that are intended to help the person get into appropriate states of mind to master different abilities and they are great at that. The power is in each individual's mind - to use it as he sees fit - reinforcing the belief that something is impossible for him and it would be ridiculous to even attempt it or choosing to wholeheartedly invest himself into exploring what he can do with his mind (whatever it takes). Half-hearted attempts produce half-hearted results and most often, nothing will come out of it - especially when they are backed up with expectations of failure. For those who are interested to learn more about developing these abilities - some good books are "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East" by Baird T. Spalding, "Impersonal Self", "Door of Everything" by Ruby Nelson, "I AM" Discourses by Saint Germain, "God I AM" by Peter Erbe, "A Course in Miracles". Also learning about alchemy and the lives of great alchemists - both in the West and the East. The main purpose of alchemy is learning who to use one's mind-power to transmute and/or manipulate energy / matter. Matter is simply a lower vibration of energy - which appears solid because our physical senses interpret certain vibrations as solid. For those who want to get involved deeper - there are books from Taoist Alchemy providing practices and exercises for mastering the energy (chi) - learning how to generate it and project it. It is not that the information is not there - it's that most people have not interest in devoting necessary time to look for such information or to devote to necessary practice. Yes, these abilities, like any other abilities we have mastered, eventually become second-nature, and people can do them merely by intending them, but before that happens, a lot of practice is needed - and just so much practice is needed does not mean that the development of the ability is impossible. And, by the way, in China, a group of 12-year old kids were trained, not even specifically for telekinesis, but merely through a process similar to popular method in the west known as Silva Mind Training - and they were able to move object and make them disappear and appear just like that - after only one year of practice. One important point is - no one ever told them that they can't. They had belief and expectation and they were able to express them effortlessly. |
I hope the honesty of this story speaks for itself. I will try and be as UN-Scientific as possible. One day I was sitting in a lab class for electronics circuits. I was going about my lab trying desperately to get my newly made circuit to work the way it was supposed to. You see when you are working on a breadboard(test circuit) sometimes it is necessary to tweak the wires on the board a little bit to get a proper connection. Well I was all by myself except for few others die hard students. The instructors were gone and the lab was mostly empty. Well I was in a hurry to make it to a differential equations class in which I wanted some time before class to finish some of the homework that was due for class I had procrastinated. But, I didn't want to leave without my circuit working so I could finish the lab and get it out of my hair. I was testing a live circuit and I was having problems getting the test probes to stay how I wanted them. Yes, I know that is stupid but I was in a hurry. Well you know what happened...Yep...I shocked myself...and good. I just happened to be working with enough current that my heart skipped a few beats and for a few split seconds I thought I was going to die, my first thought after I realize I was still alive was oh my god I just about killed myself and I hope nobody seen that. I noticed my heart was now pounding, and my hearing was somehow messed up kinda like when your ears won't pop going into the mountains, and I was kinda euphoric feeling like nothing was real. I was still trying to act like nothing had just happened as I stood up from my chair and looked around the lab to see if someone had saw my stupidity in action. Well this is where the story gets a little wierd. I went over to the big glass windows with metal window frames cause they were open and I needed more air I was having trouble breathing a little. As I caught my breath and tried to regain myself I reached over and put my hand on the window. I was hearing something. I thought I was hearing voices or hallucinating at first but then I new what it really was because I had heard it hundreds of times. I sat there for a minute as the music comforted me letting me know I was still alive. I was listening to the radio! After, a minute or two of trying to regain my consciousness I looked around to see if someone had actually turned on a radio. Nope, either I was crazy or it was playing somewhere because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was listening to a currently playing radio station. I recognized one of the DJ's voices I had heard before. I looked up at my hand still feeling a little weak from the shock and noticed my hand was on the metal window frame. I had started to regain my mental faculties and knew what was really happening. I had just somehow turned myself into some sort of human radio receiver I still to this day think I might have had some kind of electric build up or something. I know that sounds pretty funny. I was laughing myself in a weak kind of euphoric state partly in celebration that I was still alive and also because for some strange reason I thought it was funny that I was listening to the radio through a window frame (Don't ask me why I thought that was funny, I was pretty hurt still). I had already figured out whenever I took my hand off the metal part of the window the sound went away. I was hearing a damn radio signal! I had noticed that one or two students were looking at me now because I was standing there leaning toward the window kinda chuckling. I decided I should walk around to kind of clear my head and I noticed that when I walked toward this one guy I heard him ask me a question. I looked over and said "Yeah?" trying to act normal. He said, "Yeah what? (As if he was expecting me to ask a question) It was at that point that I knew I had better shut up in the customary oh sorry I made a mistake type of thing. Yeah, I was seriously doubting my sanity at this point so I decided to test it again. I walked over toward the window frame and touched it again. Yep, there it was again. I wasn't crazy. I thought you know this sure would be cool if I could get different channels this song sucks (Yeah, I actually thought that believe it or not). It was about 5 or 10 minutes later when the sound started to fade. I did try for a moment to concentrate to find the signal again but it was gone. I gave up quickly though because I actually realized what it would be like to walk around hearing it all day and that didn't sound that appealing for some reason. I learned something that day. I now knew the human body could do some very wierd things. I realized the communication that was going on all around us every second of the day and realized it was literally a matter of "Finding the right frequency". I soon started hypothizing...What if?....What if everything was kind of like that? Well I can tell you now.... Listen very carefully to the following words because they are actually many, many, layers thick!!! Telekinesis is the USE of communication, to be more exact it is a form of communication and believe it or not everything is communicating to YOU right at this very split second. Everything! You have just missed millions of signals as you have read this. It is everywhere, in everything. 1 Step to Telekinesis: Listen (Not with any part of your body). So you may ask what else is left? Yep! That right! STOP, don't even answer that question even silently in your own mind because to give it a name kills your connection with it....do you "SENSE" it...then, listen closer,...and then closer,....and then closer..... When you can "SENSE" it now you can communicate with it. "Tuning in"....is natural and instinctual almost kind of animalistic or spiritual feeling and truly only takes a few seconds. Use whatever kind or sound you like to induce the connection with YOU. You need nothing other than yourself. If I could repeat that last sentence 900 times for you here I would. How arrogant and selfish is it to think you can move a mountain that you have not asked to do so. ~A Really Good Man |
01-Apr-2004, Beltazar |
how i got started in tk.i was tryin to levitate my mums earing. i was bout 12 then. i have always been into things like x-men and other mutant films. i actually belived that i had their powers. anyway bout 30 mins pased and nothing happend so i just sat on my bed i just relax the next thing i new the earing floated above me and wen i realised what was goin on it droped. i have never been able 2 do it again but then wen i found out what i done was tk i have goten back into it. i need to ask is visulisation just the same as imagining things ? |
A few more words: InDeepThought is almost right. I like to praise his wording, except one major thing I disagree with how telekinesis is "the use of communication" section. "...everything is communicating to YOU right at this very split second. Everything! You have just missed millions of signals as you have read this. It is everywhere, in everything." ~ Here I suppose he talks about communicating with his subconscious, and this will help you achieve greater telekinetic ability. Apart from that, he's right. Weng Fung's post about visualisation is not exactly correct. The so-called third eye is in theory only. Visualisation is a tool to help you. But in terms of visualisation and Telekinesis (TK), I find visualisation most ineffective. But it is my life, not yours - it could be easier for you. |
I've read most of the comments posted above. I'd like to say Luigi - you suck! I've started a war against this Ki/Jing nonsense on the internet. If you believe, you're a bloody idiot. Sometime on my website, I will publish the evil workings of ki/jing websites, which keep on popping up everywhere. Is there a dedicated site about Ki/Jing, that people actually pay to keep it up, not a free web server? Can you succeed with what you call 'blasting walls' with Jing? Actually, have you succeeded with anything with Ki/Jing? Ki balls? Blah, they're just psi balls renamed, and they're not ki. I hope you don't believe everything that's on the internet next time... |
Hi again, of course I was a skeptic too. But I've managed to successfully TK. It's healthy that you are a skeptic. Successful results for TK are different. But it does exist, talking from my own experience.
I, like so many others 'want to believe' but I have sat for hours at a time over the past years and still i have not witnessed any 'conclusive' results. Sure, sometimes the object appears to move, but that might be a trick of the eye. Sure, sometimes weird sensations are experienced. Sure sometimes, something coincedental occurs, like a light bulb falling out of its holder or a pen rolling off the desk. And sometimes you get the feeling like 'did that just happen or am i making all this up?' Sure, sometimes you can have dreams of using telekenisis and you wke up KNOWING exactly how to do it...It all makes sense...But then nothing happens. I think that when the solution presents itself as it must, it will be found by one who goes the extra mile, so to speak. MAKING THE JUMP(in Matrix speak) And I think that with all the thought, all the concentration, all the willpower there is still that final edge that one of us must beat before repeatable and demonstatable results can be achieved. I have read all your posts and appreciate all your efforts and results. I hope that In time one of you can re-produce what we all know will ONE day be reproducable. Thanks |
Doing TK = Knowing you're doing it. No trickery is involved (unless you're some sort of magician). There is no one way of performing it. Perhaps your 'barrier' of thinking is letting you down?
hi I'm new to this site . I'd just like to say that telekinesis is real regardless what anyone says - although there have been some frauds . Don't believe me there's proof - the Russian PK medium Nina kulagina was tested repeatedly by the world's top experts , expecting they could prove her wrong , they couldn't , her abilities were genuine . She could move pen lids , bread , heavy crystal bowls , clock pendulums , salt shakers , etc . She also levitated ping - pong balls , healed wounds by hovering her hands a few inches above them , could see without her eyes , could stop & re-start the heart of a frog & make people feel dizzy . She also could make print appear on blank film sealed inside casing - she could see through peoples pockets & know what they contained .Her heart rate would rise extremely high & her blood sugar would rise dangerously high during these sessions of telekinesis & she would get pains in her arms & neck & was told by doctors to stop doing telekinesi s because of this . She lost her ability during thunder storms . Sadly , Nina died in 1990 . A scottish medium named Helen Duncan once made ectoplasm come out of her body which went into the shape of a spirit during a seance , police barged in on her attempting to arrest her for fraud . The policeman said to the sitters that it was just a white sheet , he attempted to grab it & his hand went right through it - it was real , shortly afterwards Helen fell ill , sadly she died weeks later . A polish medium Stanislawa Tomzcyk could levitate objects when hypnotized . She was tested & threads appeared to be emerging from her hands , they were cut but grew back in - like a spider's web & the object continued to float . No evidence of fraud was found . I have attempted telekinesis myself - but I'm not always successful - I made a ping - pong ball roll to the edge of a table & stopped it rolling of the edge , then moved it back near to where it started , I believe most peopl e probably could use telekinesis if they tried it , were patient enough & believed it themselves , I believe this also is probably true of other psychic powers , some of which I also practice . There's the evidence need I say more ? James |
15-Jun-2004, Mike01025 |
Hey jamesmcsorley, How long have you been practicing because that's pretty good :)?
