
According to " Academic Performance Enhancement with Photic Stimulation and EDR Feedback" this sort of stimulation should increase IQ, learning, etc.

Submitted: 11-Apr-2002 by
Download preset: 1422.bwg


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Prove that this preset boost your IQ. IQ in what type of intelligency?
What is intelligency? I ain't that smart.
11-May-2002, Mox
if you want to, i may give you a study to prove that. Well, i think i felt some difference one i used it for a month. (well not too much opportunity, im in army, you know...) but mail [email protected] and ask for a study!)
22-May-2002, Velocity
I know for a fact that 14 hz is a very special setting. It does increase some sort of perception. For good or for bad I don't know. All I know is that when listening to a special preset that I created for a long period of time (that included a 14hz tone) I tended to have major a quick changes happen in my life. Weird.
Yeah, a cycling between 14 and 22 does have a nice kick to it - I found it useful when I was typing on the job - I had jury-rigged a script to go between 14 and 22, shifting back and forth every so often. Unfortunately, it got deleted accidentally before I had a chance to post it to the presets page. =(
Is the duration supposed to be for two minutes?
19-Sep-2002, moX
No! it is sopposed to be 15??(don't ask me, it was in the study like that) minutes! lengyh must be 2 minutes but repeat it at least 8 times!
The study doesn't seem that significant though. Just because you try to have the same brainwave frequencies as more intelligent people does not necessarily mean that you become like them.. and your I.Q. might fall for a while because it's making 14-22 your "state bound" frequencies for your blah blah blah intelligence. Don't you think someone with innate genius can screw himself up with this? Oh well.
Your IQ goes up and down all the time anyway. If you're that worried then boost it to 345763865hz so you can be super genius agnry man :P
What are the voices and wispering voices on the background ????
16-Jan-2003, AJ
Thanks Mox, I find this preset one of the best in this category. I edited the preset myself, take away the noise (thought it might be more effective without it) and raised the volume (voice1 100%, voice2 75%, maintaining the original ratio of voice1 to voice2).

Is it necessary to actually use two voices of the same frequency?
Yes, thank you (all of you) who take the time to work on these and risk (as one girl put it) "All kinds of horrors". Which means skeptics and critics which make one feel one has wasted a good deal of life and time.

At any rate, and regardless, and I hate to be an "Odd Rod" as I feel I should mention that -- this preset "is the one" for me to use during self-hypnotic and certain visualization sessions. I have it on . . . EXTREMELY Good Authority that this preset is very important to mental stablity and spiritual development (with proper and reasonable use as with all things of inspiration).

More details when I finish working with it. The only other preset that I was "told" to use by this "Authority" is the Schumann Resonance (NOT built in, the dowloadable one) which DID work very well. Apparently this one is to work, and although better. Let me try it and see.

Then despite that I do not have the slightest clue as to how the "natual" research and creation of this preset came to be (but in the future hope to know), I definitely thank the creator; and again.

Salem Burke, Arkus Deviunt
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