
The third is SMR beta (Sensorimotor Rhythm), ranging from thirteen to fifteen hertz. While in this state, focus is also on external surroundings, but the individual is more relaxed than in mid beta. Within SMR is fourteen hertz, which is gaining attention from researchers and clinicians utilizing
EEG/neurofeedback instrumentation. The true benefit of creating fourteen hertz in humans has yet to be determined, but a recent study at the University of California at Los Angeles found that felines can produce fourteen hertz at will, while humans cannot.

Submitted: 29-Nov-2000 by
Download preset: feline.bwg
Download background: 14wave.wav


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One thing I've heard associated with 14 HZ is that smarter people tend to have their brainwaves in that range while awake, while people with average IQs are down somewhere between 10-12 or so.
I don't recall exactly the frequency range mentioned, but I read in an issue of Scientific American magazine that research was showing that the purring of cats can have a restorative effect on bones.
27-Feb-2003, (unknown)
what does it do?
Yeah, good question. Will we start to purr or so?
Made my sleeping cat jump out of his skin! :)
Hmm. I already purr...never met anyone else who ndoes, though.

Cats make more sense than humans anyhow.

--listening to preset now--

Wow. This is very good. Only a minute into the preset and I am alreay feeling that vibrating effect I get in really good trance states, where my body is tuning itself along with my mind...

Still not sure of the effects.

--three minutes in; all the chakras are aligned--

My conclusion for this preset is that it has an incredibly healing effect.

'course, I am different enough from the norm thati can produce the constant rumble of a cat purr...heh...and they make more sense to me anyhow.

Anyone else notice a healing effect?
Austictrippyfeyboy: I notice a "balancing" effect in my body... This was a sweeet preset
You should really try the extacy-copy file! That rules!
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