Hi Mike About your question you asked me , the first time I attempted PK was a few years ago , I saw a programme on TV in which Telekinetic Uri Geller fixed clocks which weren't working right just by concentrating on them & tapping them with the tip of your index finger . Then a friend of mine had a watch that wasn't working right , I told them to give it to me & I repeated what I'd seen & to my amazement it worked . I then tried to bend cuttlery - I wasn't successful at all to start with but eventually it looked as if the spoon had bent a little , I felt wonderful , then my interest waned a little but about a few months ago I saw a films of Nina Kulagina & Jean Pierre Girard moving objects across a table , I then regained my interest . I began practising with round objects eg pens , ping pong balls , batteries etc , after a few nights I had success , I now practice roughly 20 mins a night & have success sometimes . I check that the surface is flat first so the objects can't be simply rolling , sometimes I think it's possible that it could be a gust of wind from my hand causing objects to move , but when I look at it it seems very unlikely that this is happening because of the way that I move my hands over the objects , another reason i don't think it could be wind coming from my hands is that I don't always use my hands - occasionally objects have moved just by me staring at them and / or moving my head or upper body over them from a few feet away .You could try this yourself but you'd have to be patient & I can't guarantee your success . A tip ; never try and show off your PK abilities , I have done this a few times & it is disastrous ; I've done it a few times in a crowded room , I've tried it and been unsuccessfull & everybody looked at me as if I was some kind of Idiot or Lunatic , on the other hand when I have been successful & have had an audience witness it , they split up into 3 categories ; The first lot say it's just some kind of trick or illusion . The second lot are like a fan club & wan't you to show everyboddy & see you do it again . The third lot can get a bit scared when they see you doing it . You've been warned . Another thing - start small then gradually increase the size of the objects - try round objects first . Don't practice too much or you might get a headache , sometimes you feel as if you've burst a blood vessel . Well Good Luck James |
By the way is anyone here aware that they possess any Psychic capabilities other than PK & TK ? Did you know that it has been found that certain groups of people are often highly gifted with psychic abilities - artists are often highly psychic , twins often have a high affinity for telepathy & mental illness can have impacts on psychic ability .
29-Jun-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Giant If you aren't sure whether or not the objects are moving , get a piece of chalk & mark round it's outline on the table before trying to move it or get someone you trust to watch you . James |
I just haven't got the patience to meditate before performing telekinesis or levitation. Is that a bad thing? If I don't meditate, will I never be able to do telekinesis?
Kurt Meditation is really useful to help with psychokinesis , I think it would be possible to use psychokinesis without meditating beforehand but if you find difficulty with meditation , then I'm sorry to tell you that you'll probably find psychokinesis hard as well as they both require an intense degree of concentration . To help with your meditation focus on one thought NOTHING else , try to hold this for as long as you possibly can - the thought could be an everyday object , a candle flame , someone's face , a word or even a sound , patience is really a virtue here , it can be difficult . When you try psychokinesis for the first time get a flat surface , put your chosen object on this & then cover it with an overturned transparent clear bowl - this is to make sure you don't accidently blow on the object .When I find that I move an object , I sometimes see it's aura as it moves , get a bad headache & feel as if there's something inviible extending from my hand to move the object , you also sometimes get sore arms & a strange pins & needles feeling in your upper spine , sometimes you may also feel sick or get a strange metallic taste in your mouth .Try moving small objects first eg coffee granules , then move onto compass needles , then onto matches , then onto ping pong balls , then matcheboxes , then something bigger & so on . Some people find they can't do PK in a thunder storm . Practice at least 20 mins a night , but stop for a break if you feel ill . Good Luck James |
I practice TK about once a day. I've never had a headache. I've never felt anything. I've never seen anything. It just happens. Maybe it's because I removed all preconcived notions before I went into doing TK? Never felt sick, never felt tinging, nothing. Ever. And I have never had problems doing TK in thunder storms or electrical wires, but I'm not totally opposed to this theory having some merit. Coffee granules is a good idea though, so are ping pong balls, I haven't tried those. |
04-Jul-2004, Striker |
Hey, Alotta people think that in order to use TK, you have to have pure intentions. It's not true...it will work anytime, any place. My friend has this ability, and he shows it off to almost everyone he knows. I'm just tellin you, the thing about pure intentions is just a made up myth, the good natured people made it up, so when you learn how to use it, you won't use it for the wrong reasons. |
Tekproxy regarding your last post , I think it probably depends on the individual using psychokinesis & their state whether or not they experience these effects & why I get a headache doing PK & you don't etc , for instance some telekinetics such as Uri Geller don't appear to be exerting themselves at all during PK or at least only a very little . On the other hand telekinetics like Nina Kulagina & Felicia Parise appear to be exerting themselves & often get some or all of the affects mentioned above like headache & weight loss . In fact Nina kulagina was eventually told to stop doing PK as often by doctors as it was affecting her health , it was thought that a near fatal heart attack that Nina had in the late 1970's might have been due in part to the accumulative she suffered which was thought to have been brought on by doing PK too much .To be honest with you I don't know how certain telekinetics can use their power in thunderstorms whilst others can't , but I don't think it is due to preconceived ideas because when using TK I find I must apply total concentration & clear my head of preconceived ideas I have in order to use PK effectively James |
Striker Who told you that PK could only be used for pure intentions , this is nonsense as you correctly pointed out above . James |
Hmm. "Pure intentions". Even if there were "pure intentions" what would they be? *Just pointing out to say that intentions are unneccessary. There could also be unnecessary intentions too, you know?
Tomjunlee Well yes you can obviously use psychokinesis just for it's own sake , but you could also use it for pure or bad intentions as well here are a few examples : A pure intention would be to use PK & / or similar psychic powers for healing ill people . It has been found in some experiments that some psychics were able to kill cancer cells using PK , this presents a possibility that this ability could be used to help heal people with tumours . It has also been found that some psychics can also use special vision to see into peoples bodies & diagnose illnesses , many Russian psychics have been shown to possess this ability including a teenaged girl named Natasha , Rosa Kuleshova & the Leningrad psychic Nina Kulagina . The late Nina Kulagina was also sent to heal Nikita Khrushchev when he was ill . PK can also be used for negative intentions as well , you could use it to frighten people . In another experiment again involving Nina , it was found that she could stop the heart of a frog , in a tank of saline solution , then re-start it again , she could also speed up & slow down it's heart rate using PK , I also heard that she altered the heart rate of a nasty investigator giving him a terrifying experience of her power . Then there is as you mentioned using PK for it's own sake or just for fun as in metal bending . James |
Hi Has anybody here heard of Daniel Douglas Home ? I went onto a website about him . He was a Scottish physical medium. Poltergeist activity went on around him when he was young , he went on to develop his mediumship , he frequently managed full blown materializations of spirits . At one of his seances , the table levitated so high that he was able to walk under it , he also levitated out of a window & came back into the building through another window , he done many of his seances under strict laboratory conditions excluding the possibility of fraud & trickery . It has also been known for physical mediums to use Psychokinesis & to have ectoplasmic emmissions . During ectoplasmic emmission a white substance oozes from the mediums bodily openings often the mouth , nostrils or vagina , this may then form into the shape of a spirit or something else . A Canadian medium named Margery Crandon in an experiment , produced ectoplasm which formed into the shape of a hand , dipped into a bowl of melted wax & disappeared away leaving a glove like object made of wax . Margery was tested repeatedly by scientists & magicians , including the famous Houdini , no evidence of fraud was ever found . In fact Houdini who was initially confident he could uncover her as a fraud , found he couldn't , became embarrassed & tried to make her look like a fraud to frame her but he was caught doing this on a number of occasions . James |
It amazes me that a bunch of idiots would put false hopes and dreams into something as stupid as this. There is no such there, never has been, and never will be. You people need to get a life, a find somethign better to do with you time. Or maybe you just need to visit reality?
15-Jul-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Psychokinesis isn't stupid . It is possible despite the fact there has been numerous frauds , psychokinesis has actually been proven possible , by people performing it under test conditions with scientists & magicians being present to try & catch them out if they use any kind of trickery , the most famous example being the late Russian psychic Nina kulagina who was tested repeatedly from the mid 1960's till the late 1970's by various scientists , there are videos existing of her moving various objects & she was photographed levitating a small ball .
16-Jul-2004, marin |
were can I find those videos with famouse people doing TK or PK ?
16-Jul-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Marin The videos would be quite hard to come by nowadays , since they'll be very old , I mean Mrs.Kulagina has been dead nearly 15 years & I think any dialogue in the videos would be in Russian . You can get pictures of Nina from Google images search engine though , but they are in black & white . You can also search the net for pictures of other psychics like Uri Geller , Margery Crandon , Daniel Douglas Home , Carlos Mirrabelli , Helen Duncan , Jean Pierre Gerard , Florence Cook , The Fox Sisters , Rudi Schneider & Stanislawa Tomcyzk . James |
19-Jul-2004, Apocolypse |
James, I think u mentioned somewhere if anyone knew how to levitate objects. Well I know how to do that. When I started practicin, it to me alotta concentration. I learned in almost a year and a half. If you wanna levitate somethin, you gotta be in a extremely focused state, no distraction, nothing! Close your eyes and imagine that object is in front of you, put all ur energy in that object and imagine it floating about 6 inches (Your eyes should be closed for now). If you wanna see it levitating, don't lose focus when opening your eyes. Stay focused, and don't get excited. When I opened my eyes to see my object float, it dropped to the ground, it was a couple centimeters off the ground, when I saw it floatin,I got a little excited and it fell. This was the first time I was able to levitate objects. |
20-Jul-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Apocolypse Thanks for the tips , I've already managed to roll & slide & disfigure objects , I just haven't levitated them yet . By the way what objects have you levitated ? James |
hi ( to all who can help ) yesterday i have started yoga will this help through TK plz tell me i need to no and i want to no is pyrokinesis is real cuz i have a russian friend that says she can mauplate the fire of the candle to her will?!! IS that possible |
21-Jul-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Ibrahim Yoga may well help you with TK as it involves a lot of intense concentration , various Indian yogi's have been known to levitate & walk barefoot along glowing hot coals . It is possible to use pyrokinesis to manipulate candle flames & your Russian friend may well have this ability . I would actually consider pyrokinesis to be a specific form of psychokinesis , the only difference is that the object you are moving or controlling is a flame . You could try pyrokinesis yourself if you like , but don't try to master everything at once , give yourself a break . Also make sure you don't blow or breathe heavily in the direction of the flame as this may give you fake results . You could maybe get your Russian friend to help you with it , if she doesn't mind . James |
Hey guys, I have been studying telekinesis for about two weeks and have no results yet. But I am gonna keep trying. I know that rome was not built in one day so I practice all the time whenever I get the chance. I have been practicing everyday for two hours a day. One hour for meditation and one hour for actually practicing tk. But I dont practice 2hrs in the row. I started getting interested in telekinesis after I saw a show on Charmed about a few years ago when Grams was using her power and she was lethal weapon. but thats not the reason I wnat to develop tk; the reason is is becuase I want to expand my mind and exercise the unused power within me. I have come up with a few methods of meditation, feeling your own chi, as well as methods for developing tk. Even though I had no success I think I figured out how to trigger tk. Email me for more info. Another thing for you guys is if you feel that practicing tk is starting to bore you guys and you feel that you "cant" get it I have something to share with you. Think of practicing tk as a sport, and you just signed up for it. you never really played the game before by being trained with a coatch. And after you learn methods of warming up, following instructions and you wanna get ahead of the game. Well what do you do? practice. But for how long and how many hours would you wanna practice? a lot right. But not alot so that you would drain yourself and not that many hours in a row. Maybe like 2 or 3 hours a day if possible. Once in the morning,(is when you really feel your chi, once in the afternoon, and before you go to bed. practice, practice, practice. Now my next strategy is, think of yourself as preparing for a test, and you wanna be able to study all you can, and study for long periods of time. Again, not so long that you would kill yourself. So what do you do to become more knowledgeable before a test? study. study. study. With more to study on tk and the more you practice on it it makes a perfect couple. Now you are ready for action... Well, thats all I have for now, my fingers are starting to hurt. If you have any questions or would like to be study buddy thats ok. I have been preparing myself for the last two weeks so I dont have all the answers, and plus its my spirit guide that has been the One to direct me in this. remember practice, study and practice. if you find yourself frustrating take a deep breath, relax and take a break. Eventually you would get it. Oh, and never doubt yourself if you believe you have the power then go for it, thats the worst thing you could do is doubt, I learned that the hard way. what's there to stop you? Even if your parents do, theres nothing wrong on working it on your own or developing your own methods and praciticing in your room or elsewhere. To the skeptics, are you skeptic about God, just because you dont see him does it mean hes not there? just because you may have never seen a tornado in your life does it mean doesnt exist? what about snow, if you live south of the boarder or live somewhere which doesnt have snow doesnt mean that its not there for people who do have it every year. and just because you have never seen Queen elizabeth in england does that mean she doent exist? I better search for something more relative than to say that something like tk doesnt exists, maybe it does, maybe it doesnt. Only God/dess knows for sure. Well Godbless, I have to go. peace |
I'm sorry to drop this bombshell, but there is no such thing as telekinesis. I dare anyobody on the planet to prove otherwise. Yes I used the "P" word. Go read a book or do something constructive.
