BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  iniks dr.feelgood7%&Abgfeeling.waves\bwgenerator\bgfeeling.wav"(This preset is 15 minutes long and will continue to play at final settings after 15 minutes. I designed it to be full of positive frequencies yet not be over the top. Lots of alpha goodness. All voices are sin wave for smoothness and ease of listening. Also lots of modulation and exponential ramping to keep the imagination happy. VOICE1 - 90hz >105hz [90hz good feelings;security,wellbeing >105hz overall view of complete stuation] VOICE2 - 105hz constant [overall view of complete situation] VOICE3 - 10.5hz constant [Frequency for healing of the body; mind/body connection] VOICE4 - 7hz >13hz [non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness] email me your experiences with this preset.5,d*' ' '' d' ' '' $ X% ' X ' $j!' ' '' %d.  ' d  ' $ d@ @ @' d@ @ @' $ d' ' ''  d' ' '' $jP >  ' P >  '$.h (# (# (#' N,_d,_,_ ,_p,_'d,_,_ ,_p,_'%d/' ' '' d' ' '' %d/' ' '' d' ' ''  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  ' $ d  ' d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.h  ' 1h  ' $,_X ('$P Nqq' % Nqq' $ d+  ' 'd  ' $ d  ' )d  ' $5  ' +  ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP(R  x '/P(R  x '$.h  ' 2( (' 2P Nt'3 Nt'2 d  \' 5d  \' 2 d  ' 7d  ' 25  ' 9  ' 2 d' ' '' ;d' ' '' 2jPj j' =Pj j' 2.h (# (# (#' @) )' @P N 'A N '@ d+  ' Cd  ' @ d  ' Ed  ' @5  ' G  ' @ d  ' Id  ' @jP" /' KP" /' @.h (# (# (#' NX& .p2'NP N^ )' O N^ )' N d 'Qd 'N d  ' Sd  ' N5  ' U  ' N d  ' Wd  ' NjP" " "' YP" " "' N.h (# (# (#'