The Enigma

well its kinda hard for me to describe it cause when i use it i can feel my fontal lobes and my heart charaka buzz as well but if i remember correctly the "tones" are certian planets but i cannot remember. let me know what y'all think


Submitted: 15-Apr-2002 by
Download preset: Enigma.bwg


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User comments

wow! that was effective... started doing something in seconds!
Immediate effects. My chest feels cold.
05-Aug-2003, ~~~~~~
when i first tried this preset it suddenly made me cry wtf?
I had an uncontrollable urge to giggle within about 5 seconds, and lasted for about 2 minutes. after that things got more stable and then i felt serious. ( stoped gigling ) I just sat here thinking how it made me feel. About a total of 7 mins I thought i was comming on with a headache so i stoped.AND IT TOOK ME 10 MINS TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SPELL maybe ill try it again latter
p.s. it was kinda like a drugging effect is how i felt.
14-Nov-2003, Impact effect
It froze my heart. It's very powerful
30-Nov-2003, Max Godwin
Wow- I listened to the beat and my eyes started twitching and going crazy and it felt like electric eels were swimming through my body. Just fantastic.
08-Jan-2004, kp
feels tingly on the chest and makes ur heart jump to your throat kinda... i gulped. hard.
11-Mar-2004, Sean
Jesus christ...

That one hit me hard!
07-Jun-2004, Eagleon
Dun like this. Made me burp, and my heart feel funny. That second part could be dangerous, but I dunno. Interesting in a purely non-useful way. ;)
13-Jul-2004, Justin
wow. mustle vibrations and euphoria. feels like I'm in a movie scene.
wow I just downloaded this preset and in a second it started doing something. I don't know what it was but it felt great. Good job with this preset. can't wait to see more of your work.
04-Oct-2004, Lew
WHY?! am i tho only one who this doesnt do anything for? :'(
i feel a lot of emotion from this one. especially activates solar plexus chakra for me...interesting...
Woah... after 40 sec, my heart charaka buzzed and i had this odd feeling :p wicked!
02-Nov-2005, troy
cool, i felt a kind of rush that started in my solar plexus and goes up through my head.
18-Nov-2005, Geof
dark man ... dark
18-Dec-2005, EHC (OOBE)
WTF, it made me fell strange.
30-Dec-2005, Andrew
Woah im not really sure cause i was hearing this wierd sound sort of like a police siren going a really high pitch and going back down
28-Jan-2006, lmwfy
i had my first smell-hallucination with this preset!
09-Mar-2006, Sil3nt
I didnt experience anything :(
I didn't either - but it seems like none of these are working for me.. And Im pretty sure my sound card is setup perfectly
Nothing :( I hope im not immune to this whole brainwave thing :(
Gave me a "drugged" feeling.. also felt a bit numb
29-May-2006, Silk
Very intense, i have to say that instead of enigma you should rename it extacy, it simulates a feeling very close to the drug. Hits you in waves and excites the nervous system in a wierd way, could literally feel the air(not in an extreme way but more noticeable than usually) and as i moved felt a very faint tingle chasing through my body , gave a bit of goosebumps but good ones..again very impressive.
hujowa jak barszcz
Wow man, that hit me hard at first, I felt this rush in my chest as if i had taken morphine, those who ever took it know what I mean. Dunno bout after the minute though. Nothing weird happened, im doing it on my speakers though, cause i aint got headphones, is it still supposed to work?
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Can someone explain what and how to effectively use these presets, they seem to not cause any effect on me. I am completely open minded and would love to know what I might have to do to make it work.
17-Sep-2007, Shoe
In the beginning (I'm new to this too) I found it best to just use the built-in presets and try a couple. The one I liked the best was the Quick refresher number 2 (end focused). Just lay back in a chair with your eyes closed and listen to the sounds. Then get up and go about daily life, and see if you notice a difference in like 20 minutes or so. As you do them more often, the results will come faster.
Very nice site!
Very nice site!
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