16-Aug-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Andrew Nina Kulagina ALREADY HAS PROVEN the existence of psychokinesis . James |
16-Aug-2004, Andrew |
WOW! So I assume that she won the James Randi $1,000,000 challenge, right? Or did she find some convenient reason not to do it?
16-Aug-2004, Andrew |
Proof doesn't mean that the feat was captured on film once or twice. David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty and a jet plane disappear on film. There's "proof" of the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot on film. Proof comes from utilizing the scientific method. Which is as follows: 1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena. 2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation. 3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations. 4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments. This method is what scientists use universally to prove or disprove a hypothesis. No spoon bender or levitator has ever subjected their claims to this method, including Nina Kulagina, Uri Geller, etc. I wish telekinesis were real every time I dropped my keys with an armful of groceries, but the reality of life is that it doesn't exist. Study physics and you'll understand why it's all just fairytales and wishful thinking. By the way, did anyone on this forum type their message with their mind? Or did they all use their fingers just like me. |
17-Aug-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Andrew Firstly , I don't think you should mock Mrs . Kulagina like that , the poor woman is dead . Secondly about James Randi's million dollar challenge , when Nina Kulagina was in the spotlight for practising psychokinetic effects no such incentive had yet been introduced , if it had been she may well have accepted the challenge - remember all this happened in the 1960's & the early 1970's . Secondly she has been tested for every known method of fraud - including magnets , static electricity ,illusions , hairs & threads , mirrors & air currents etc . She has been tested by no less than 40 scientists - do you really think some everyday normal woman could outwit every single one of them ? Another thing - Nina became very ill when practising PK - her blood pressure went up & so did her blood sugar , she would become nauseous & vomit & would sleep for days after a demonstration , now this would be hard to fake - she was strictly observed how could she have used sedatives or emetics ? Another thing - Kirlian photographs taken of her noted changes in her aura & a ray of luminescense projecting from her eyes - how could she have faked this ? Another thing about James Randi - he has claimed that he has debunked many psychics & mediums - this will be true of some , but he has lied about uncovering some of them as frauds - whether they are frauds or not is irrelevant - he hasn't proven it - he was just being a sad little liar - what he should have said was he could think of rational explannations for it - he hadn't actually proven his hypothesis to be correct via experiments . You also mentioned Uri Geller in the above post - when did I ever mention believing he was genuine - in my opinion he may well be a fake - I'm not denying it although I am not convinced Nina Kulagina was fake & I strongly support her PK claims . And it's not just Nina Kulagina with psychokinesis . Have you ever heard of or met Natasha Demkina ? She is a young girl from Saransk , Russia . She claims the power of x-ray vision . She has diagnosed many people with various ailments - correctly , using only her power , on one occasion a woman was told by her doctor that she had cancer & was probably going to die , as a last resort the woman visited Natasha who told her this was bollocks - she only had a simple cyst . The woman was admitted to hospital for further tests - the test results proved Natasha was correct & the doctor was wrong .Another case was a lady who wanted to test Natasha's ability - the lady had pins inserted into her leg & surgery on her back - in spite of looking in normal health & having her injuries covered by clothing Natasha picked this up almost immediately . How could she have faked this ? Is it even possible to fake ? Another case was the Scottish medium Helen Duncan alias the last witch . She was sent to court because of claims she was a witch , simply because she practised Mediumship & held seances at which materializations of spirits took place . She also said at one of her seances that a warship had sunk - I can't remember the name of it HMS something , but she said it's name & surely enough it was found 3 months later that it had sunk , but why did Helen know this had happened months earlier than anyone else knew ? She also talked at the seances with languages she wasn't accustomed to when confronted with foreign sitters & claimed it was the spirits talking through her . How could this have happened - she didn't know this multitude of languages - she only spoke english ?! She died in 1956 . Another was the canadian medium Margery Crandon - Houdini actually framed her after he became worried because he had failed to debunk her . There was another Scottish medium named Daniel Douglas Home - he was tested repeatedly by many scientists including Sir William Crookes , all evidence available showed his effects were genuine - he levitated out of a 3rd story window & came in through another window into the next room or two along . He also made a caged accordion play by itself . Carmine Mirrabelli was a Brazilian medium who like DD Home produced many amazing & so far inexplicable levitation feats . Even if a psychic is caught cheating on one occasion , this doesn't mean they always used trickery - an Italian medium named Eusapia Palladino admitted that when she found it difficult to produce genuine effects she'd fake them , but she was found to be able to produce genuine phenomena on many occasions . Another thing about Nina Kulagina - even if there was a challenge available at the time she had an extremely shy & retiring attitude to her PK abilities . Investigators have also tested other people for PK including Stanislawa Tomczyk , a polish medium who was investigated repeatedly & produced genuine feats of PK . The laws of physics have never to date actually proven Telekinesis to be impossible , physics just hasn't yet came up with an explanation for it - it may never . I don't expect you to believe a word I've said - I've seen you're type before - people who are highly skeptic , I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this . James |
17-Aug-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Andrew Another thing I forgot to mention - You mentioned The Loch Ness Monster & Bigfoot being on film . I am not saying they exist - It would surprise me if they did , but there is no proof saying they don't exist . James |
17-Aug-2004, Andrew |
I don't believe that the Government controls people's thoughts with satellite transmissions, but I have no proof that they don't. Does that mean that there is a liklihood that they are just because I can't prove they're aren't? I don't have anything against people who believe in the paranormal. All I'm saying is show me some definitive, irrefutable proof in the form of a scientific paper printed in an accredited, accepted scientific publication that is endorsed by the scientific community (not anecdotal stories on some website)of some paranormal phenomenon that is recreatable and I'll be the first to jump on board. For the people posting here that can move objects with their mind. Why haven't any of you claimed the $1,000,000 from James Randi and flaunted it in his skeptical little face? Too modest to show off?
17-Aug-2004, jamesmcsorley |
Andrew I didn't say that because things haven't been proven wrong that they must exist or probably exist . Just because you haven't seen something in person with your own eyes doesn't mean it doesn't exist - you can't see air - it still exists - you can't see bacteria - they still exist . Even if there is no proof telekinesis exists - there is no proof it doesn't either . Be skeptic if you want - it's your choice . As for the official scientific papers - you might be able to track some down from Russian PK investigators about Dr Genady Sergiev's & Proffesor Leonid Vasiliev's experiments & conclusions about Nina Kulagina & her PK experiments with them . James |
17-Nov-2004, Slabbius |
No one ever asked you to believe Andrew. It's fine that you don't. I don't believe humans will ever make it to the year 2100, but it doesn't mean that we won't. Only time will tell and maybe one day, you will get your irrefutable proof in a scientific journal. Until then, don't criticize us, it's not your place to do so.
15-Feb-2005, J |
Please understand that when one has the ability to using tk, (s)he begins to have an understanding about how things realy work in this world. The cash prize would be nice, yes, though to be honest I have not felt an impulse to submitt my abilites for his research. As for everyone who is questioning the power of this preset, I am somone who was "traditionaly" trained to do tk (without the brainwave generator) and have had success. After five minutes with this preset, my abilities did increase, and thus has my "stamp of aproval" if it means anything to anyone.
I wonder if listening to this, non stop, throught your sleep, for long periods of time would greatly increase your telekinetic abilities. Has anyone done that? If not, I am going to do this myself and see what happens.
25-Mar-2005, ghost |
has anyone here actually gooten any hardcore results from Weng Fung yet?
02-Apr-2005, Telekinetic |
I didn't bother reading the whole forum, I just read first 4 comments and had enough. All 4 stated that they do not believe in telekinesis, I have experienced it myself and still experience it, it's real, it's there, it's not magic, it's science. I'll have a guide for whoever wishes to master TK: 1) Sit in a quiet place, legs crossed, and start with placing a pencil in front of u. 2) Be as relaxed as possible, and remove all ur worries and thoughts from ur head, nthg exists except u and the pencil in front of u. 3) Pencil should be on a table in front of u, ur eyes should look straight at the pencil. 4) Imagine the pencil getting attracted to u, see it happen in ur head over and over again, if u concentrate well enough, the pencil will truly get attracted. 5) If u feel ur concentrating too much and u start to get headaches, directly stop and go take a small break, or u will get a nose bleed (trust me on that one) 6) This might take a week of practice to get used to or for it to actually work, It worked for me in first 2 days of practice, each day practice around 30 mins, dont worry u wont get bored if u truly imagine it moving without any physical contact, because it will, feel the excitement and joy of it moving, if ur heart starts beating, it means its about to happen. This is a true guide that I believe should help u, just remember, TK is like walking, its hard at first, but then u get used to it, and like walking, u can start running later. |
03-Apr-2005, Telekinetic |
Andrew, If u want scienctific facts of the existence of telekinesis, get scientific books about the brain and iron, and a book about the cells and their structure may also be helpful. The brain allows u to control any part of ur body, telekinesis has the same function except it allows u to control parts not from ur body through brainwaves. The iron in the brain is the main and essential source of telekinesis. I believe the existence of telekinesis will be proven because it IS real. |
29-Apr-2005, Sabu |
I have no qualms regarding the existance of lack thereof of telekinesis. I am quite excited by the possibility, and if I were the kind of person with any level of the required concentration abilities then I definately would spend more time sitting and staring at pencils until I percieve them as moving. However, 'Telekenetic' before me stated that it "allows u to control parts not from ur body through brainwaves." I would not trust anyone who types like that to make such a statement, nor actually have any knowledge on the subject. Incidentally, though, would consuming large amounts of iron and listening to this track at any avaliable moment be likely to do anything? If not telekineses, some form of perceived increased connectivity with the earth? That would do fine. |
okay, here's the key to telekinesis: first of all if you want to get what you want you have to believe in yourself, believe in the thing you to do, you have to believe in it not just say you can't do it if you do you'l just lose everything. In teleknesis you need to believe in it that you can do it . for example once when i went into my class everyone was shouti and running around like maniacs and I was very angry so stared at one of my classmate's bag that was still and next moment he's bag fell over. So you see how easy it is to performit
Omg I swear i did it. I was reading one of the comment with the methods witht the pencil and it move. But barely. I didn't make a rotatio of 180 degrees but less. But that because I have alot of self control so I can stay focus.(But not when it come to pollen alergies)But it probably didn't go far because that was the 4th time I tried to move an object. thanx charmed1 with method.
01-Jun-2005, Sub-Con |
1.Telekineses exist to one degree or another 2.Your opinions and beliefs dont have to apply to everyone...you tell them about it and let them do the rest (Skill comes from within,Knowledge comes from within and without) 3.Skeptics that dont believe in Telekinetics or any other forms of manifestations is because they are materialistically oriented beings (no offense) 4.Everones views of life and the universe are theirs to set and change,you may suggest your views to them and they will choose if they accept it or not 5.There are many other phenomenas throughout the world that relate to this and frankly,yous need to open up 6.In order for skeptics to see PK for themselves,it is they that must accomplish it...not some outise source (At least give it a try) 7.Those that can do PK (congratulations) you have just experienced the first in many others ahead (For those with a sense of adventure) Ill post again sometime soon |
02-Jun-2005, Sub-Con |
The Japanese word ki is also synonymous with the Chinese word chi or qui or qi. It can be loosely tied to the Sanskrit word karma. I prefer the word ki because of my karate experience and it has no spelling variations. The word ki is simple but it has broad interpretations, applications, connotations, and history. The concept of ki is a core Asian concept. Ki is nothing more than vitality. It's that simple. Ki is often wrapped with complicated trappings because human beings are complicated and tend to examine and play with things. Four year olds running around have lots of ki. So do most healthy animals. When I have a cold, my ki is down. When I'm peaking and I'm in the flow, my ki is way up. A good punch has good ki. Moving with speed uses ki. Moving vigorously, whether calmly or ferociously is moving with ki. Natural fighters (people who fight well without training) have good ki. When people undergo training, initially they often lose the naturalness of their technique, i.e. they lose ki. Eventually after more training, their techniques become more natural again, i.e. they regain ki. It is easy to see what ki is. But how do you get it and maintain it? The answers are obvious: Breathe Have good posture Move well Exercise Eat properly Think well Feel well Socialize Be compassionate Relax Live Train What you do with ki is up to you. I personally am not interested in doing parlor tricks with it. Ki should be a tool to help you conceptualize reality. One of the appeals of ki is that it makes subjective thinking almost tangible. |
hi my name is chris and i am 12 i need help with telekinesis if you want to help email me or post a message
hey you are a chump you dont have a life do you well get out of the message board and go get one
25-Jun-2005, patrick |
to chris, i dont know what you are doing to improve on your tk but here are some hints. 1)meditate daily, a good color to think about is purple because it is the color of your third eye. once you enhance that things are alot easyer. 2)practice after you meditade, while your mind is still clear(a good time to med. on the 3rd eye is early in the morning while you are still a little unconciense(spelling)from your sleep.) :things you can start out on are trying to move things that are floating in water like a glitter lamp. everyone has to start somewhere, i started when i was about 7 and got really interested at your age.i mess around alot with the computer number generators on cirtain webcites, going to find out web name, post it next. |
25-Jun-2005, patrick |
my favorite place is (www.fourmilab.ch/rpkp/comparison.html) once on it go down a little till you see retropsychokinesis(<-big word)and click on run experiment. you get 3 to chose from, my favorite is the clock one. the better you get at pk the more effects on them you will get. read around a little first so you know what you are doing first. i do these for fun and for practice. |
25-Jun-2005, patrick |
keep going at it.pk is the best, learn it to help people and for fun. i can do it and if you think about it, it makes sence that all people can and are born with it. people only use 10% of their brains, what is the other 90% for.anyone can do it and you must know you can, not think it, know it. the only reason we cant do it when we are born is people tell you it is not real, that is why it is better to start young while you still think you can do anything you want. the older you get, the more attached to the thought that you cant do it you get. any guestions, post it;) |
25-Jun-2005, unknown |
hey chump study psycology. youll learn that if you call people liars all the time that means really that you are a liar, SOOO, by you calling everyone a chump, does that mean...
hi im new to telekinesis and i wanna know if someone can help me to do simple things like move a ball or lift a plastic fork or spoon,ect
06-Jul-2005, Adumb |
You don't necessarily need bwgen for TK. I prefer either no sound or I turn on the tv. Either way you ought to be fully focused on the object, so the sound shouldn't matter. Concentrating on an object will eventually cause it to move, as long as you keep intruding thoughts from coming in and distracting you. It might take you days or weeks to move simple things but keep working and go as light as possible, and you'll get it.
well i dreamt it in my dream about it then it happened in reality well i had fun doing it in my dream..
Hey, you naysayers, listen up. The human brain is derived of several seperate sections which control body functions, and regulate energy throughout the body. Every atom in the universe has some sort of energy bonding the nucleus together, keeping the electrons in orbit, and the like. So, if the human brain can regulate the use of energy within the body, which is a conglomeration of atoms, then it makes sense that it could regulate the use of energy outside the body, and, therefore, manipulate objects with naut but a mere thought. Now, if you can't understand that, please speak up.
If you guys want to learn how to use ay type of kinetics the listen up. The way to do it is to first focus your mind meditating. Aftar meditating and learning to clear your mind, then you need to learn to focus on the type of kinetic energy needed for your type of kinetics (hydro, pyro, cryo, aero, etc.). After you are confident in your abilities with the necessary elemental energy, try doing something really small with the energy (for example, try to move a drop of water, or a small candle flame, or try to make a small burst of wind, whatever kinetic your working on learning). After you have mastered the smaller techniques and can do them very, very well several times over and over (you need to be able to do it many times in order to have enough energy to bend, or move, the larger things) then you can start to do the larger things like a puddle of water, or a small campfire, or a large wind current. After you have mastered that, then you just make sure you have enough energy to do whatever size of thing you need or want to work with ^.^! Dont feel bad if it takes a while. It could take years of meditation to be able to move the smaller things like the drop of water, but you will eventually be able to do whatever you want to wiht enought training and practice! |
Hey, i just learned one more thing, in order to use the kinteics, you have to form a tunnel with your mind so you see only the objet your going to manipulate, then try with all your might to do what ur gonna do. (that is, after you know the basics of what your doing)
10-Jan-2006, a friend |
Some things to remember when doing pk: 1) The object itself has no concious volition( ex. you desk can suddenly decide to move out; it can't set intention like u or i can). so always remember, it's you who moves the object. 2) Use you fingertips or palms when first beginning, because they spit can absorb or discharg massive amounts of energy. I learn this the hard way when i was in high school. Long story short, i was practicing standing meditation and the focus was on my hands( not just the chakras, the hands in general) I was standing for an hour and my hands were enegorged with blood. Well, being from a family that believes in the life after death, we salt the corners of our house to break up and negative energy fields that may accumulate. Well the was a shit load of salt on my dresser and when i went to put away a book, i touched the salt and i recieved the nastiest zap ever. Now coming from someone who gets zapped every day, this is major. It proved to me the theory that salt does ground out energy and it pissed me off to no end, because i had generated so much energy that my shirt was crackling and it was gone. 3) Your palm chakras can work both ways, but with your intention set. With pk, you want to give enrgy to the object, so that it becomes "alive" in a sense. 4) Do some deep breathing before you begin a session, because you'll take in massive amounts of chi and won't drain your personal chi. This is why people get tired. You'll also accelerate the age at which u rate, which is bad. Breath in for 6 seconds, hold for 3, breath out for 6, hold empty for 3. When you repeat this for the second time, this is when you get the benefits. Repeat for fifty cycles and you'll be busrting with energy. You might get an erection, not to sound nasty or anything. But you'll feel the tingling. you'll discharge on people ( zapping i mean). Remember this too, that when you zap people it's because one of you has excess energy that hasn't been stored. 5) Start focusing on the crown of your head, because it's through this point which another source of chi flows in and energises(yeah i know you spell it with a z) your body. For men, it flows in through the top and for when it comes in through the feet chakras. 6) relax your body and eyes completely. remember, the object isn't going anywhere yet. Remember, the eyes are merely a window for the soul to look out. it does all the work. I think that's it. Oh, i almost forgot: the index and middle fingers spit out tons of physical energy, so if you use a psiwheel, then stand back a few feet and point at with these to fingers. don't worry about not reaching it because you can bust clouds these( well, i can) |
08-Feb-2006, Haydrian |
What do you guys mean by "meditating"? How do I do that?
20-Feb-2006, chris |
this is so cool on here with my psp
whoo! ive done it and the wierd part is i did concetrate on it all you have to do is relax it took me like 3 months but its worth it made my da-....life
02-Mar-2006, Paul |
haydrian, all you have to do is sit in a quiet place and clear your mind, or you could get a book and learn more about meditating.
11-Mar-2006, kc |
telekisis doesn't just come by meditating and thinking about something moving. Everybody has a magnetic field, and a gravitation field around them. We all release alot of energy all the time, its just thats because of Earth's huge magnetic and gravitational field, our don't matter. When you meditate you release more energy than normal because you'r not wasting it on moving and whatnot, but when you're emotionally agitated, you can release so much energy and your fields increase so much that it actually has an effect on objects around you. Thats basically what telkinesis is, not just moving things with your mind
27-Mar-2006, Damian Dawson |
Hi my name is Damian I really want to learn telekinesis better I have had experinces with tk but most of you are more gifted I was hoping you could teach me better methods for devolped pk faster. |
Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just because you can't do it doesnt mean that someone else can't. Lots of people I know don't believe in the occult or paranormal or New Age because of all the bullsh*t they see on TV, I will tell you from my own personal experience that it is real and TK is real. Hey, I'm a 15yr old guy telling other people to believe.
thats reassuring
i do believe in that power but i dont know how to use it canyou help me?
www.uyta.com it helped me out but i lean towads the negative side of tk
03-Apr-2006, adam24367 |
how do u meditate
03-Apr-2006, adam24367 |
how do u meditate
03-Apr-2006, adam24367 |
do you have to be of a cirtain religion to do this
opps spelled my name wrong before* anyways im pretty sure these questions have been answerd before. and no you dont have to have a certain religion to do this. and if you wanna leatn one way of medtating go to uyta. com hes has some good breathing exercises wich may help you. and no everyone im not the spokesmen
there are many ways you can meditate but the traditional way is to sit up right with you hands on your lap. first relax EVERY muscle in your body (this is important). second is to clear your mind of every thing (this is also important to meditation. after you do these two things your officaly meditating
Okay... it took forever, but i read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT above. I am very disappointed in all the non-believers. It's good to be a little skeptical of everything, but it's better to be open-minded as well and to try to believe in something before you disbelieve. I am also highly motivated by the all the positive comments and the people who have done it. (I can tell the difference between those who have and those who are pretending by the way they describe their experiences.) I have been practicing PK for a couple months now. I'm still on the psiwheel, but i'm gaining much more control recently than I had when i started. Therefore, I'm confident that I'll be moving on to bigger and better things soon. Thanks to everyone for all the helpful tips and tricks; I'm going to try them all. I don't really believe in brainwave generators. I learned/trained my abilities the natural way. So to everyone who says "the brainwave thing didn't work," don't despair! Keep at it and eventually it will come to you. The universe provides for you if your desire is great enough. (See the chicks experiment, which I looked up and is real.) Good luck to all who attempt it and congrats to all who succeed. Blessed be, Jared Brahma P.S: Feel free to e-mail me with questions and comments.... but if you're a flamer, don't waste your time.. i won't even read your e-mail beyond the first word or three. |
man you killed it jared
Ok if you guys dont believe in telekenisis then why the heck did you look it up? hmmmmm....
28-Apr-2006, Nemoi |
i tried to open the uyta.com but it isn't workin'.. also.. is there a side effect??
somtimes the administrator does updates and duiring that time the site is unreachable try again www.uyta.com
20-May-2006, Zolos |
Is it better to have your eyes opened or closed during meditation? I found on the net that it's better they'r opened but then I find it harder to clear my mind of thoughts.
The psi wheel and other such tricks are all been proven to be simple textbook physics. Why can;t all those who claim to be able to levitate something and such just prove it to the rest of the world. Uri Geller one such man with claims was proven a con-artist on live t.v. I'm not close minded i believe its possible, reality is only what we make it but still the point on TK stands its simply a matter of "prove it".
23-May-2006, Sora |
Gus, Nina Kulagina has already proven that PK exsists. Look her up, her results were so marvelous that she had to change her alias. Uri geller we all know is a con artist... But for the rest of us who can do PK are simply not strong enough. We cannot go for Randy's million dollar prize because we are not able to fully control our abilities. And we have to pay for not only our expenses, but that of Randy's company as well in the test. We simply lack the time, energy, and money to take up his challenge. |
25-May-2006, chris |
Hi my name is chris and I waswondering how do you blend your energy with the object your trying to move can you help me?
25-May-2006, chris |
I have been trying to move stuff for like a year and I still have not experienced anything!
31-May-2006, Chris-a-Chriss-ay |
Ummmmm...I'm the Juggernaut Bitches!!! That girl Jubilee be moving stuff with hu head and shit bitches!!!! I'm the Juggernaut!!! |
31-May-2006, chris |
shut up juggernaut
31-May-2006, chris |
shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01-Jun-2006, Sora |
Well chris... Have you ever tried to CLEAR your mind? You seem to have alot of negative thoughts. |
Although I believe telekinesis, but will like to know it, because it have never work for me. can you show me
02-Jun-2006, chris |
02-Jun-2006, jaden |
i really want to learn how to use telekinesis. can anyone just do it? i believe that i can i just have trouble like concentrating on the objected but inorder to move it i have to become one with the objected how do i do that?
I have dont telekinesis many times this really does work and if you dont believe then have fun just sitting there and nothing happening for you! i laugh at you who dont believe! it works
04-Jun-2006, Unknown |
Telekinesis is very real, I assure you, but the willpower to actually do it may be difficult probably because for generations humans have avoided this ability. As my teacher once said, even geniuses only use 8% of their brain. Can you imagine, if we only use 8%, what can the other 92% contain? Some people may have these abilities, some may not, but I ask you, does it really matter if you have telekinesis? Sure its cool, but for what purpose? If scientists have known about it for years, then how come nobobdy has ever done it? Still, I advise you to try, if it fails, move on. This ability is rare and can only be done by someone who has a unique and unusual sense of their surroundings. Kind of like a 4 year old playing fantasie impromptu on their first try, perfectly, its rare and can only be done by a select few.
05-Jun-2006, chris |
that is not true everyone has it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea i would like to be unkown if i left a stupid comment like that. im a pretty stupid guy and i can do it. everyones born with it granted some might be better than most but everyone has it. dummy
I love TK i have tried heaps and only got lil results but i keep trying cos i kno its possible. I dont kno who to believe but i still try ppl's idea's so yeh
05-Jun-2006, Sora |
I can understand Unknown's feelings. Most people don't use PK, or are even aware of it. Though all can use it it, Unknown had a stand to rest upon while saying this. I wouldn't say I love TK... It's interesting to me now, but I have no idea what to do with it. I've much more sculpted due to a natural gift and some constant practice, but it's no where good enough to win a million dollar prize. :) |
**********T***E***L***E***K***I***N***E***S***I***S***************** * I believe something is going on around us, but i can't explain what. I�m learning * * about hypnosis, i can say it�s a very interesting field to search, i had influents to * * other sub conches mind people, and now I am trying to prove to my self if * * telekinesis exists! Anyway if I manage to succeed on this ability, for sure I will not * * go to prove it to James Randi because he is an assh*le from many viewpoints, he * * will just try to humiliate you in anyway! Disbelievers try it your self, as i will do! * ********************************************************************** |
why i cant download this preset? im so tired, 4 years im learning telekinesis but no any result. theres anyone outhere could would helping me? |
08-Jun-2006, Sora |
No results eh? I've been practicing for about 2-3 years now, and it was only yesterday that I had a true experience. You have to clear your mind and focus entirely on one object. Sounds easy? It's not. You'll find thoughts just cramming into your head. But... PK isn't fun and games. Not when you're up to my level. I have just scratched the surface of PK, and the physical symptoms are nuts... I felt nauseated, I had sweat pouring down my face, and I had dark circles around my eyes... |
yea seen it before if yove moved a pencil you know it has nothing to do with heat. doubt will hamper telekinetic ability
Can you tell me please what kind of objects you succeed to move except Psi Wheel? I know how to rich the state Alpha and sometimes the state Theta (Astral projection). For TK what state is the Best (Brain Hz).
you guys are such homosexuals this stuff isn"s real shame on you people.
yeah telekenisis is real. i spent 10 years studying and pacticing, and now i am able to form a large ki ball which 5 feet wide and 6 feet tall. i did this in a moment of anger, because my best friend hadgotten beaten up earlier and i was helpless to help him. i actually felt the power coursing through my body and soul. i visualized the ball in my mind, and i released it, destroying a large pile of dirt. then when i saw this, i was amazed. i then visualized flying in the same way, and i felt by body become much lighter. i could also move faster than before. i did my best in not abusing this power when i ran track meets.Here are my steps. 1.See the energy being formed right in front of you in your mind's eye 2. You must be focused intensley on this or it will not work. 3. Great emotional upheavals aid this greatly, no don't do anything drastic 4. gather that energy in your palms and push it out 5. Remember it took me almost ten years t do this so not everyone can be able to do this at all or well How to fly 1. same as the one before except feel your body getting lighter and feel yourself rising in the air 2. Increased strength- feel the ki spreading throughout your body and visualize it energizing your muscles, spread it to each of the primary muscles, the bicep, the tricep, the quads, calves, and your hands. this tehcnique will increase your strength times 4 and speed times 4 Remember, use this responsibly, and if you do not beleive me, do not try it or insult because i will not reply to your foolishness |
Kids in my school man handled but I practiced TK and beat up some 2nd grade bullies and i was 6 at the time and now i can fly at 60 miles per hour. i can also send ki waves at people, knocking them down, they can be harmless, or skull shattering. i can control people's minds too and can actually shatter a person's mind forever. some people see me as a jerk but i dodn't really don't care i love it, i have control over the elements and i can make people do things that they would never want to do. right now i am focing all my teachers to give me straight A's. if you do not beleive, i will find you and rip oyour vagina off or balls off with my mind and make you eat it courtesy of my telekenisis. if you are making fun of me, i will make you screw your self or your mom, whatever works for you....bitch!
wth come on pepole no one is gona take telekinesis serious if pepole talk about crap like that
10-Jun-2006, SHAN'DO |
I saw on the net that there is many ways of doing telekinesis like imaginating a tunel or with the help of psi ball.Which is the best way of doing telekinesis?Is it better to have your eyes open or closed during meditation? P.S How to fly?I heard that Zolos guy can fly.How do you do it? P.P.S Are flying rabbits real?I saw one yesterday and I was wondering AM I CRAZY???HAHAHAHAHA |
11-Jun-2006, Sora |
There is only one correct way to use Psychokinesis... There are so many techniques that it is ridiculous. I have a better understanding of Psychokinesis, and I"m not quite able to grasp how to 100% accurately perform PK. 1. Flying will take a VERY long time to master. Perhaps you should focus on something else. 2. Flying rabbits? Um... I"ve heard that Rabbits can jump... Please... Jumping rabiits = real... Flying rabbits = Questioning your sanity. |
11-Jun-2006, Zolos |
SHAN'DO where did you hear that I could fly? That is ridiculous! I'm a beginner at telekinesis, and flying is one of the hardest techniques there is. For now my abilities are limited. I often know or sense what people are going to say before they say it and can increase my strenght during meditation. One time I gathered so much energy that my hands started to vibrate and I could feel the heat in them. P.S. Does anyone ever wonder why do we have these abilities, what should we use them for? P.P.S. SHAN'DO if you saw a flying rabbit you probably are crazy. :) |
hay for all you non belevers you dont have to belive me but i can do a small amount of Telekinesis i made a spone strate and a broken colck go back 5 minets without touching it but a can not controlit whan i want so if anyone can give me somethink to help me send me a message at [email protected]
12-Jun-2006, SHAN'DO |
I saw on the net that you should TUNE IN the object and then try to move it, that you should be one with the object.How should I do that? P.S.I AM 100% SURE THAT FLYING RABBITS ARE REAL YOU NON-BELIEVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM NOT CRAZY,am I? |
well all i did was visulised my KI coming out ov my eye's or hands as a line that can rap around things amd move them but it was a one off for me and can any one give me some relly helpful info because i cannot create a KI ball
12-Jun-2006, Zolos |
Try out some of these methods. You might find them useful. Method 1: Becoming One With the Object Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Visualize a tunnel in which you can only see the object. Imagine the object as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. When you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. Method 2: Visualize! With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. Visualize clearly what you want the object to do. Method 3: Pushing With Energy Sit down and stare at the object that you wish to move. Now, with any type of energy, start making a wall of energy in front of you. When the wall is finished, visualize it as a wall of glass. Put your hand(s) out in front of you and shoot out a little ki to push the wall. With any luck, the item will budge a little. |
12-Jun-2006, SHAN'DO |
People I just realised.We all have telekinetic abilities which are developed but hidden and the only thing we need is to unlock our powers and refresh them a bit(we haven't used them for tousands of years) P.S. YOU NONBELIEVERS GO TO HELL!!!!FLYING RABBITS ARE REAL AND I AM NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
12-Jun-2006, Zolos |
What do you mean that we haven't used them for thousands of years? Telekinetic abilities have been used, there were just less people using it. It was not even called telekinesis. People called it magic and sorcery as some people still do these days. P.S. What is it with you and flying rabbits? |
so can any one help me with my ki power please and if you know a video that can help me send it to me at [email protected] please!!! ps im shore you could make a rabi fly with telekenisis lol ill try it lol
i have found a way to get rid of paines but i still cant get the ki ball or blast so if you want to know how contact me
14-Jun-2006, SHAN'DO |
I levitated myself once when I was 4 or 5, honestly, and i could do LOADS of stuff with pk when i was young, but then i just forgot about it, or stopped believing in it or something
14-Jun-2006, tanika |
In answer to wat cipher said about moving atoms etc... that's talking about changing the most basic part of an object. Just my opinion but tampering with stuff like that seems a bit risky unless u know wat ur doing, I mean it could yeild unexpected results.
I.m really confused. I think I moved something today. I got done my english final, and i tried to move a clock hand. I stared at it for about 15 minutes. I didn't see any results. So I stared at my pencil. And it started to twitch. I got really nervous. But it moved foward a littel i think. So i put my finger of to the lead, and i swear, i felt the lead turn.?!!! And usually I wouldn't believe any of this stuff. It's hard for me to even believe something when i have "proof". But I think it might be real. Maybe everybody has the ability to move objects.
17-Jun-2006, Sora |
Please, PK may have reference to physics and all, but there are other types of energies that have no link to physics at all. Alright, so we manipulate atoms to move objects? Convincing... But why are we even able to manipulate atoms? Simply said, PK defys physics and cannot truly be explained... Don't try it, for your own good. |
17-Jun-2006, Zolos |
I advise everyone hier to read The Silva mind control method by Jose Silva and Philip Miele. It's one of the best books I ever read. the book teaches you how to meditate, how to reach the deep levels of your mind, how to use ESP, how to heal people and yourself. It helped over 15 milion people, and the method is used more and more in schols. I know I sound like a someone from home shopping network but the book is realy useful,and it had a big efect on me.
18-Jun-2006, Sora |
Sounds like a good book. I'll have to view it when I have a chance... Wait wait... They're doing this in schools?! That's dangerous. If the students learn how to do stuff like this, they could injure themselves or others. You have to look at the negatives as well in PK. Yes, we could heal ourselves... But if we "misheal", we could rip the ver skin off of our bones. |
there alot of peopole that can do tk fairly well without any negative efects at all and they havent even read the uyta book or anything. the only exception was that nina person. your thinking too far into it
18-Jun-2006, Sora |
Ahem... We did PK fairly well with out side effects. Nina did PK extrodinarily well with side effects. Ring a bell? Terran... I enjoy that you have almost no worries with PK, and I envy you for that. :) But, I understand energy and PK in a manner, not quite to Earnest's understanding, but I do have a pretty swell knowledge database. Thinking far into PK is what determines what is safe and what is just plain dangerous. But I still have no fear about MY use of PK. I use an energy that isn't Positive or Negative... And that places me out of harms way. But I do worry about those who have little or no knowledge of PK and wind up hurting themselves. Haven't been to UYTA for a while eh Terran? |
well to quikly change the subject if you think about the bible that dude most of his triks can be explaned by tk and think of the mith about wiches (as in on brooms) tk explans that
20-Jun-2006, Sora |
Are you talking about Jesus? Yes, we are able to do some things he did with PK... But how do we explain how he raised a 3 day old rotting corpse from the grave? (Lazarus) |
20-Jun-2006, Zolos |
Sora, you got the wrong impression about this book . When I said that its being used in schools I wasn�t exactly referring to PK. The students are learning how to improve concentration, self -confidence, how to realize the true power of their minds. For example, a history teacher would tell them to go to their deeper state (alfa, theta) and visualize and relive a past event on their mental screen. Then when the history test would come the students would simply use the three-finger method (see the book). The book doesn�t directly teach you how to use PK but after going through all the exercises PK should be a side-efect.
yea sora about 4 months ihavnt done tk in about 4 das so sadlt im afraid that itll be hard for me to get back up to speed. how many hours do you put in a day sora? i usally put in about 3-4 but latley ive been questioning why am i doing this. not to metion its90 degres in my room and i cant do tk with the fan on cause that adds ebedded energy and if i turn it offf i im in aalot of discomfort*shrugs*
21-Jun-2006, Sora |
I understand now Zolos. They could get the same effect with switching religions to buddhism. lol Pk as a side effect? Alright... They could learned pk in basically a day or two. But to master it takes a while. I've learned that the mind's eye in conjuction with the third eye can created psiballs without the hands. I am almost able to bring a spear into "Reality." However... I'm still against the idea. If students want to learn pk, they should do it on their spare time. not in school. |
21-Jun-2006, Sora |
I stay in focus most of the time Terran. Therefore, I never lose any power. And I've dicovered a way to make psiballs with no hands. (See above message) I practice when I have time. About twice every week or so. Nothing hampers my ability anymore. I accepted the Light and Darkness in my soul. I have received the Twilight as a result. Twilight is my energy source, and it gives me a calming boundary. I hope you do come back up to speed, Terran. Good luck with you. :) |
24-Jun-2006, SHAN'DO |
Hey yo everyone.I 've got a question.I am able to create a psiball but when you create it and have it how should you use it for PK? P.S.I got finaly rid of flying rabbits and I am not crazy. |
24-Jun-2006, TIKY |
Can anyone saiy me howw to fly or do pirokinesis??
SHAN'DO the same way you create the psi-ball creat a diffrent shape (i make it into a kinda string shape) and try and make it rap around something and move it to a diffrent place (make shore it is not brakable because i might smash or you lose concentration and i will fall) but that it how i do it. ps sorry about the spelling im a bit dislexic and if you have a diffrent way of doing it please let me know |
TIKI, Flying is Very Hard and Pyro is hard aswell. Am not to sure about flying, but I am familiar with pyrokinesis. Ok heres a very simple exersise to get you started with Pyro: The same way you create a Psi-Ball in your hand, create one, then concentrate and try to make it warmer and warmer. Once you can get it warm try making it hot to the point where it burns your hand(Don't over do it though) Tips:I usually place my hands near a heater or something else that is fairly warm to get the "Feel" of warm and remember it when I start doing the Pyro. I've done this exersise during the winter times, it doesn't warm me up but it releves me of some cold in my hands. I have't done any further practice or studies in Pyro so from here, your on your own. |
26-Jun-2006, Sora |
Pyrokinesis... An untold ability... Yes, it isn't as farfetched as Lumokinesis and Umbrakinesis (They're unlikely, but probable) Pyrokinesis can be hampered by the enviorment, as well as Cyrokinesis. Water can put away the flames, and wind can overload the flames and blow them away. To create flames, I used the mind's eye with the third eye and visualize the flames to withdraw them from the Spiritual realm. That is also how I create psiballs. I have been able to create "heatspots" by combining the fire element with the wind element. Using the above statement, I create a whirlwind in conjunction with flames to blast hot air around. Currently, I am not able to keep my energy in "reality" for long. I can command short ignitions of flame and heat for about 4 seconds. But I'm more interested in the Eternal Light and Darkness that resides in the Eternal and Invincible Soul. I believe we are able to tap into these sources with the part of the soul known as the "spirit." The spirit is also eternal, is lies in the middle of the soul. It is also known as the "Spiritual Heart" or the "Heart of Essence." |
psychokinesis???/ well,as the matter of fact.. i want to learn it..and i have some copies in this ability to do this..ammmm..who can teach me the right way of making telekinesis???????pls...reply... |
29-Jun-2006, Sora |
Psychokinesis cannot be "made." It is always there, we just use it subconsiously. But growing in Psychokinesis can take time. I can offer some advice to you. You'll need to clear your mind of all thoughts and enter "Focus." This will allow you to concentrate upon one object at a time. But there are different techniques out there, and most of them are incorrect. My technique is stated in the above message. You'll just have to find your way around mate. |
01-Jul-2006, yoman |
teach me telekinesis someone please
What exactly do you want to learn Yoman?
03-Jul-2006, Zolos |
I often use ESP but I do not have control over it. It just happens. Does anyone know how can I master it and get control?
03-Jul-2006, Zolos |
Sora, when you started practicing PK, what exercises helped you the most? How long did it take you to mow something with your mind?
03-Jul-2006, Sora |
Heh... I know this sounds ironic, but I meditated on strengthing my powers and I gained knowledge towards it. It took me about a good 2 years to finally figure out how to create a psiball. Currently, my flames are not strong enough to burn anything. (Much less other energy) However, I am able to briefly light a romm if I am concentrating enough. Again, I'm not focused on Pyrokinesis. Mostly on Light and Darkness, and the impact they have on the mental, spiritual, and physical bodies. |
teach me telekinesis someone please
teach me telekinesis please, i have been meditating for about a month, out of thsi month only once i have felt light head and dizzed, from what i read on the web, dizzyness and loss of weight is from the use of telekinesis, i was wondering if anyone could send me some documents or anything which could tell me how to develop telekinesis better, is there any type of art which could help me focus more? i would like to be able to move objects and levitate, i do believe all this is real. we only live once so i wish i could do as many things as possible in my life.... please if anyone can help me il be very thankful...
well i have been medertating and i ever did hypnosis on my self and practising and that has work but i am not that strong but i can make psi balls and a small void do you lot think i have cheated my self by hypnotising my self ???? |
04-Jul-2006, Sora |
Ohoho! You couldn't have cheated youself, lewis. Hypnotism is but another way of gaining strength in Pyschokinesis. I have not hypnotised myself in anycase. I simply meditated on how to control PK, and it came to me. Most likely, my friend, you either hypnotised yourself, or you convinced yourself that you could make a psiball while your hypnotism wore off, and you had the confidence long after the hypnotism had worn off. It's good to see that you can make a small psiball. I am able to create all sorts of things using psi energy. However, I am only able to keep them in "reality" as long as I am concentrating upon them. And currently, I am only able to keep the energy here for about 4 seconds. In anycase, you did not cheat. Hypnotism can be a part of Psychokinesis and is one of the many abilities that Psychokinesis brings. |
This ones for: hywired here are exersises that i suggest you do, but you should always try to experiment for example, a couple of days ago i was trying to bend a fork, i concentraded and send energy from my head to the fork,nothing happend! So next i layed down and placed the fork on my head and concentrated the energie from my head towards the fork. i felt very strange, i felt alot of energie coming out. I wasn't able to bend that fork but i did cause it to fall by pressing energie to one of the forks side, Anyway, what i learned was that by placing something on my head such as a fork i was able to reach my aware state VERY QUICKLY in about 3-5 minutes without meditating. I don't know of this will work for you but it proves my point that you'r going to experiment yourself in order to grow in TK ANYWAYS here are the exersises I USED to do. +MEDITATE:(Am sure you know how to do this) Relax your mind and stress your legs then release stress your Stomach then release stress your arms then release stress your Chest then release then your neck and head, hold the Stress for about 5 seconds before releasing. Then stress your whole body then release it aswell this exersises shows the difference between a relaxed body and a stresses body since most of us don't know the difference. FROM HERE: meditate by taking deep breaths and focusing on your breathing. The time from here before you continue will vary,ONCE YOU FEEL RELAXED proceed to the next exersise. +PRACTICE TK:Try to move(i recommed spin)an object with little to no frictions and weight Such As: The Famous Psi-Wheel A String A helium Filled balloon(recommended)(Make sure it doesnt touch the ceiling) Ok here we go:(make sure there in't any) Try ti visualizes the object spinning, try to almost see it spinning in the direction you want it to spin. (If you made sure there was no breeze at all)If the object starts spinning in the oposite direction that you wished for it to move: CONGRATULATIONS! You just did TK on a Subconceus level, BUT what you want, is to do it on a Conceus level(Wich means It does What YOU want)So keep trying and if it does the opposoite again do what I USED to and SOMETIMES still DO, Fight your subocnceus,FORCE the object to spin YOUR WAY. Thats pretty much it, if you want any more exersises or want some more help feel free to email me. |
hi my name is chris and i was worried about something with telekinesis you see when i was at band camp a girl made me very very very mad!!!!!!!!!!!! and while i was mad and thinking about what she did and how much i dindnt like her she passed out for no reason she didnt have a history of passing out or anything. I am scared that i will kill someone what do i do.
well i donno but i think it is just a coinserdes but you never know
It could be a cuencidence, or it could have been real, who knows! but aslong in your mind you dont WANT to hurt anyone, you wont.
coincedince! pepole sheesh worst spelling ever
Lol, come on Terran give him a break, that word is kind of tricky.
do you think it is posibal to stop somethink in time p.s lol it is not my fault i cant spell im dislexic lol funny realy lol |
What do you mean "Something in time" Are you saying to stop something from moving or something that had already happened in the past? Explain. |
01-Aug-2006, Sora |
I'm not too much interested in chronokinesis... It doesn't seem healthy to mess up a timeline... However, even if you manipulate time, history has already written itself. Such as: "You break your mothers vase and use chronokinesis to change the past by preventing youself from making it happen." History has already said that you are to go back in time and change your future. History never lies. But anyway... That is just my way of seeing this matter. If any of you have a different view, please feel free to share, my friends. |
yea chronkineisis dose not work like that its slows down ones perception of time. ive done it a couple times but bnot conciously only when i first get out of bed. even if you could go back in time and stop the ase from breaking you would create a alternitive universe where the vase wasnt broken. this way there wouldnt be a paradox. time is a river i bends and spits its not like a arrow
i mean do you think it is possabile to stop or slow down thime around you or to stop an object in time thanks for the info so far |
02-Aug-2006, Sora |
I guess in a way you could slow down time. If you could slow down molecules, you would be able to make thigs move slower. So in some way, you could slow down time in certain areas, to an extent. |
make things move slower? i thought if you slow down the molcules of somthing it just lowers the tempature. anyways to lewis it is not possible to stop time
ok thank for your help
06-Aug-2006, chris |
hi my name is chris and i can make people pass out by will power what is that called?
ive seen somone do it on the discovery channel with chi. but maybe you could psi attack them at a high level to make them pass out but i dont think you could o it with telekinesis. well unless you toss a object with your mind at someone
the way i did it was i made a vortex and you absourb the chi around you and from what you point it at so i prity much drand some one of most of there chi and they fell asleep on there feet lol
No offence but you all misunderstud me. By chrono I mean that you speed your MIND so that TIME SEEMS to slow down, in no way AT ALL are you affecting Time itself. Its like Einteins theory where if you go fast enough time will SEEM to slow around you, exept instead of you moving at high speeds, its YOUR MIND that will be traveling or THINKING at a Higher speed. Note:By speeding your mind so that time SEEMS SLOWER would NOT make you any faster, But it would make you more agile and balance in your movements. |
we know this. or well i do at leastand it wouldnt affect your agility that much and it has nothing to do with balance. it would just make you reaction time alot faster.
LOL! Your right tex, but telekinetic powers HAVE been proven,Search on Google am sure you'll find a legit study on tk, but the reason it's not out in the world is probably because It hasn't been fully studied to the point where scientist can actually say how it works EXACTLY. But then again why don't you atleats try and find out before yourself instead of blindly pointing your fingers and yelling in disbelief. If theres any body coming from MY point of view this is what i got to say to em ride on! LOL |
19-Aug-2006, Sora |
Why can't we prove Jesus is real? Why can't we prove that souls exist? Why can't we prove that we are remnants of stars in the Big Bang? Before you go ranting about telekinesis is false, perhaps you should do a bit of research. Search up Nina Kulagina. She has proven that telekinesis exsists through many trials and tests. She never proved to be a con artist, nor did she ever fail in the experiments. Be a bit more open minded. Oh and one more thing. "Give you a break?" If you're going to be negative, you might as well not post. |
sorry sora but there are things that point that the big bang did really happen. and i think you meant to say god in place of jesus. jesus was an actual person i not a christian or anything but he did exsist
21-Aug-2006, Sora |
Yes, I do believe Jesus existed. I meant to say God in the first sentence. Hold it Terran. Yes, there are things that point to the Big Bang, however, if the theory of a massive star imploding and creating life such as us, then don't you think that when other stars finally turn into a red giant and create a supernova; life would have a decent chance of being created there as well? There are things that prove that the Big Bang MIGHT have occured... But we aren't able to PROVE it. Using evolution as an example... We may be the elder brethren of our "primate" counterparts due to the fact that we share many genes with them. But we cannot prove it. Now to deal with Jesus... He was either a telekinetic or the incarnation of God himself. I personally believe what the bible says. Jesus exists as either a prophet with telekinetic abilities, or the incarnation of God holding seemingly infinite power. The Big Bang has a flaw as does God. How did everything come to be? |
yea you got a point.
Yeah, was there ever a point where NOTHING existed? If thats so then how would something be formed from Nothing? My theory is that anything that has an end has a begining (and vice versa) and if it has a begining then there is a point where it hasnt yet begun, a point where it doesnt exist before it did exist. Anything with a begining has an end So I believe God (or the Big Bang for the non-belivers) had no Begining and thus has no end. This might explain why when we die, we dont cease to exist, we have NO end,Just try to imagine, a point were you dont exist,its IMPOSSIBLE, there is no such thing as Nothing. LOL Hope I didn't confuse you |
were off this topic lets try not to stray from what this fourm is about.
LOL, Right
i have seemed to have missed somthing. whats so funny adam?
Does anyone here have any experience with ESP. Strange things have been happening to me all summer but without me having any control over it. I would start thinking about something and after a few moments it would happen right in front of me. I also knew what people were going to say and I finished their sentences.
Zolos i might be wrong but ESP is like guessing(on a more psikic level ofcource) So I think either your causing these events to happen or your looking into the future through thoughts. And Terran Whats funny was that i knew that someone was going to say that we were getting off topic before i wrote my theory above, thats all... |
27-Aug-2006, Sora |
Correct, Adam. ESP refers to the "Sixth Sense," or such. For an Example: "You have this nagging feeling in your head that something bad is about to happen, and later that day, something terrible happens that links to you." "You sense that a person is lying to you." "You can feel the positive or negative influence that a person has, allowing you to sense if he is gentle or hostile." Those are just a few of many results that ESP can have. Many people have the Sixth Sense, however, only a few have very high levels of ESP. |
up until recently i haven't tried or accomplished telekinesis. However, I love science and the scope of the universe we live in. I was always fascinated with paranormal and the such. Today I meditate almost every night before i sleep. It has done amazing things for my life. So I decided to try telekinesis. I let all my beliefs go for a few hours and put my trust in "it could happen" and let me decided after some effort. I did the PSI-Wheel technique. Its where an evenly folded piece of paper was balanced on a needle. I meditated for 30 minutes and fully relaxed myself. I increased my breathing to get extra oxygen through my system. After 30-50 minutes of practice i was able to rotate the paper. ok, ok i know....was it a breeze? my breath? angled light source? I didn't let these ideas discourage me however I did try at different places sitting down and got the same result, a nice steady rotation. I then placed a clear glass ashtray over the paper still suspended on the needle as it was. This was to isolate any wind or breeze. And sure enough, i was able to rotate it smoothly. I can start it clockwise, keep it going as long as i please. Stop the rotation when i please and can rotate it counter clockwise as well. So by controlling its rotation direction, start-stop times, and to some degree its speed of rotation, I have to say I am completely convinced. I understand the "modern" laws of physics, and have an IQ of 154-157. I am amazed yet it doesnt suprise telekinesis is real. I am also aware most people will dismay, ignore or try thier best to disprove these claims. Completely expected and anticipated though it is non of my concern. Today was a fantastic day. I have many more experiments to do regarding telekinesis/pyschokinesis. I was so pleased I had to atleast respond to one of the sites I seen while gathering more information. my advice is this...... 1. Nobody tells you what to believe, so for a few moments a day give it up and find a little trust in your fellow human. Only a few moments a day quietly to yourself. 2. It is true meditation really helps so atleast rest on your bed or couch for a few and let all stress go. 3. Deep steady breathing 4. Encourage the sensations of energy in your forehead and hands eventually through out your upper body and head. This doesn't have to be to noticable rather it's a simple recognition which opens the natural channels or energy fields we use. 5. While attempting telekinesis not only should you try different hand postures and positions, try different mental actions/thoughts until you find the method that fits you that works. hope that helped. Goodluck |
30-Aug-2006, terran |
hey sora you saw my last psot on uyta didnt you? did i say anything obscene or rude?
31-Aug-2006, terran |
What am I doing when I pass by street lights and they turn on or off without me intending to do anything? There was one time I did it willingly; I stared at a streetlight for a few seconds and it turned on.
11-Sep-2006, Vol |
Hey,does anyone here knows how to bust clouds with your mind,because this is the only thing about TK i can do,100% success every time i try,its pretty easy for me,i learned how to do it the first time i tried,try it yourself, its fun.Now im trying to do things like moving a psi wheel,which i havent had success with for now.
Vol what do you mean by "Bust" clouds, are you saying you can push them or make them disapear. And, Mathematicaly moving a cloud should be esier than moving a psi wheel because the psi wheel has more friction. A LONG time ago My dad once old my sister he could move clouds, supposedly she said that he indeed moved the cloud. I wanted to do the same but I never got around to doing it, maybe I'll try it soon... |
11-Sep-2006, Vol |
I can dissipate clouds,make them vanish.though i havent tried actually moving them,ill try that,i was amazed when i did this the first time,i couldn belive it.But you cant dissipate all kind of clouds(or you need some serious concentration/mind power)the easiest are those puffy clouds,not the thick hard edged ones,and also no wind must be blowing,so you can actually see and belive that you made them dissapear. Depending on the size of the cloud i can dissipate them in 1-3 minutes,just looking at them and visualizing them dissipating. |
how about this for a theory. Maybe both psychic and ki exist as one in the same just applied in a different way. HI prana, China QI/CHI, Japan KI, Euro and the US psychic. That is to say if it even exist at all.
Ive read through and theres a varied bunch in here! i am a believer i have just taken this seriously like a couple of days ago, i remember years ago back in high school a kid told me 'my friend can lift objects using his mind and no hands' i thought no this cant be right comeon no hands, what a fool i was im starting to believe i have just done some meditating and just hovering my hands over a pen just experimenting seeing what i can do, hey i wasnt expecting results i am a firm believer though, the people who say you see the pen move a, mm thats your eye most probably when you focus on something and you do it to hard it can be seen to be moving its not its just your eye refocusing and its tricking you into thinking that the object is moving, ive looked at pictures before and because i have focused so much they seem to be smiling and moving but forgot that ive read lots of reviews and theorys i have watched yuri gellar in action he is pretty impressive i do believe him although he has a big group doublting his abilitys, now im hoping i will get a result i believe i will get a result the same way as acupuncture works i watched this program and they made a women stop smoking by making her feel sick everytime she had a smoke now i am a believer in that and im a believer in ki and chi although i prefer ki to chi i find ki more stable and concrete anyway i am a believer i am not a skeptic for anything i give everything a fair chance just open your mind be one with your body all the skeptics give it a go, you have nothing to lose except your stupid pride swallow it and give it ago i am giving it ago now and i will do it daily see what results i get and ill try it in different moods ill try it in stress anger frustration happy ok different moods, its a hard concept to grast how your mind could elevate items, i have seen rubbish video's and such, why dont people be real and put proper experiment video's up instead of these fakes, anyway i must carry on with my research i do hope it pays off. with love believer (ben) |
27-Sep-2006, Vol |
As Will said,no matter how much you are all told you will never believe it until you do it yourself.I have been practicing for a very short time before i discovered i can dissipate clouds,and read all the articles on the internet and i believed TK is real,at least 99% of me believed,but there was always this 1% which thought TK isnt real,and when i was failing at psi wheel(which i still cant even slightly move it)i would always ask myself what am i doing,telling myself that Tk doesnt exist...But when i really influenced the clouds for the first time and succed in dissipating clouds i started to belive in TK 100%.Until you do TK yourself you will probably always have that 1% of you questioning is TK real. TK is real!I have experienced it, and many other people also,and i dont know why we are given this "power".Its pretty obvious why we have have eyes,or hands,but I we will probably never get the answer what TK was meant to use for. |
After trying for six weeks I have accomplished may goal: have the power to move objects and certain forms of energy with my mind. Every time my brother annoys me I just use my powers to slam the door in his face (but not harm him) I think those people say that TK isn't real, you are the ones who are messed up. Open your mind and stop livin' in reality!
04-Oct-2006, Michael |
Can anyone please teach me TK... I have been wanting to do it for a while now. I am a 100% dedicated. Email me please at: [email protected] Thanks |
05-Oct-2006, Vol |
Micheal,meditate and practice as much as you can.And try to influence clouds,and i dont know why no one writes about Cloudbusting TK,for some people like me(although i havent seen many others capable of doing that)it's very easy,but i cant do anything else with TK(for now). If you cant easily meditate use Brainwave generator,its perfect for beginners who have hard time putting themself in the meditative state.After a few weeks of meditation with brainwave generator you should be able to easily meditate without listening to the BW presets. |
Right Vol, but I must disagree on using the Brain wave generator.learning to control your thoughts through meditation is the better way to go.After continues meditation, you'll be able to enter the Focused Stage in you mind simply by wanting to rather than mediating for minutes or hours. Michael, I could teach TK, but all I would be doing is telling you the samething any one else would, meditate and practice. |
do you believe in pyrokinesis.................... search google's video program and click onthe video that says"this flame is going nuts". |
also check out TK vids......i hate you.i love you!
11-Oct-2006, Terran |
i hate yu i love you. hell i hate you for saying that phrase.
02-Nov-2006, Ben |
Do not twist what Jesus' miracles were into something metaphysical, he was the son of God, you can't physically describe that... or somehow connect his great acts to TK, it makes you seem that you can have Jesus' "powers". NO YOU CAN'T, SORRY! you arent the Son of God
02-Nov-2006, Ben |
I believe TK is somehow satanic but i can't prove it, when I study it... it just does'nt seem right, I have too much skeptisism, relieve me of this disbelief, I am a very smart person... my IQ is 156 it seems the stucture of TK is missing 1. unknown origin 2. overwhelming knowledge 3. defiace of every man made scientific law that leads me to believe there is something more than just a mental plane, I believe somehow you are connecting through the spiritual barrier |
Oh, come on. In some ways we are all "children of God". Besides, how do you know that we can't connect Jesus with something metaphysical? Because the Bible says so? Well, that's one source. There are others.
03-Nov-2006, Ben |
what is your other ancient source? in the bible there is the belief of the trinity, The father, the son (jesus) and the Holy Ghost. We are metaphorically children of God, yes, because he created us but we are not God's in human form.
in short Earnest told you to shut up Ben. saying that telekinesis is somehow satanic you are way off.
03-Nov-2006, random person |
ok i am trying hard but i cant do TK what do i do?
Ben, not to say what your saying is wrong, but look at it this way. Our bible all of in itself has been altered and lets say edited in several ways. All of which,I'm not going to discuss. No, this is not coming from the DeVince Code(sorry if it's misspelled),because it's an act of spekulitive fiction. It's come bible scholars (biblical scientist)whom know Hebrew and have studied what's left of the dead sea scrolls. My point is that even if there is a slight chance psychic ability exist it would take more than what current science can or are willing to prove to the general public. Just like our bible. I have a somewhat strong faith as well and I don't think trying to probe deeper into our potential is satanic by any means. I know that your intelligent, but you should try to keep an open mind. ( That doesn't have to mean losing you faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior) God bless.
Ben, I too have a very strong faith but remember, Jesus wasn't the only that walked on water, though we are nothing compared to Jesus we are still Children of our Father. Am not going to lie to you,I've also heard of Satanics doing things very similar to TK, but they're SATANICS, with or without TK they'll still sin, and do other crimes,Look at it this way If you had a sword, you could use it to defend the weak OR you could use it to kill, we shouldn't be judged by how we look, practice or believe but by our Actions. |
06-Nov-2006, Ben |
I figured that this knowledge could be used either way (for evil or for good) but how can you say the discovery of this knowledge wasn't evil all in of itself, and was discovered for evil purposes, I'm not trying to sound like a disbeliever at all but... my sense was (and society) all this time TK is connected to sorcery where is says directly in the bible that sorcery is detestable. Deuteronomy 18:9-13 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Detestable Practices 9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God. |
06-Nov-2006, Ben |
Oh yeah and terran I could care less what earnest said, he is nothing more than a person like you and I
Ben Tk isn't sorcery,a spell or any of the other things you listed. Look, just try being a little open minded, Don't be similar to the Church back when the world was flat, the Sun moved around the earth and women had no rights.I have nothing against the Church now but a couple of years ago they murdered anyone who questioned how the world worked, why because they didn't know any better(Even though they preached murder was a Sin) and didn't even consider the possibilities or questions that were being asked. You seem like a strong beliver, thats Good but I think a Good Beliver should be a little open minded,but not gulible. |
Actually doing telekinesis is pretty interesting but it needs greater effort to have resutlts.
Actually doing telekinesis is pretty interesting but it needs greater effort to have resutlts.
well i can move pens ash tray its workss ive just started b4 3 weeks back now its working i swear i can move things and m achieving telekinesis very fast..wuff if any one wana know how to concentrate join me its not all abt concentratiing on an object ...its all about mind power and ur will.
Hey guys whats up Ijust wnted you all to know that im a firm beliver in mind over matter its just possible.But about umbrakinesis I dont think its possible and thats realy hard to say for me because it would be a kick ass abllity.I also am unsure though because photokinesis is real Because of photons but wouldnt umbrak be possible then because you could block out the light just a thought.
wtf?..like someone els said u should research it URSELF not based on the experience of others. I was skeptic and it has worked for me.If u think telekenetics are for druggies, and maniacs keep it to urself.
Hey, guys I'm conducting some research. Do any of you know of any cases where anyone has died of telekinesis? Or, similarly, anyone who has telekinetically created a poltergeist that has damaged or killed something? Telekinesis is one the main theories of poltergeists. you can e-mail me. thanks. |
Well, I do believe in TK, that's why I got in this page.(",) I've been having dreams like flying, moving objects, and being invisible when chase by scary beings. My first dream of moving an object (a paper) was when I was 12 yrs. old. And my latest dram was last week air floating and moving things by "wind power." Does anybody know what was the possible connection here? Is there a possibility that I've done TK in one of my past lives?
Very nice site!
26-Apr-2007, Self-expirence |
I have used telekinesis myself. I don't expect anyone to belive me of course but...... you are entitled to your opion. As of mine...... saying telekinesis does not exist is like saying you are not reading this now. I believe and if you don't..................... oh well.
What happens if you already have these powers will they get only easyer to use or will they get stronger
11-Jul-2008, Luka |
If you want to find out about Telekenisis and to learn similar things head to www.psipog.net.
29-Sep-2008, mgfkif |
there are too many comments here
hello. i personally believe telekinesis exists1 how else do master arts people blow out candles without even moving. NOT DEMONS!!!! science. so all you people who are baggering these poor gifted people, just leave them alone. i myself have conqured a type of moving... making objects shake and repel.(somewhat) it doesn't work most of the time because i'm too distacted. the only way telli works is if you beleive and have good intentions in mind. not to hurt,impress,or charm anyone, or for some cheap glory. KEEP TRYING!!!!!!
Hello! bgkdebe interesting bgkdebe site!
Touchdown! That's a really cool way of putitng it!
To those who don't believe in PK here is some research: I worked on telekenesis as part of an altered consciousness PhD (a guy who now teaches at a university, it was his PhD)in the Anomalistic Psychology (parapsychology with a scientific scepticism) at Goldsmiths. After 2 months meditation etc etc I was asked to effect the results of dice dropped through a maze. I thought this was impossible for PK because of gravity. Instead I scored 90% on determining the outcome. The other experiments were all successful but Prof Chris French still thought there was a rational explanation- but he didn't have one |
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